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Posts posted by Zyvo

  1. Actually, I'm using EO, I need a scripter cause I want my game to be much different then the "restrictions" of the engine at it's current state. Not huge changes, just small "adjustments" to the battle system are needed along with other upgrades I would like.

    As the engine sits, it's basically just run up to the enemy and swing wildly. I want a funner play-style that includes dashing around and actually "fighting", spells would be Interesting and range from small to line to huge areas, monsters would use various attacks and strategies against you, and bosses would pose a threat.
    EvE… Would be the most challenging thing to master in the game.

    (Edit to initial post:
    Updating Class Information.)
  2. Thx, but if you look 4 posts up, you can see I've got a host.

    Did I forget to Update?

    EDIT: You can however be a backup host, in case something were to happen with the current one.
    All we need now is for a scripter and for Hellbender to finish his tilesets.

    We need a scripter willing to "refurbish" the game battle System, and make it more action suitable. Much more then just this will be needed, but the Battle system upgrade is a priority.
  3. The maps are subject to change, Hellbender is working on new tilesets, so we'll be scraping the old look of things and be touching it up with a Science-Fiction look.

    Also, the weapons types have been designed, there will be 9 types of weapons available to all classes, each with their own special ability and power.

    **Sword**- A lightweight slashing weapon used to lacerate lightly protected enemies.
    Has a chance to cause bleeding.
    **Mace**- A heavy blunt weapon used to break bones and knock down enemy soldiers in combat.
    Has a chance to stun.
    **Dagger**- A small piercing weapon used to critically wound and kill enemies.
    Has a chance to do 130% damage.
    **Decrol**- A heavy slashing weapon used to break defenses.
    Causes major damage to Armor
    **Syprey**- A slashing and piercing weapon that is great for directing electrical storms.
    Redirects opponents attacks back at them if you are blocking. (Spells Included)
    **L-Zeir / H-Zeir**- A gauntlet that provides protection as well as increased magical power and Defense, at the cost of Physical strength.
    **Zall**- A Rifle which provides long range support, the damage isn't great but it does peirce armor, but does suffer from low accuracy.
    **Sniper Rifle**- A long Rifle which only works from a standstill, it's High powered rounds are sure to kill most enemies on contact.
  4. I was contacted by someone willing to
    So, we're almost ready to begin building the game.

    Hellbender is working on some pretty nice tilesets as well, so once the first of them are ready, I'll add more pictures on the list.

    Instead of starting with the Veristar (Darkreach City) as planed, we're starting with the Scolic. (Zarrarrian City) Due to this change, the Veristar will be added in the First Expansion to the game, which is estimated for March 2012\. The Second Expansion will include the Dragkin's City of Cyberith, along with another small story for them.

    The Release of the Game is estimated mid December.

    We are still looking for a **Scripter**
  5. A few Improvements to the game and other information.


    > The maps will change once i get a new town spread.

    I'm still looking for a person to help with Tilesetting Futuristic looking Buildings, to change up the Look of the game's Towns. Since each town and Empire in the game is different, i could draw a sketch of how I'd Envision the towns and buildings to look, If you'd rather be creative, just remember the flag color codes. (I'm working on the Empire flags ATM.)


    > Too many classes? I only have 6\. I had to change the classes up recently to improve the character balance, but with the action-base for the game will make each class unique.
    > The shadow has the ability of customizing it's body with new looks and features. Both the Shadow and Dragkin are Experimental classes, They'll stay in the game no matter what, It'll just be interesting to see how they will develop in the story.

    This game won't be a "Casual MMO", each character will be played differently, and each of them will have a different set of skills then the last. I changed the Alchemist into a magic type, more then a healer BTW.


    > The game is Huge, you can travel to each of the 6 continents in the world, and travel just about everywhere on them. Not to mention there are 20-30 caves and dungeons.

    The 547 Map count has been reduced to Around 300 for the First Chapter's Build, I'll Release the other 200 so maps in Chapter 2, which will include content after level 50, along with the Empire versus Empire versus NPC (EvEN) Game area.

    I expect to have the first chapter released (With a Proper team) by December. More pictures will go up by the end of this week.
  6. I like your work, especially the red cat.

    I need a few race sprites for my game, Elycontria. (link in my sig.)
    Heres what I would like with some description, you can change them as you see fit. These are all 32x64 pixel characters, but If you want to you could make bigger images with poses, too.

    >! Dragkin:
    A small half dragon that walks upright. Green scales cover their bodies, while spikes and claws bring fear to your heart, and dark red eyes that penetrate your soul. Learning and Inventing since the beginning of their race, these peoples have grown accustomed to augmentations, to become physically stronger in the heat of battle.
    >! Slepti:
    A people created from an experiment their ancestors attempted. They stand upright 6 feet tall, bodies of thick fur and feathers, almost of that of a Sphinx. Dark claws and huge wingspans frighten any.
    >! Kainvir:
    Wolf like people who live and die in packs, they have the ability to stand both upright as well as on all fours. Usually blueish-grey, these people can blend in to the thick snow-cover of mountains. Freighting teeth and sharp claws bring about the death of any creature before they can defend.
    Last one is optional,
    Well known in Elycontria, worshiped by the Scolic empire, The great Skulia.

    She is known to humans as the god of Death. She wears a very provocative wardrobe, black as night, with plumes of soft spiky black feathers. Wielding a large gripper-scythe (kinda like the scythe in Dante's Inferno, but no long handle) she can easily cut into any enemy and send them to her dark world Deritha.

    If you decide to do this one, Have fun, I would like it about the size of the red cat you have.

    I don't need these anytime soon, however, I don't have the means to pay you. I do not script and I haven't played Maplestory for over a year. I could however put you in the special thanks area in the Credits (which will play in the intro of the game, and in the end)

    I WILL let you place these all in your top post to show off though.
  7. It'll probably reach above 2k with dungeons and everything.

    But yea, there is a lot to explore in the game, and the main-storyline is long enough to take you all over the world to see it all. Don't worry, there will be ways to quickly get from one place to another, you wont have to constantly walk to get to your quest destination.

    There will also, eventually, be monthly events held in specific areas around the game, so If you get bored of fighting, you will always be able to do these special events.

    (I will get a few more maps posted in a bit.)

    I have plotted the locations of 547 total maps in the game on Exell. This number only includes above ground locations, no Shops, Caves, or any Dungeons are included in this number.

    I've lowered the map count on the above post to go with the new estimated map count of 1500.
  8. http://vikingtails.webs.com/

    ^New Site, New Story, New Everything. Post topic coming soon…

    My brother is the worst at following through with things. I've built a new story, one that is based upon the fantasy world of Equestria, but has it's own elements in it as well.

    I am still working on my game Elycontria, but I want to make a smaller, funner, project as well.

    Both will be worked on by me till I get most the maps built, (about 80%) after which I will rebuild both topics, and bring on a programer, and sprite artist for each. (The Programmer will probably be helping with both games, as they will use the same Battle System.(One, of course, much more complex then the other. *Elycontria's*))

    I doubt that either game will be updated much more on posts and such until the end of this year. I will try to get some pics up on their respective websites. If you want to watch the progress of the two, or just see what new changes have already happened, here are the links to them both.

    [www.elycontria.webs.com](http://www.elycontria.webs.com) [www.vikingtails.webs.com](http://www.vikingtails.webs.com) <~~Pony Brigade~~ Viking Tails' Website
  9. Updated Features with PvPvPvE Territory Combat,


    3 Empires fighting, no matter your Faction, the Leader's Empire is who you fight for. Each Empire will display a different color on the Territory map.

    Veristar= Red
    Scolic= Purple
    Cyberith= Green

    Each Faction can participate in the territory war without fear of another Faction of their Empire taking their territories. Basically your Faction Doesn't own the Territory, your Empire does.

    The Territory maps are free travel maps, players will actually be able to run about them anytime, and the maps will always have some monsters in them.

    Once a war has been funded (something like 1 million Terench) the Faction can wage war against an enemy Base. Bases are always in the maps, and can be explored by anyone, even the enemy, but not attacked unless a war is active for that territory. Wars can be fought by every Faction in either of the 2 battling Empires.

    However, Some territories can have double wars, in which case every Faction in the game is at war for that single territory. As well as other Players in Wars, you have Monsters. You may get lucky and not have monsters, as some flying monsters do tend to travel and migrate from one map to another.

    PvPvPvE like other things in this game, are experimental, but will non-the-less stay with the game.

    Seeing the size of the Territory map Continent, Derrenturii (Over 2k maps alone.), you wont have to fear of one Empire owning everything (At least not for a few years.), but each map does not equal 1 territory. 1 territory consists of about 7-15 maps, depending on location of the base.
  10. I would like a feature, but i fear it's something that would be too complicated, even for you. I'm actually not joking, but you could try to make it for me. (Since good programers are so hard to find.)

    I have a good description of it on my website, I'll pm you the info on it. JSYK, It's a Full Custom Action-Combat system, complete with the works.
  11. > The maps do look awefully square and generic, also you may have too many classes, some of them might not even get played meaning that you will have wasted time on items and whatnot.

    The maps will change once i get a new town spread.

    Too many classes? I only have 6\. I had to change the classes up recently to improve the character balance, but with the action-base for the game will make each class unique.

    The shadow has the ability of customizing it's body with new looks and features. Both the Shadow and Dragkin are Experimental classes, They'll stay in the game no matter what, It'll just be interesting to see how they will develop in the story.

    Most items in-game are equip-able by all classes.


    > Seems interesting, but unless if I've misread/miscounted…why do you need 22 people on a team?
    > Well, that aside, good luck. Like most Eclipse games, I'll be watching the progress.

    Sorry about the high count, when I typed this up I was thinking of making lots of room, I edited it down about half.

    The game is Huge, you can travel to each of the 6 continents in the world, and travel just about everywhere on them. Not to mention there are 20-30 caves and dungeons.

    Once I get a host, I'll make sure to update the top post with a big "Hosted" sign at the top, and the tool in my sig.

    I'll post links to the Back-stories of the Major Races found on Elycontria in a few days.
  12. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72202.msg775248.html#msg775248
    I'm interested, view the link for info of my game.

    Would you be willing to do more 'Redguy complete anim.' style character sprites? Not shooting of course, but complete animations like that.
  13. > It seems like the problem was already solved with the alliance

    I said I wasn't trying to flame or anything, that included insulting. I was just trying to give some helpful possibilities for your story.

    ^But, If you want A reason, I put it in quotes for you.^

    And where did "Mushrooms" come from? You could have said the mushroom people or something. If your thinking "Mushroom people? That's just retarded… Look at Toad from Mario."

    I still think your story needs some work.
  14. not to be flamming or anything, but…

    Your story looks like it was built with one of those "Fill in the blanks" puzzles, I mean It's almost complete randomness.

    Also, with your story like that, It seems like the problem was already solved with the alliance, Here's some thought for the story:

    The player is sent to set up the alliance, and then while traveling through the forest wonders upon this Humanoid enemy, and quickly flees the scene after a scout sees him. And then it's you who tells the elders of this new enemy. But since the village guard sound like pushovers, the elders have posted a bill for the capture of this humanoid. Yet, no adventurer, Warrior, or even wizard have come back from the forest after embarking on this quest. After the player thinks he is strong enough, He can take the bill, and attempt to capture this humanoid, and fix the evils that have devoured the lands.

    Yet after capture, you only find he is a servant to something greater...
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