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Everything posted by westin444

  1. It's pretty good for a first map. Lots of detail and the house dosn't look quite right
  2. westin444


    How do you publish your game? You know, compile a set of files
  3. I'm not sure about the sudden transition from path to grass? :huh:
  4. I agree with the guy above me. You need a slow transition from the tiles in the cave entrance that are solid rock to the ones that are sand. If you want it to look natrual you want to minimize straight lines
  5. westin444


    Sorry, just got on my computer. It is there.
  6. If you want I can givew you the ini file
  7. westin444


    Sorry, I can't get onto my computer with that installed. And isn't that change class? What I want is it will only let you through if you are a certain class, like leader
  8. westin444


    By " Test Class" I mean it will test if you are a certain class, if so you can go through the block, if not you can't. I think you would have to do it in visual basic. (The only thing i'm familiar with.)
  9. westin444


    I want to make 2 scripted attributes. 1- Test your class. (Easy i think) 2- Create a pop-up window that will allow the leader of a guild to promote character's classes along the following tree. KIT / \ Med. Aprt. Apprentice / \ Medicine Warrior \ Deputy \ Leader Also I need to script it so you do not become deemed as a player killer when you kill another player. When you die you lose your character completely. One more limits the amout of each type. For example: Ther can only be 1 medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice, deputy, and leader at a time. When a medicine cat dies, the medicine cat apprentice takes it place. When a leader dies the deputy takes it place. I am pretty new at scripting and am wondering if somthing like this is possible.
  10. I was wondering if I could get some mine sprites. 32*64. Specifically a evil mine car. A miner w/ pick axe would also be appreciated. Credit will be given
  11. version 2.7 Where would you reccomend I get the tile set? I was looking at the tileset #5
  12. Ok, I was wondering if someone could make me a map of a old mine, complete without tracks, as I will put them in. I'd like some places for deep chasms and pillars. Take a screen shot of it if you have one and e-mail it to me if you don't mind. [email protected]
  13. I use eclipse evolution 2.7, no sprites on Google, and not at the bottom of the tile sets. I'm looking for these to be NPCs so I need someone to make them 32*64
  14. I'm looking for some snow creatures, like snowmen sprites. Some that I really would like is: Snowman Penguin Yeti
  15. @hitmen16: > Thanks i knew that but i dont know how to make it a configuration setting file could you please help me? If you know notepad, then go into it and copy/ paste the info into it. Save, type, all files. Add the .ini at the end, and whoops, a config file.
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