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Owen F

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Posts posted by Owen F

  1. am level 108/
    i have 150M
    Full Bandos, Armadyl God Sword, and other jibber jabber like fire cape and void and all that crap.
    I do Bandos Boss for money.
    Wanna see a pic (YEAH i know ive posted this pic in like 3 threads but its the only one of me killing Bandos)
    Here it is
    Please note the only item that im wearing here that is good is tassets (because they are least valuable out of everything listed above.
    OK here it is

    This was done on the Windows Downloadable Client, you can get it in the downloads section of runescape.com That is why it does not show the normal toolbars of a Web Browser. The client is made specifically to run runescape only, to get rid of all the "Browser clutter" Its real handy.
  2. @Anasky:

    > With 61 smithing? I don't think so :P

    you smell. i hate you. my smithings 59.


    Hey tipsta. Want 150 mill ooooooooooooooooh i forgot theres a trade limit im ever so sorry i got ur hopes up.
    Maybe tag along to bandos sometime you can get a hilt split
  3. @Jna:

    > Don't you mean banned or something?

    No he means locked.
    Its wen they suspect ur acc got stolen, then you have ta prove its urs by submitting recovs and wat-not.
  4. Hey.
    On RS my name is Jfinn24
    Here's me killing the 4th highest monster in the game.
    I'd like to see other peoples great feats
    Here I am killing General Graardor (level 624) with my God Wars Team.
    No you can't join my team were full up.
    Please ignore everything thats open, just look at the actual game pic.
  5. ROFL you guys are kiddin meh
    I have over 150M and im lvl 108.
    heres how i make money


    Maybe some time ill post a guide on it
    OH btw i got a Bandos Hilt from that kill =)
    1.8m split
    I have full bandos, AGS, fury, bandos boots (kind of including in full bandos)
    Besides, from all these replies you guys dont really look like you could even survive 1 hit xD

    Yes my name is Jfinn24.
    Yes the thing we're fighting is level 624 and yes he has three level 140 minions that use each combat stat
    You can find a guide on youtube just search somefin like Bandos GWD guide.

    Please ignore all the things i have up, and i am using on screen keyboard because control + prt screen does not work on my laptop. Dont know why, if any1 does please tell me :)

    LOLZ my friend died that trip, but its ok he got back in time. :)

    Sorry bout pic size, i was kinda in a rush. im so tired.
  6. @Ûž~Piez!~Ûž:

    > Actually when anyone has tried to contact Jagex about Private Servers being illegal from what I hear Jagex doesn't respond meaning there not sure if they're legal or not cause Jagex hasn't made any attempts to stop the private servers either so…thought you guys should know that, also whats with the graphics is it supposed to be a CRS Private Server?

    Its not recommended due to scams, viruses and the like.
  7. i know what ya mean. Your tileset is too wide to fit inside the map editor, so you lose half of your tilesheet.
    Im only saying this so people know what you mean.
    I do not know if you can make it bigger or anythin.
  8. youll see numbers and messages come up, and a hp bar under the npc: these are the ways u tell if ur attacking.
    Try creating a new weapon, tick the Bow box, then select the arrow that is automatically there.
    TADA. you have a bow. (set the arrow range to 30 by pressing F1, selecting editor tab > EditArrows )
    Now try shooting the npc from a distance. This always worked for me, and then i was able to attack it up close.
    check your npc has stats.

    > Admins cant fight NPC's if i remember right

    y.e.s they can lol.
    Sorry. Y.E.S and N.O are filtered to say: Y.E.S = yes N.O = no
  9. Go to Client/Config then change these two options:
    Music= (change to 0\. you should turn this off if it is not playing, the same thing happened to me.)
    Souind = (change to 0\. Also, if none of your sounds play turn off music as well, by changing it to 0.)
  10. @symphonia117:

    > your guide is ok… but it's vague.  You probably should rewrite is as if you're talking to someone who only knows how to type and click a mouse :p
    > ex:
    > "go to the cmd file and type ipconfig"
    > does the average computer user even know what you're talking about? probably not.
    > better version:
    > "click on start in the bottom left hand corner of your computer and then click run.  now type cmd.  this will open a black box called the command prompt.  type ipconfig into this."
    > get detailed if you're looking to make a good guide.  might even wanna try adding some pics. :)
    > just some suggestions.
    > ~symph

    Well if ur talking to someone who cn only type and click a mouse (assumingly, they are also able to click buttons) Then you would tell them
    "click on start in the bottom left hand corner of your computer and then click run.  now type cmd.  this will open a black box called the command prompt.  type ipconfig into this, AND THEN PRESS THE "RETURN/ENTER KEY" THIS IS LOCATED ABOVE THE SHIFT KEY WHICH IS ABOVE THE DIRECTIONAL KEYS, IF YOU ARE USING WINDOWS VISTA, YOU WILL HAVE TO SEARCH RUN AND THEN FIND SOMETHING WITH A SCREEN-LOOKING THING WITH SPEED MARKS (LINES GOING LIKE = = =[{}]) AND CLICK THAT. THEN FOLLOW THE STEPS ABOVE.."
    CAPS = my edits.
  11. the problem is, theres only a VERY SMALL square that u can click that actually activates the deposit/withdraw buttons. You have to hit THAT EXACT square, or it wont work. If you look around, youll find something like a Bank glitch, where a person replies a fix to it. it has the squares that you have to click drawn in already, for easy use. OR you could fix it yourself, which is also explained in that topic. Ill find the link and edit it in
    [Edit] This should work - http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=43798.0
  12. OK.  I just attempted it and it worked (well buying the house, and then if i walk over it it says its not for sale, because i bought it.) You have to have a currency. then set it to that item, and value X (X=how much currency you need to buy it, i used 5) I think then u put a warp above it that warps you to the house, and its as if you own the house. that's my theory anyway.
  13. people are viewing it probably cuz they try it aswelll but its not working and they think this is like a fix. Ill look into it for you.
  14. Where would we be without you Admiral. Epic. just Epic. Word's cannot describe how  helpful this is to SO MANY PEOPLE. you deserve that award.
    I can't believe it. Where WOULD we be without you! XD. Thankyou So Much for this. And thanks for your help on a number of occasions other than this including the Script Index.
  15. @Guiedo:

    > 10 onwards sets up the host so when people try to log on with your hostname externally, it will be directed to your IP, and same for the localhost.

    i cant work out how to do steps 10 onward. do i NEED them for it to work? cuz i cant find that host.file thing (im using vista, yes.)
    [Edit]- How do i get people to connect to it aswell. like what do i tell them? :icon_crap:
  16. actually, @SPIKEYBOI:

    > Try going into "Server" and going and open "data" file. Go down to the last 6 or so settings and see if they are there. It should look like this.
    > MAX_PLAYERS=30
    > MAX_ITEMS=500
    > MAX_NPCS=500
    > MAX_SHOPS=50
    > MAX_SPELLS=50
    > MAX_MAPS=500
    > MAX_MAP_ITEMS=20
    > MAX_GUILDS=105
    > MAX_LEVEL=100
    > The numbers for you will be different, but the words should be the same. Now if you say have only 14 elements, and the max is 20, its trying to find 20 elements that are not present. Try lowering these numbers or raising these numbers to what you have, and see what happens. I had this problem for like 10 minutes and found the problem. If you need any more help, just message me.

    Can work, if! tey have done someting like max maps 50000 max players 500 max spells 2000 etc. etc. > happened to me wen i tried to expand my game, fixed now.
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