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The GodFather

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Posts posted by The GodFather

  1. @manbearpig:

    > Fixed Most textures here is a  screenshot
    > http://yfrog.com/10screenshot7yxyp
    > [![](http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/6050/screenshot7yxy.th.png)](http://img36.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot7yxy.png)
    > ALSO added game room

    This game sounds crap.. Firstly your signature banner is a picture of world of warcraft characters mixed with a real famous font.. oh great..
    Secondly "Based in a Medieval and Random times".. saying random times dosn't really sound serious but makes your game sound like a joke.
    Only 50 weapons? Oh lord…
    You've got very bad maps and a bad GUI...

    I'm not even going to try this out.
  2. @Anarchy:

    > is it possible for a character to be jailed, and then automatically after a certain amount of time, to be re spawned to a map?
    > also the same with banning, is it possible to unban someone after a certain amount of time or does it have to be done manually

    Wouldn't been jailed been exactly the same thing as banning?
  3. I don't know if this is the right board but..
    I want to change the drop down menu for the class selection

    At the moment you click on class and a drop down menu appears saying something like:
    - Knight
    - Ranger
    - Warrior
    - Priest.

    I want to change that so it's not a drop down menu but so that you click on pictures which has the class name on it and that's the class you chose.

    If you don't understand what I'm talking about I'll upload a picture ASAP
  4. That picture makes no sense.

    It's the sea, with a spaceship and a planet behind it?
    and anyways, a planet that close to "earth" would just be dragged in by the pull of the earth?

    I can't find any cool pictures, except some space planets i made in photoshop but eh.
  5. @[SB:

    > Chakkra link=topic=42094.msg419672#msg419672 date=1239144176]
    > Awesome! heh, I'm so excited for mine.. I have 50 bucks to spend on apps also.

    Your actually going to waste money on the apps when you can get them free? (cracked)
  6. @Myron:

    > Heh, like in the beginning of every game. And normally you will see that its just your friends that are playing strongly.
    > And superior? Come on don't get me started about the rest…

    What Rest?
    Naah i'm Kidding.

    1) Mapping sucks
    2) GUI sucks
    3) Looks like no source edits
    4) Hmmm, looks boring..

    I'm so mean ;]
  7. @[BS:

    > Elephant God Yorty link=topic=42081.msg419501#msg419501 date=1239134406]
    > I dunno, walls without 'block' but scripted tile? Change sprite? 0.o

    Hmm i was thinking that way.. But then i wud need it so once u go off the scripted tile your sprite changes back to normal?

    and then i would need gravity, for example if you run up one block but then let go off up, your character drops back down…

  8. I was just thinking about Prince of Persia, Mirrors edge.. You know.. All those acrobat games and then i came to wonder, is it possible to create a script where i could create a running up wall effect..

    Anyone know how i could do this.?
    Sounds like a lot of source editing :P
  9. Hmmm i have Vista..
    and i'm not experiencing any problems when hosting or playing…
    I think their is a guide somewhere about vista players though.
  10. @[BS:

    > §tingRay200 link=topic=42010.msg418448#msg418448 date=1239056104]
    > Okay, why don't you try and use font that looks like somebody's handwriting?

    Hmm I'll do that
    Any other suggestions apart from the text?
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