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Posts posted by azure

  1. Grammar is a good sign of intelligence, <_<.

    I'm usually the person asking noob questions to all the 1337 eclipse-ers, but  at least I try to make some sort of sense.

    Logic + noob = tolerable
    noob+ noob= blocking, lmao-ing, wasted life, and funny threads. Uh, I think I just made the latter sound good… D:
  2. Basically some of us get a weird pic screen flicker when we use transparent forms or colors. (actually from what I read it's kind of common) I read around and saw that HM(Zetta Monkey) had made a response about DoEvents. So I pm'd him and asked for a idiot friendly response, he said "make the Doevents happen less often) So I had no clue how to do that, even after researching the subject. I then asked Godlord how to do the same thing, because he's 1337, and he said take them out all together, which would be insane for me to do since I'm a noob and barely have a grasp on vb as it is. So to explain my issue in more simple words, When I put something transparent on frmMirage I get a flicker on pic screen.

    Ps: I managed to slow the flicker down, and even stop it(but when I did stop it Picscreen went blank)
  3. That's so true, if you let things go for to long or are not active about it there's no telling what monsters you'll make. ^_^ it's like forgetting to do your math homework and trying do it an hour before class, only to realize you don't know what the hell your supposed to be doing. X_x
  4. Unless someone can give me a reliable and easily accomplished answer, I don't think this is achievable. :( HM said to slow down how often they are called(DoEvents) and Godlord to get rid of them all together(tons and tons of source editing) So for now I'm going to declare this impossible; however, I'm going to recreate the situation and run it on a vista v-box and see if it's my computer or not.
  5. Though the sprite frame system is weird I'm generally fond of the Gfx for the game. Though I'm with Anna their map layouts and linking is kinda "bland" to say the least. If they expand on the current areas, or at least add new ones it'll be much better. Oh for you guys who are still playing regularly have they fixed that whole ubber lag when multiple people are continuously using skills on a single map screen. Also what about that horrible memory consumption? Firefox using nearly a gig of memory is nutz.
  6. I'm actually speechless…. Okay I know what to say now(brain had to reboot from the stupidity). You know conversations like this are the exactly reason I contemplate killing myself on a daily basis; not because I'm emo, or depressed, but because I can't handle all the idiocy that's hurled at me on a daily basis. X_x
  7. This is for the delete key, not that it matters. Basically when you click on the delete key it's supposed to check for the variable stored in the ini, and show an image accordingly. Here's what I have so far.

    Case 2
                      If Call GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Badgelevel") = 0 Then
    Call CustomMenuShow(index , "Achievements" , "\GUI\minimenus.jpg" , 1 )
    Call CustomMenuShow(index , "Achievemens" , "\Badges\Bolder badge.bmp" , 1 )
                    End If
          Exit Sub
    I'd use a simple If/Then but I need to be able to add more pictures as the variable gets higher as I go.
  8. So I'm making a scripted item, when you use the item it adds to a variable in an ini in the accounts folder. The problem is at the end. It needs to get the variable to add to it, I think, but it won't seem to work. If someone could help me make this work i'd appreciate it.

    Here's the code

    Case 1
                            Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "badgelevel",GetVar("accounts\GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini","CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index),"badgelevel")+1)
                            Call TakeItem(index,4,0)                     
                            Exit Sub
  9. Spam is a part of forums, there's no way around it. If you are too strict about the rules there will only be Marsh and the mods left in the end. Not to mention, isn't 80% of this thread spam by default?

    I like the notion, but I know better.
  10. So I've been doing items for a few days, and a lot of people think they are good. here are the two I like the best.


  11. "really insane? What i mean is that the Sane could just be controlled little minds, never knowing the truth, when the Insane always know the truth and why."

    Agreed, better to be delightfully insane.
    The matrix: Defy the rules all you wish, just have the super awesome kick ass skills to back it up.

    The introwebz= teh MaTrIx
  12. I'm with Devogen on this all the way. I've heard of ignorant people, but that takes the cake. Over all this thread has been funny, but People let me say(to OP) A)IF ANYONE PAYS FOR ANYTHING THAT IS ON MYSPACE/FACEBOOK THEY ARE RETARDED. B) The eclipse community is tired of seeing scammers/noobs/idots and just plain ignorant people. I've read it all and I think a Certain funny admin should start editing posts and point out some reasons why this is sticky-ed.
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