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Posts posted by Vus

  1. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/79bf07dbbacb7f9e6d13476c56d45847.gif)

    Still work in progress!


    >! Chapter 1: Blue Spark
    >! >! Long time ago, when people knew only about their villages and thought planet was flat, young adventurer named Thirax found a crater. That wouldn't be so special, but special was, what thirax found within the crater. He found Blue levitating spark. When he approached it, lighting struck him with enourmous power, and threw him unconscious. When he woke up, he found the spark to be smaller. Because he was young, unexperienced and scared, he ran back to his village as fast as he could. But to his luck, wild tiger appeared. Thirax was stunned in fear. With two quick jumps, tiger knocked him down and was preparing for final blow. When the tiger jumped, thirax was trying to protect himself with his own hands, closed his eyes and hoped for quick death. Then he heard a strong noise, as if lighting would hit the ground right next to him. He waited for a while and then opened his eyes. He saw tiger dead and burn and nobody else around. Scared even more, he fled back to his village. After two days of thinking, he figured out, that he must have killed the tiger somehow. He tried to trigger this effect once more, after two hours of trying, he managed to learn this, but decided to keep it in secret. He also decided to train some more.
    >! After 5 months, he was able to summon various effects, yet, his neighbours saw him. This news spread quickly trough the town, and town council decided that he is potential danger and the need to get rid of him. When guards came for thirax, he had no idea whats going on. When they arrived to square, he realized that he is in trouble. There was whole village and executioner in the middle of square. He tried to convince people, that he doesnt have any evil intentions, but they didnt listen. They feared him. When executioner was ready to smash his head off, he realized, that without his new abilities, he will di for sure. So he concentrated with all his power, and when he opened eyes, he only saw people around him standing without moving. He qucikly let himself free and saw, that no one else is moving. He fled into his home and dcided what to do next. After a while, he saw people coming back to their homes. His neighbours approached him asking, if he remembers anything. Thirax had no idea whats going on and then he realized, that he must have paralyzed everyone and delete their memories. As he found out later, he didnt delete all their memories, but only memories from last few days. After realizing he is safe, he decided to show his power to people, but in the way they would like him.
    >! One day, he saw everyone at the square and went there to see what is going on. One of the local hunters was badly injured, so he quickly realized that this is his chance. He approached hunter and healed him. People around were amazed and scared at the same time. Then he went back home and was waiting what would happen. Next day when he woke up, entire village was infront of his house. He told them that he doesnt want to hurt them and that he can use his powers to heal people. News spread quickly and after a few months, everyone from near villages knew him. He became local healer, mentor and hero.
    >! Chapter 2: Desire of power
    >! After few years, thirax realized that he could have more. That he could have entire kingdom. Slowly, he was turning more and more ambitious and after few months, he wanted nothing else than rule the whole world. His wife, Eira knew it, but she was trying to convince him to stay peaceful. It did not help. He was convincing people to join him. Because he was considered a hero, he found a lot of allies. What came next expected nobody. He attacked every single village and town nearby. Most of them fell quickly, but few remained. After remaining towns allied againts him and because of his tyrany their army grew quickly, he realized he needs more people with similiar, yet smaller powers. He knew that blue spark cant give him more of this power, he tried it nights and nights, but he did not know, if it can give similiar powers to someone else. He selected 10 bravest soldiers and let them to crater. Then every single of them gained power, but there were too many of them, so the blue spark dissapeared. He quickly led his army from one vicotry to another because of his powerful ten soldiers, so allied towns decided, that they need to use dirty tactics, they created a plan.
    >! When thirax woke up next day, message got to him, that one of his 10 soldiers was found dead. He got so angry, that he killed the messenger right in the spot. He couldnt find out who killed his soldier and and he was really mad because of it. Next day they found another one dead. This continued until only two of his soldiers were alive. He called them back to his keep and waited. Before they arrived, he got a message that his previous soldiers were poisoned. He realized what was going on and smiled. He knew that he has done well calling his "loyal" soldiers back to him. Next day, he called them and asked them: "Why did you kill your fellow brothers?". Both soldiers were suprised, they had no idea that they were killed. At least it looked like it. They did not say anything, until younger of them opened his mouth and said: "Maybe…". He couldnt say whole sentence, because thirax killed him before he could. Then he sent the other soldier, Rixar, back to the front lines. Rixar was scared, he thought that if he killed his fellow soldier, he could kill him any time. He then decided, that thirax cant be leader anymore, because he became arrogant and paranoid.
    >! After few days of preparing, he came back to his keep. Thirax only screamed why is he here and not fighting. Rixar only came closer to him and without a word, he summoned a blade. Rixar practiced this so well, that it was faster than thirax realized what was going on. Then he only saw blood and darkness all around him. Thirax was slained by new king Rixar. The news spread qucikly, but there was one thing rixar didnt count with. Thirax was known hero, but rixar was no one. Lot of soldiers followed Thirax because they thought that is leading them the right direction, but when he was slain by some "unknown" soldier, they rather joined alliance forces or left army entirely than fight for rixar. This was a fatal mistake, but rixar realized it too late. Alliance forces breached his keep and killed all his soldiers. Rather that dying in alliance hands, he killed himself. His body was not found.
    >! Chaper 3: The new beggining
    >! Because of this known story, mages are distrusted in the world of anixia. After a few years, the alliance got separated and stands againts each other, because only thing thos all kingdoms and races had common, was goal of defeating Thirax. World is in danger, as nobody trusts nobody, no king trusts no kings. Few smaller blue sparks appeared around the world and gave the power to new people, but their power isnt that strong and nobody trusts them because of the story of Thirax and others. With the kingdoms divided, lot of new threaths appeared and it is up to YOU to save the world of anixia.


    >! Done
    >! Working on
    >! Still to be done
    >! Guilds
    >! Guild cities.
    >! Player housing
    >! Ship System
    >! Combo system + Better combat system
    >! Skill trees
    >! More custom graphics
    >! More stuff (Items, maps…)
    >! Balancing
    >! Scripted spells
    >! World events
    >! Quest System
    >! Better crafting
    >! Story and story events
    >! Cutscenes
    >! Mail system
    >! Diagonal movement
    >! More may appear here.


    >! Berserk (Something like warrior)
    >! War Mage (Summons war equipment like catapults etc.)
    >! Geomancer (Earth Mage)
    >! Blade Musician (Plays the music instrument to control blades)
    >! Bell Ringer (Rings the bell to unleash powerful wind attacks)
    >! I will probably add more, but I dont want there to be 1123156165 classes. 8 is max.


    >! **Because of the remaking, new ones will be added.**
    >! Old updater:
    >! ![](http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/7351/updaterh.png)


    >! Leader: Me
    >! Graphics: Me
    >! Coding: davemax/gelub666
    >! If you would like to join the team and help in any way, send me a message. Also with examples of your work if possible.

    Thanks to:

    >! LegendWeaver - Game Logo
    >! Robin - Eclipse Origins
  2. Czech:


    Conn=Připojování k serveru...
    Opt=Načítání nastavení...
    Menu=Načítání menu...
    GUI=Načítání rozhraní...
    InitTCP=Incializace TPC nastavení...
    DX=Incializace DirectX...
    Btn=Načítání tlačítek...
    Char=Připojeno, zasílání dat postav...
    NewAcc=Připojeno, zasílání dat o novém účtu...
    Login=Připojeno, zasílání dat o přihlášení...
    GameData=Obdržování dat...
    Dest=Ničení herních dat...

    Save=Zapamatovat heslo?

    User=Uživatelské Jméno:
    ReTy=Heslo znovu:

    CSpr=[Změnit Podobu]


    Vítejte do Eclipse Origins! Pro začátek hry si vytvořte nový ůčet pomocí tlačítka 'Registrovat' níže, Vytvořte si postavu a vrhněte se do fantastického online světa!

  3. Hi! I wanna ask if some1 can make Anixia Online logo for me please, i am not good at graphics :)
    It is fantasy medivial MORPG (i dont think it will be massive :D )
    I am using RPG Maker Xp tilesets for now.

    here is example of some logos that i like and i want it to be similiar:

    >! ![](http://www.mmocrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Allods_Logo.png)
    and i like this one a lot :) :
    it dont have to be like that, just something what is usable :D, i will put you in credits :)
  4. Dont have paperdolls i think but i found these somewhere on my computer ( i didnt make them )






  5. @Rainbow:

    > **1.** Then change it.
    > **2.** Then make it so they can stack.
    > **3.** Yes you do.
    > **4.** Then go follow the tutorial which lets them drop many different items.
    > **5.** Then don't delete it.

    can u please send me link on tutorial number 4??
  6. First i want to say that EO is best from all eclipse versions and i like it (i like EE 2.7 as well) and i am using EO only small time but i dont like some things on it:

    1\. You can have only one character on one account
    2\. Items cant be stackable (maybe they can but i didnt find out)
    3\. You dont see enemy's health
    4\. Enemies cant drop more than one item (maybe they can but i didnt find out)
    5\. When editing NPC's if you try to delete 0 game will fall with eror mismatch

    If you know how to do numbers 2 and 4 please answer :)

    P.S. sorry if my english is bad, i am not from any english speaking land. :)
  7. Hi! This is my first tutorial so please dont comment bad :)
    I use in this tutorial Eclipse Evolution 2.7 (but Eclipse Stable is very similiar)

    First install eclipse and then library files

    Then install hamachi (if you dont have it) and create your own server

    Then open your Server Folder

    Then start server.exe

    Then start Client.exe

    Then click IPConfig

    Then in server ip write your hamachi ip.

    Port leave 4000

    Then server should be online.

    Then Create new account

    Then Log in your new account

    Then select character and click use character or click create new character and create new character.

    Then you should be in game (i have already some grass and npcs on my map, you will have only black ground)

    Then in your server click players

    Then click your account in players and click give acces

    Then give yourself acces 5

    Then you should have yellow name


    if you have already done these steps before this line over this text you can do this:

    Pack your CLIENT folder (you dont have to send them server folder)

    Send to that person library files installer and packed client folder

    Then that person have to unzip client and install library files and then that person have connect your hamachi site and in IPConfig in menu write to the first line your hamachi IP and in second line he dont have to do anything.

    Then server for him should be online (if both of you are on hamachi and server is on)

    Then he can create account, character and start playing! :)

    P.S. please tell me how to add images.
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