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Posts posted by azure

  1. Jungle when you're old enough to vote you'll have a say in the matter. In the mean time stop quoting your parents word for word. Also do some research before you go to accuse people of things.
    for example:

    @ All else: For reference about Social Security, how it works, the "Alleged" crisis, and why I actually care about people claiming "immediate" fixes for problems 30 or 40 years from now read this:

  2. @Admiral:

    > _Please_ let this be tongue-in-cheek.

    I don't care for Ron Paul because of his stance on Social Security. However, It was a joke. Obama came in on a media buyout and false promises, like all great Dictators. ;)
  3. @Captain:

    > Yes.

    Well to be truthful it's my basement, but Wabbit was in charge down there. Never leave artists in charge of anything, they just get paint on everything.

    On topic: If don't know the basics of looking to pay people for work, then don't. Common sense is always your best friend.
  4. @Jungle:

    > Why would you waste those arrows when you can just open a gate to the pen and hack it with a sword?

    Because arrows are just as cheap as anything else.
  5. I build a pen small enough for the breeding pair and the baby, then a platform to stand on next to it. So when it's time to kill something I just hop on the platform and pick it off with the bow.
  6. @Jungle:

    > I actually don't agree with the no-drops-unless-you-kill-it for animals. I'm tired of accidentally hitting a pig over a 3-deep "cliff" to have it fall to it's death without meat.
    > I kind of want animal carcasses, but that might make it too graphic for those ten year olds that play… or something like that.

    You're one of the people who thought a pig grinder was the best idea ever though. Besides… Hunting a field of cows only takes about a minute if your computer doesn't suck. As for your cliff problem, carry wheat and lure them to their doom.
  7. @DrNova:

    > I thought farms were useless now, I thought you dotn get drop sunless you kill the mob yourself

    Wolf kills grant xp. "Drop farms" were always stupid. Not to confuse people with what I was saying… "Camp a spawner for xp."
  8. (╯>□<)╯︵ ┻━┻, ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ), (╯>□<)╯︵ ┻━┻
  9. @Jungle:

    > I haven't even bothered to learn enchanting and potions yet. I suppose I should read up on it, although I have better things to do with my time :/

    Then I'd advise you to do so. <__< I figured the whole system out in about five minutes in creative mode. For people with "less time on their hands" here's a very short read about the system. It was severely nerfed when they moved to stands and is almost "too" easy to use.


    Enchanting is so simple I won't even link you to the wiki. Like this

    ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e0b2be69537a113796072dfd9936f7d4.png)Don't go to enchant until level 40\. You can easily grind out levels with a spawner, or by killing animals for food. Just don't waste the exp.
  10. @DrNova:

    > Probaby would be more useful on a MP server. Single player there isnt a whole lot of praticality to it for the work involved, however its fun to do and does have benefits.

    Yeah I suppose that's true, but it's not "that" hard to do. We've got a spider farm room on our server, a netherwart farm is easy to set up once you have a nether base. The rest is really easy to get. Blaze rods only require one spawner to farm. The only thing I haven't seen is slimes. :D
  11. @Jungle:

    > Does anyone else here not even bother with the potion system?

    Implying it's actually difficult to use and doesn't have benefits. It really comes down to how long it takes you to get to the nether, and how much effort you put into ingredient grinding.
  12. @Robin:

    > Yes, but vision has very little to do with your problem solving abilities. Trying to correlate intelligence and reading ability is pretty silly considering it was a joke.

    I just pay closer attention to most things because of the vision. I know you were just joking. He does have very poor problem solving skills… I left him in this box once....
  13. @Winfield:

    > Calm. Your. Tits.
    > Just pointing out the obvious (don't expect a lot of members on here to notice the obvious).
    > Why even post it and get butt hurt about comments regarding something you know is wrong?
    > You said it yourself; you know the shoulders are wrong.

    He does that from time to time. Just pat his head and tell him it's okay. ;) Also he is black… when he's not stabbing people he's at KFC....
  14. @Fuu:

    > Hey. I'll stab you quick. Check your shit, son. They are not the same. I already noticed the shoulders and edited them, I just haven't got to posting it.
    > You think I don't notice tiny things like that? I make art, and immediately check them for slight imperfections. Azure just told me to post that, so I did.

    Well it wasn't so much of "told" as I was "asked" and said okay. Between the three of us we usually do notice errors though.
  15. @Erwin:

    > You mean a link to changelog or something?

    No, I took it that he had let a snapshot for the next version out, but I didn't look very hard. I'm playing on a private server and need to keep to the public version.
  16. >! @Alexander:
    >! > The thing I find most appealing about a language like VB6 is that you can play around with basic interface features before making your own. In C, without a nifty IDE, you're basically on your own, starting from square one everytime; no placeholders that beginners (and most casual programmers) can use before placing their entirely DX/OpenGL/WPF rendered interface.
    > _So Zonova really is a sand-nigger…_
    > So since I can't learn syntax, what does that make me? D: I lol'd I have trouble learning syntax as well so you are not alone.
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