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Posts posted by Sealbreaker

  1. Yeah, "Eatenbrain"… i also found another new forum for some old eclipsians that gave me that warning on EVERY page :D

    Back to topic: Any updates? I mean, it's been a long time, right? This forum definately needs some new and actively developed engines besides eo4.

  2. The thing that would scare away most people is the fact that it costs 60$…

    Also I am SURE that it can't run on ios or android. No hope there because it uses a pretty outdated language.

    But with enough work you could probably make something pretty cool out of it... Too bad that it is closed source.

  3. I think that "Subscript out of range" means that the variable given to the method is not valid in some sort (Too high probably). I don't know how eclipse manages sounds etc. but you should look out for how the sound playing is indexed and if that index is somehow changed or read in a different way which could cause that error.

    If I knew the engine better I could help more, but I hope that this could give you a clue atleast.

    Good luck,

  4. I don't really get the goal of the game and wished it was on a bigger surface… 9 Hours seems a bit much to me when I look at the mechanics but every person types at a different speed so that may be normal...

    More information would be cool: What language? Which libraries? And if it is a LD entry then what was the theme?

  5. Ja eure Projekte gönn ich mir sicherlich noch (ich bin gespannt :D ), aber es ist seit Ewigkeiten kein neues Projekt von jemandem gekommen was mich wirklich mit irgendeinem feature gelockt hätte… Und ich selbst bin auch erst in den nächsten Wochen wieder an nem Projekt am arbeiten (Browsergame). Da wird man sicher auch so schnell nichts von hören. Naja vielleicht mach ich ja für euch nen Topic auf :P

  6. Enable the player to hold down the space button in order to keep shooting. And Gameplay isn't really fun when all enemies just shoot in straight lines (didn't play really far but I think that is how it stays?). Also when such an amount of enemies is on-screen shooting you can't really dodge… it's more like luck than skill atm and I think that is where you should work on.

    Keep going,

    - Seal
  7. @Diee: Das was du da in dem Screenshot siehst sind keine Partikel-Effekte sondern wahrscheinlich eine Art von Lightmaps bzw. einfach transparente Texturen die einen Licht-Effekt vorgaukeln.

    Partikel-Effekte sind beispielsweise Lagerfeuer oder ähnliches die um natürlicher auszusehen mit Partikeln arbeiten (Welche dann zufällig gespawnt werden können um beispielsweise ein dauerhaftes wiederholen einer gleichen Animation zu verhindern)

    Beispiel für ein (Übertrieben gutes ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) ) 2D Particle System: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8uZUqIEsoI
  8. Why Drachen Eclipse? Isn't Drachen a german word?

    Nice Logo, generic classes etc, practically everything has been said.

    Waiting for new information and I wish you good luck with this project.

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