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Posts posted by Troy

  1. i recently downloaded, Relinquished Online and its been offlne ever since i got it

    which is a bit of a problem because its listed in "Active Games"

    Im a noob so i dont know if there is anything alse exept open the game i have to do please tell me what to do
  2. Ok I know none of you care but here is A daily basis of my life.

    9:00AM – World of Secrets (my MMORPG)

    12:00PM – Rick Roll Someone  :P

    12:05PM – Guitar Hero 3

    12:30PM – PS2 Gaming

    2:00PM – Rick Roll Someone else  :cheesy:

    2:05PM – Foruming, MMO playing

    2:30PM – Strech my fingers

    2:31PM – World of Secrets (My MMORPG)
    5:00PM – Study Scripting and programming, Pixel art and everything else(unsuccessfully)
    5:30PM – Dinner, Tea, Supper What ever you wanna call it
    6:00PM – ME TIME! (Usually DVD or something)

    9:00PM – BedTime or WoS (World of Secrets)

    **FSR (Frequently said Reply's)**
    R: Spend more time outside
    A: I do go out side But I usually dont leave the house because Im Hated by everyone and would probably get the Duck beaten out of

    R: Spend Time With your friends
    A: I dont have any  :sad:

    R: Work out more
    A: I work out usually during weekends and ME TIME
    So there Rate MY Daily life and what you think could change, 1/10
  3. @‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭The:

    > **Team B**
    > Team B, I'm aiming for some high lvl accounts…
    > What to do?
    > Go on a random killing spree in the wilderness!
    > Haven't played Runescape long enough to figure this out; when you kill someone, do they drop items/gold?  If so, kill them, then throw their items and gold away to random peeps in the main city!!!
    > Anyway, as a bonus, words cannot describe what the horrible things that one guild on WoW did afew years back:
    > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHJVolaC8pw
    > The above is worth the watch (while we're on the subject, ya'know?)
    > * * *
    > What do you guys think of the strategy?
    > Tell me which team you wanna be in! (I'll be in A myself xD)

    Jagex fudged us up by removing wilderness so Team B is  out of the question
  4. Ok i want a sig with the colors Gold and red with a bit of black with dark theme

    EDIT: oh and dont forget to put, World of Secrets on the sig too

    hope its not to complicated, thanks
  5. Being an expert gamer i know the answers :D

    Wii best and worse!
    Do not buy GH4 it has faulty drums since they pushed it onto the market too quick!!, If you like Mario and racing the Mario kart Wii is for you!, more for shooting then get Whats new because Shooting games have least accidents.

    May the Strap be with you…

    Computer Games!
    i recently bought AoE3 (age of empires 3) it can be challenging and competitive online (which makes it good :D)

    here some other games i have:

    - Age of Mythology - :star: :star: :star: , 3 stars -

    Has a great storyline and decent graphics can have a lot of fun, Cutscenes are good too, has the same sort of aspect as Age of empires.
    Other coolies: God powers Yep sending Meator showers and Earthquakes can be fun

    - World of Secrets -  :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: , 5 Stars -
    This game Rocks cuz it was made by me and Made from Eclipse :D
    Other coolies: No Coolies yet but game expected release is by end of January or Febuary Cya then!
  6. make quests, what would i need to write for scripting if needed?

    Make my person teleport from one point on the map to a specific point on another map?

    make my NPC's talk where do i write what they say?
  7. How do i do the following…

    Make my character enter a new part of the map?

    get other people onto my game? (like other people who can help with mapping)

    when making water some bits arent being filled in like the following
    |_  < Here i cant make it right help please

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