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Posts posted by Troy

  1. As you could probs see by my user number ive been with eclipse for a while… but i have  question

    i just downloaded Eclipse Origins just to practice mapping but ive forgotten how to make myself an admin.

    little help pl0x? lol ill probs feel like an idiot after i get the answer... :l
  2. thanks for the advice but the idea itself is aiming too high for my knowledge, and running an mmo has never been my strong point

    (getting a hoster, graphics etc)

    and yes i have a 4 digit number. i have great experience in mapping and story and thats about it.

    This idea was scrapped because i was simply aiming too high. not because no one liked it.
  3. @Kreator:

    > It's one thing to say your game is going to be huge, deep, and successful. Accomplishing this however…

    Im not saying its gonna be successful, it could flop thats why i create threads like these before going straight to WIP.

    it seems this idea wont work… looks like im back to the drawing board.
  4. @Anna, there is never anything "fully" unique but i can make it as Unique as possible e.g Swords and Magic have to be used at some point in an MORPG (if its a medieval themed game).

    also ive been thinking of a "Undead" race called "The Rebellion" this race fights the Evil Undead (undead raised by the Arch-Lich) while also fighting the humans, Creating a 3 way fight. (Un-original you're probs thinking but i can explain more in-depth if you like)

    Reclamation is about the reclaiming of the land. New/recovered land will come after week long events, if the all players combined dont kill a certain amount of Undead within the week they do not get any new land. this can also happen in reverse where you must defend an area. Polls put up on the website (which im yet to create) choose Whether to:

    Attack - Gain new land

    Forage - Adds to land (Shops, Houses and overall resources to an existing town)

    Defend - Adds defense's (NPC Soldiers, Walls, more likely for undead to fail on an attack. NOTE: if area doesn't have enough resources it wont be nominated to be improved)

    The idea of players own'ing land is pretty bad though since one player could own every peice of land, pretty unfair dontcha think?? xD
  5. @dezire,greendude…Unforunatly i dont know scripting yet, but stuff like this will be sorted out before the release.

    @pink your project was nothing special (what? you asked =P)

    also looking for some good Undead Sprites if anyone could contribute ill give them some Credit upon release.
  6. Great Storyline, bigger than any other Eclipse Games or most MMO's

    Scenario's in-game made by me/other workers put out to the players that can change the future of the game…

    Once the Player reachs the top level of a class he/she is given the oppertunity to take on another class, like the following:

    Player: *becomes a Royal Archer* (receives Class Token)
    Player: *walks to class training place*
    Player: *Becomes a caster*

    (Class Tokens are given to those who have worked hard to receive the top level of that class, Achieve all 3 and they can be redeemed for Hero Class)
  7. ok so ive been thinking of a new game, it is called Reclamation (Could change) the game has a deep storyline and lore behind it but im not giving it all away, unless i get enough support… any way back to the game. (Might point out before your read that it is set in Medieval times like most MMORPGs)

    Extract of my Written Storyline.

    over 10 years ago the Arch-Lich Akthor summoned a mighty army of the undead and begun to lay siege to the world of Delnothia many once beautiful places now lay in rubble. Their last target, the city of    Sunfall the largest of the city's in the world. Your home is at stake here, as the hero you must save the city from being destroyed.

    ok here is a list of features:
    - Loads of bosses
    - Monthly in-game Events in which you can grab some great items
    - Deeeeeeeeeeep Storyline/lore… deeper than the pacific ocean!
    - Legendary Weps. Legends Sword, Legends Staff, Legends Bow
    - Legendary Armor, (This will be later in the progression/release of the game)
    - Massive map, over 500 maps BEFORE the release of the game.
    - High Scores, nothing like being imprinted into history like a hi-scores table!
    - Class Progression:
    Brawler > Fighter > Warrior > Knight  >>>>>> v
    Caster > Apprentice > Mage > Wizard  >>>>> Hero (Requires hard work but is great in everything)
    Slinger > Ranger > Archer > Royal Archer >>> ^
    - And Much more!

    Please tell me if you think its interesting and/or if it has potential.
  8. Ive came past some weird ideas and some very good ideas for a games, but my best idea so far came believe it or not in my dream last night. here it is.

    Little Blob things that you can level up much like that thing in those sonic games. Like normal RPG's you fight to level up and also you have to get past certain parts of the storyline (Which im yet to write out) to unlock special abilitys and skills. (skills include flying, agility and swimming etc)

    My only downfall is that i really suck at everything except mapping. so anyway what are your thoughts on my idea if i found a way to make it?
  9. i cant really afford it at the moment although i guess i could get the "Battle chest" which has Burning crusade and the original WoW… what im asking though is **DO I HAVE TO re-buy it or is it possible?**
  10. I had a 14-day trial version of WoW installed on my comp a few years back and it now has all these "patches" it needs before i can play… which makes sense but i was wondering if i updated all the patches and made a new account (along with a Subscription Card) would it count?

    This would save me having to spend an extra $20 on buying the original WoW...

    Thanks for the help...
  11. @Kreator xD uive watched Every Nostalgia Critic Vid as well as Nostalgia critic etc… im waiting on some people to work on a game...

    @DDunit i have a  awesome computer... its just out of order until next week =(
  12. Ok ive found out i dont have to go back to school this year (i start again next year)
    But im ultra bored on my brothers horrid comp all day everyday until next thursday…

    so what is there to do **online** to waste time?

    other than the following.

    Downloading Halo or COD to this comp…
    Nope since my brothers crappy comp doesnt have the space >.<

    Set high-scores on every flash game on the internet...
    Nope since ive already pretty much dont that... un-including Hacked scores.

    Go out and play with my friends...
    I need to have friends first >.<

    It would help also if some one could find a good game with a low download and low spec game (meaning nothing fancy)
  13. Dude whats up with your maps?  its like a truck ran over a donkey, its messy… as an experienced mapper may i suggest a few things?
    1\. a custom GUI
    2\. your own tiles
    3\. never give up

    Also you have way to little maps for this to even be considered a game

    a game i would classify as at least the following:
    200 maps (fully detailed)
    Fully storied
    fully Custom everything. (unless your good with the normal tiles like Kryce-Online)

    A few problems i found with your maps:
    Doesnt have effort your maps were probably thrown together really quickly with no effort, if the game has a lot of maps doesnt make it good unless they maps are good.
    also the fence on the path is wrong
    major screw up with the wall.
    Maps look way to cliche. pretty much every RPG uses that sorta layout for towns.

    in other words take your time to make it look good otherwise NO ONE will play it AT ALL.
  14. i have a level 76 RS account that i play along with 2 f2p pures all of which take a freaking hell of a lot of time to level up… No one would give you your their rs account unless they were extremely stupid.
    Jagex pretty much shoves it in your face that if you get hacked its your own damn fault...

    Ive never played Endless online but it sounds crap...
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