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Posts posted by Smallbro

  1. > So how exactly does the game work, I know it's basically capture the flag, but when you start, is everyone on the same server? Does the game have a time limit? Does the scores just sit around even when no one's on?

    Theres a public server, which is recommended unless you know how to setup your own with the server software. Games last about 10 minutes and all timers stop when there are no players on. Each server can have one game running at a time.
  2. ![](http://fat.gfycat.com/AltruisticEveryCricket.gif)

    Update this week! Basic death animations, corpses, dust and blood. Friday 21st! 

    The update will include some fixes, including scoreboard scores being wrong, the death noise playing at the start of the game and time before the walls being too short.

    The death animation will only be for the rogue and builder to start with, but as we go we'll be adding Medic deaths and Tank deaths too.
  3. A few things..

    [Created a subreddit, to hopefully build a community around. Nothing there yet, but I hopefully we can organise matches on the public server through it.](http://www.reddit.com/r/capturethelog/)

    [Also created a Steam Greenlight Concepts page, just to get an idea and hopefully entice people on Steam.](http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=375340990&searchtext)

    Mac version is currently very busted, it will be fixed probably in the next update.

    Also a slightly revamped trailer, with zooms on the classes and the website at the end.


    That's all for now!
  4. Voice acting done by a good friend of mine called Brian Mansi. He's very pretty and has an excellent voice. If you do get in contact just make sure to say that Mali sent you. Just so he knows. :3


    You can only play on the official servers with the demo and only as a rogue. 

    [Demo can be found on our itch.io page.](http://slowpoke.itch.io/reclaimed)
  5. > I was disappointed when you dropped that other game but this one seems even better

    Yeah sorry about that. I wanted it to be more but it was just such a large game and the art and time needed was too much.

    Difference with this is that its nearly done, I'm sorting out some permanent servers today.

    > Real reason why he's using a log is probably cause he knows if he asks me to make him a flag it will very likely not get done :(

    And I guess this is another part of it. That and I really wanted to be able to lift logs in a game like Salem, something super satisfying about them and hopefully once the log lift animations are done it'll have the same feeling. A log also slows the player down, making for more varied gameplay.

    Again thank you everyone, you're positive encouragement is great!
  6. > I hope we will be able to build castles

    There will be a section at the start of each game dedicated to building and preparing for the battle ahead. So you could build a mini fort with some traps surrounding it.

    > Perhaps a Golden Log or something even crazier haha?
    > This game is great. The builder is particularly interesting

    Golden log maybe aha! 

    Thanks. Hope to have a build and some servers by February.
  7. ![](http://i.imgur.com/bP45X8K.png)




    Super excited about tomorrows launch!

    **Reclaimed is a sandbox capture the flag game, using a wooden log instead of a flag.**

    The aim of the game is to move the log from the center of the map, to your teams capture point.

    There are four classes, Tank, Medic, Rogue and Builder.
    Each of these classes has their own abilities, eg: Builders can place and remove blocks from the map.

    **A list of the abilities per class:**

    Builder - Medium walk Pace, can build and remove blocks including wooden blocks, stone blocks and holes.
    - Builders can capture the log

    Rogue - Fast walk Pace, quiet footsteps, can attack quickly but for smaller amounts of damage.
    - Rogues can capture the log

    Medic - Medium walk pace, can heal players and attack.
    - Medics cannot capture the log but can attack players trying to do so

    Tank - Slow walk pace, can attack for large amounts of damage but slowly
    - Tanks can capture the log


    The game plays well with 4v4, but can also be played however you like. Whether it be 2v2,4v4,3v2 etc.

    Apon server start a random map is generated, using Perlin Noise.

    For the first one minute of the game, there are walls stopping you from leaving your segment of the map.
    This allows you to build defenses and traps and mentally psych yourself up for attacking the enemy.

    Throughout the game, there is a day and night cycle. During the day the music is different to that of the night.

    The game requires a server to play, which is included in the intial purchase of £3.
    You can however play on the public server hosted at capturethelog.co.uk without having to set up anything.


    You can view a video of the game in its current state below.

    Looking for feedback on any of this! I'll have a build ready very soon.
  8. This game was cancelled. Lost the drive for it over time.

    Graphics and some game premise live on in this simple game I've been making though.

    Capture the log.

    Similar to TF2, with building.

    [Having a log stolen from me.](https://twitter.com/Slooowpoke/status/545193609675685888)

    [Abilities per class.](https://twitter.com/Slooowpoke/status/547114970065158144)

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