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Posts posted by Agoraphobic

  1. I wrote this goofy thing for my sister while spamming her to play League:

     A is for Amumu who is always alone.
     B is for Blitzcrank who has lost his bolts.
     C is for Caitlyn whose heart we have captured.
     D is for Darius who who is dangerous and deadly.

     E is for Evelyn who is slutty and evil.
     F is for Fiora who is fun and frightful.
     G is for Galio who is both good and galiant.
     H is for Hecarim who hunts humans.
     I is for Irelia who always irritates.

     J is for Jax who jumps and jack.
     K is for Kayle who is kool and klassy.
     L is for Leona who is love, who is life.
     M is for Morgona who murders and maims.
     N is for Nocturne who likes it naughty at nighttime.

     O is for Orianna who loves olives and oil.
     P is for Poppy that pretends to have patience.
     Q is for Quinn who gives up quick.
     R is for Rek'Sai who rekts and rumbles.
     S is for Sona who is silent and salty.

     T is for Twisted Fate, terrible and tiny.
     U is for Udyr who is ultimately unique.
     V is for Vi, smashing voraciously and vicariously.
     W is for Warwick, wimpy and whiny.

     X is for Xerath who loves xylophones.
     Y is for Yorick, who is yappy and yippy.
     Z is for Zac, zoopalious and zapped.
  2. The Event is setup incorrectly. I commend you for trying and almost succeeding. Keep it up!

    Two Main things:
    (1) You need to use an actual Switch and not a Self-Switch. Take that Set Variable out of there.
    Self-Switches reset on entering the map again or restart. Variable is not appropriate here.
    (2) Page 2 needs the Switch box on the left checked for your condition, the name of your Switch selected, and set to True.
    Each page (Except the first) must have one or more boxes checked for conditions. You call upon the Switches,etc to toggle between pages. Multiple pages + No conditions = huge glitchy mess.

    This is the format it needs to be in.

    >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/EtMq8RJ.png)
  3. http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/tips-tricks/iJOUdOox-i-am-toxic

    I wrote an article examining the form of toxicity know as Elitism. If you are a League player and have some time for a read, let me know what you think.
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