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Posts posted by Xavi

  1. @Chief:

    > @java:
    > > @Ninja-Tech:
    > >
    > > > I got a beautiful gf
    > >
    > go away.

    You have to admit the bold was a good touch though ;)


    > @Chief:
    > > I am requesting a picture of your GF…
    > umm no.
    > sorry but i honestly am not sure if i trust the kids on this forum xD
    > they might lose control
    > it be like

    That's why any decent girl who goes on eclipse is instantly insanely popular. But why is that a problem? It's just your opening to make fun of them.
  2. @Munro:

    > > So what if you don't (didn't I guess, 'cause you canceled it) get to that point? The people who worked hard mapping, making graphics, programming etc. don't get paid for their work?
    > Well seeing that this is the Eclipse community and most people work for free, it probably wouldn't matter.

    I guess, but he was looking for "the best of the best". Even that is a problem, cause the best of the best on eclipse are either working on SE, EE, some other big project, or are just wouldn't waste their time on this.
  3. @Azkanan:

    > @java:
    > > I've decided to close this project.
    > > Commited to other things at the moment
    > You make a thread in the wrong section asking for mature and commited members for the team… Then close it for another project.
    > Good luck getting people to take you seriously, with this hanging over your head. =[

    I think that actually translates to "Nobody wanted to work with me". Just guessing.

    > If we get up to the stage where we have paying users you will get money.

    So what if you don't (didn't I guess, 'cause you canceled it) get to that point? The people who worked hard mapping, making graphics, programming etc. don't get paid for their work?
  4. @Kusy:

    > @Xavi:
    > > dude… stfu and let him make bad decisions if he wants to. Your not his mom or something, so it's not really your problem.
    > yeah sure… it's not my bussines, I don't have to care for his health. If you'll have seizures and post about it here, be sure I will advice you not to go to a doctor and maybee to swallow some rat poison. Actualy - it's a good idea right now - go eat some.

    Haha, no, that's not what I meant. I agree that when people post about some medical thing, that you should give him advice, but I also think you should let him disregard it instead of bothering him about it more.
  5. @Kinjiru:

    > @Bob:
    > > The default GUI shipped with Eclipse is awful. If you use it and someone downloads your game, as soon as they see it their head will asplode.
    > yes its really bad, the ES one is better but i still prefer to have a custom one that fits the theme of the game

    The ES one is just so basic and boring, it would kinda turn people off, but I agree, it's better.

    Who made the default gui anyway?
  6. @Toxikr3:

    > So for me the best choice would be 2.8?
    > I can not get Vb6, so I can not edit source, or compile the SVN.

    Well it doesn't matter what it has sense you can't compile the SVN.

    I would recommend Eclipse Stable. I'm having some weird problems with it, but I'm guessing it's my fault. You can always consider other mirage based software if none of these do it for you, but none that I know of have as populated of a community (in other words, less source edits, scripts, etc.) plus eclipse seems to be much better sadscript wise, which is going to be very important considering you can't edit the source…
  7. @blackkat9666:

    > cola? dude you were dehydrated -.- pop dehydrates the body, doesn't hydrate it

    He's right. It might feel like it hydrates you because it's cold, but then you want to drink it more cause your thirstier. You see where I'm going with this? Then headache meds to top it off and you got your self a nice little destroy-your-brain sandwich. (the lack of water is probably also why you have headaches)

    I guess you couldn't move you limbs because your brain wasn't working… although I'm obviously no doctor.
  8. @Fallen:

    > Wow chief once again don't critise me unless you intend on making me a webpage i have said over 50 times on this forums ihave no exp on website making,i am only TRYING to help eclipse community.No one is forcing anyone to use this site.

    He gave you feedback on your site. That's a good thing. If you want to do any thing good in your life you have to remember: Negative feedback is good.

    Ok, now that I'm done lecturing:
    -Don't use freewebs. For me, when I go on a site, that dreaded ".webs.com" makes me hit the back button faster then lightning.
    -Make your website from scratch. HTML isn't hard to learn, and you will learn so much more from it then just using a template.
    -I hate to repeat people, but grammar is a MUST on good websites. For instance, I fixed up your front page for you:

    > This site is made for people to advertise their games. Register, make a topic on our forums, then post links to your webpages. Remember to post screenshots and be in-depth on what your game offers and what type of game it is. Make sure if it's powered by a game maker etc. that you mention that. All games can be posted on this forums board but be sure to follow board rules. If you game is not finished, do not put it in the "Fully Finished" board or it will be deleted. After you post on forum, within 1 week a moderator will join your game and give you a review. If possible, we would like you to include a server checker telling players when the game server is online and such. Within links you will see all links me and my team are aware of to all game makers that are free (I didn't even know what you meant by this sentence.). Soon we may even post a resource board for free resources. Here are a few rules to follow in order to better help this community.
    > 1: Nothing stolen should ever touch these forums
    > 2: Always post in the proper board.
    > 3: Explain all you can about your game.
    > 4: Don't spam or lie about owning a game. We do check!
    > 5: Keep the forums clean! No profanity, raging, or flaming.
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