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Posts posted by lcarens

  1. > If you mean don't walk for specific events then make an option for each event like "Can Player Move while In Progress?" 
    > Then on client side if the player is in and event and if the event has got movement disabled then don't move. This is some  air code

    The problem with using InEvent is that it doesn't work for most of my events. In most of the cases that I wish for someone to not be able to move, I am using the chatbox to display text instead of the event text box.
  2. Good evening,

    I am looking for a way to prevent the player from moving while an event is in process. I considered adding a check for InEvent to the movement sub, but I would prefer to be able to toggle the movement abilities manually. How would I go about doing so?

    I assume I could add a switch of some type and toggle it with the Custom Script command, but I am not sure where to get started. I would prefer hints towards what I should do rather than a solution, but if someone wishes to code it for me then I won't be complaining.

    Another slightly off topic question is: Can I output a player variable in the Add Text command?

    Thanks in advance,

  3. I just made all the changes, and there seems to be no issue! I'll let you know if I notice anything amiss.

    (Also, while it isn't that important, is there any way to get the shop cost text to use commas and "and"?)

    Edit: Alright, I found an issue. The shop editor seems to carry over the previous price to the next item slot.


    All the prices are correct (display as 10 Gold and cost 10 Gold) in the shops, just not the editor.
  4. > Stupid me back then went the lazy way and wrote the tutorial in a way that assumes there's always two costs. It wouldn't be too difficult to fix though. I apologize.
    > ```
    > frmEditor_Shop.lstTradeItem.AddItem i & ": " & .ItemValue & "x " & Trim$(Item(.Item).Name) & " for " & .CostValue & "x " & Trim$(Item(.CostItem).Name) & " and " & .CostValue2 & "x " & Trim$(Item(.CostItem2).Name)
    > ```
    > This is the line that's causing trouble. All you'd have to do is make a simple check to see how many item costs there are. I might just re-do the tutorial, seeing as I know of a better way to accomplish this entire system. Sit tight!

    Alright, thank you so much!
  5. I'm having an issue where, whenever a user requests the price of an item by left-clicking on it, the chat message displays one of the blank fields as well as the price.

    For example, if I have it set up so that one Bronze Ingot costs 100 Gold, the chat message will say "You can buy this item for 100 Gold and 1"

    It also does this in the shop editor, when it displays the trades.

    However, if I fill all four of the "Price" item slots, then I don't have this issue, which leads me to believe that it's just displaying the next field instead of cutting it off.

    Any clues on how to solve this?

    Edit: All items are unbuyable as well, due to this. (It wants the player to have the None item on them)

    Second Edit: For the time being, I have reverted the changes made by this tutorial. Running debug on the client revealed that the issue was with the .CostItem2 and .CostValue2 (and so forth), but I didn't continue after that.
  6. > I don't believe there is one, not a great deal of people ever used EO3.0 to make a game in I'm afraid. (It was made during a transition, where most people were using DD7 engines still)

    I was referring more so to a guide on how to use DX8 to create a surface and render them. If I can get it working, I'll put a guide up on how to do so.
  7. > The downside of 3.0, it was kept to be.. relatively simple to edit, but brings this kind of flaws. Several file formats, and some things that were just left as-is and never fixed.
    > Basically, you can completely delete the loading portion for the inventory/spell bitmaps and delete those files and replace them with *.PNG files, then load them in as a surface through the D3D8 engine and render them before the icons are rendered. It sounds much more complicated than it is.

    Do you know of where I could find a tutorial to do so? I never messed much with DirectX, only the code for the engine itself.
  8. > The background is loaded on the GDI form objects, it isn't actually rendered by the rendering engine. How you do that is.. well, load in a new surface and render it before rendering the image icons.
    > Can't guarantee how it'll look though, why are you using bitmaps in the first place? If you're going to use Bitmaps, you're better off using older versions such as 2.3 to be honest. (Seeing as the only reason to use DirectX8 is to well.. Step away from the simple transparency color and make use of Alpha Masking to get gradual transparency, not to mention the filesize is waaay smaller)

    I'm using PNG for almost everything outside of the GUI, since I was under the impression that it needed to be in either JPG or BMP since that was how it was when I downloaded a clean copy.

    I would use PNG for everything if I could, but there might be some type of error that I would get if I tried, and I haven't gotten around to trying yet. (I have all of my GUI saved in a lossless format in case I can do that)
  9. > I'm confused now, what version are we talking about? 2.3 doesn't do this because of the way it is handled, the ONLY engine that does this is 3.0 and it's derivatives, which uses *.png for the alpha channels and whatnot.
    > In case it is 3.0(and I'll have to slap you for using bitmaps in that version, real hard) you'll need to render a seperate image behind the items to make it show up, the D3D8 engine overlays the GDI set image of the background.

    Yes, I'm using 3.0, and I'm using bitmaps, so I guess you'll have to slap me. xD

    How would I go about rendering a separate image? And isn't it doing that already, since it is showing the top part of the inventory.bmp?
  10. I just spent all morning trying to fix a glitch where all of the stats would show as 255.

    If anyone else is having that issue, the problem is because of this tutorial.

    In modHandleData, in HandlePlayerData, change:

    Call SetPlayerSex(i, buffer.ReadByte)

    Call SetPlayerSex(i, buffer.ReadLong)

    Sorry for any issues this caused. >_<

    I was actually just about to open a topic to ask for help with this.

    The tutorial has been updated to reflect this.
  11. This allows you to use the same item on multiple genders, since the paperdoll will be dependent on the players gender.

    How it works is that you pick the paperdoll image that you wish to use for the male character, for example, I'll use '3'.

    The system will take that number, and if it's equipped on a male, it will use paperdoll image #3.

    HOWEVER, if it's equipped on a female, it will add +1 to that number, so it will use paperdoll image #4.

    How I'm using this is making all male paperdolls have odd image numbers, and female paperdolls have even image numbers.

    (Heavily based off bits of code written by blkcrow.)

    Client Side Edits:

    At the bottom of ModDatabase, add:


    Function GetPlayerSex(ByVal Index As Long) As Byte

    If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function

    GetPlayerSex = Player(Index).sex

    End Function

    Sub SetPlayerSex(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal sex As Byte)

    If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub

    Player(Index).sex = sex

    End Sub


    In modHandleData, in HandlePlayerData, add

    Call SetPlayerSex(i, buffer.ReadLong)
    right below

    Call SetPlayerClass(i, buffer.ReadLong)

    In modTypes, in PlayerRec, add

    sex As Byte
    right below

    PK As Byte

    In modGraphics, in DrawPlayer, replace:


    ' check for paperdolling

    For i = 1 To UBound(PaperdollOrder)

    If GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i)) > 0 Then

    If Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll > 0 Then

    Call DrawPaperdoll(x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll, anim, spritetop)

    End If

    End If




    ' check for paperdolling

    For i = 1 To UBound(PaperdollOrder)

    If GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i)) > 0 Then

    If Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll > 0 Then

    If GetPlayerSex(Index) = 0 Then

    Call DrawPaperdoll(x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll, anim, spritetop)

    ElseIf GetPlayerSex(Index) = 1 Then

    Call DrawPaperdoll(x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll + 1, anim, spritetop)

    End If

    End If

    End If



    Server Side Edits:

    At the bottom of ModPlayer, add:


    Function GetPlayerSex(ByVal index As Long) As Byte

    If index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function

    GetPlayerSex = Player(index).sex

    End Function


    In modServerTCP, in PlayerData, add:

    Buffer.WriteByte GetPlayerSex(index)
    right below

    buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerClass(index)

    In modTypes, in PlayerRec, add:

    sex As Byte
    right below

    PK As Byte
  12. > Add a male/female folder to the paperdolls thingymajick, and add in the male/female paperdolls with the exact same numbers.. Pick a paperdoll in the editor(after making the nessecary folder adjustments, texture additions and whatnot in the code) and presto ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

    Yeah, that's what I'm doing right now. And I figured I might as well post it as a tutorial in case anyone else wants it.

    I was just hoping that there was already something made.
  13. > I made something like this for a guy name Cristian. Not in tut section in Source section of Question & Ans board.
    > You might what to check it.

    I saw that, but that's not what I'm looking for. You have it set up so that there's a 'Female?' checkbox that (I'm assuming) will lock it to only being equipped by one gender.

    What I'm looking for is that the same item will have two paperdoll sprites, and which one the engine uses is dependent on the gender of the character that has it equipped.
  14. Good evening,

    I already searched for this, and I was unable to find anything that would work with EO.

    What I am trying to do is have the client pull a different paperdoll image based on the gender of the player who equipped the item.

    If they are male, it would use 'client/data files/graphics/paperdolls/male/(item number).bmp'

    If they are female, it would use 'client/data files/graphics/paperdolls/female/(item number).bmp'

    Any suggestions? I found one that changes the paperdoll based off of the player's class, and another that simply disallows the player to equip anything that is designed for another gender, but neither of those are what I'm looking for.

    Thanks in advance,

  15. @Dawntide:

    > Wow! Amazing, can you teach me how to do it? Which program did you use?

    Thanks! Most of the credit goes to you though, since you made the base design. I just changed it a little.
    I should be able to. Do you have Skype?
    I used Paint.Net, which isn't the best program for sprites, but it is what I am used to.
  16. @Captain:

    > Eclipse i open sorce so it's legal.

    Open-Source does not make it public domain. There are licenses that everything can be categorized under, and I believe one of those licenses is 'open-source for educational purposes only'.
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