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Everything posted by Irhymer

  1. ok ill try that out. WHen i edit the source while in my current game.
  2. Thanks but Im not ready to edit the source code. Im just learning scripting so oh well. :P
  3. Hello still need help :huh:
  4. Hello still need help! :huh:
  5. ok then i wont use this. Can i make a sprite appear next to the character one tile away.
  6. ok thanks alot. get ready to see my naruto game in the next month. :cheesy:
  7. yah but does it have to be black
  8. Thanks but do i hAve to make the background white. I fnot how do i use the different color. :confused:
  9. Thanks can you give a link
  10. so i can use the breeze template
  11. Im making a naruto game called Oturan and I need an SD or Chibi Template. I would like the Breeze type sprite templates but would that be stealing. Can you post a breeze sprite template ( if this sounds wrong) Can you post a chibi/sd template (boy and girl) like below. ![](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1308/537363529_36bd33c887.jpg)
  12. yah but the clones dont have to use the weapon if that makes it possible.
  13. How can i set my spells to work with the number keys as a hot key. Like if i press 1 than it will use the first spell., 2 use the second spell. Please help with this script. It it involves the source code can someone add it to Eclipse 3.0 Thanks very Much. :cheesy:
  14. I need a script that will copy the players sprite including their clothes and have it fight with the character. I also want it to drain chakra (my magic). While im asking How do i change everything to say chakra instead of magic. :cheesy: Thanks
  15. Ok if you don't know my Code Lyoko was shut down because of a technicallity …so i started a game called Oturan (fans migh realise what this means). Ok theirs a couple moves I want to make called Genjutsu wich are illusion techniques. How do i make a scripted spell only show up on the targets screen. Example. I use a spell called "Bringer of Darkness", this spell with make the targets screen black out for a short time(like 3 seconds). This is the only gentjutsu i know that needs this so it can be specific. Thanks in advanced! :cheesy:
  16. I cant open it but ill keep trying.
  17. wow that was a very simple mistake. :huh:
  18. thanks for telling me but do they look alike.
  19. Irhymer

    Starting Health

    thanks that helps. What anime is your avatar from. :cheesy:
  20. ok sorry, well what do you mean by pizzaz. :confused:
  21. After a day of work I think i got it right. I made a sprite (all 12 panels) of Odd delorobia from code lyoko. Can you please compare it to the real images below. And no this sprite is not a freebie. ![](http://codelyokonew.googlepages.com/odd.jpg/odd-full.jpg) ![](http://www.editthis.info/images/ssss4/b/b9/Odd.jpg) ![](http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/codelyoko/images/thumb/e/e3/Odd9.JPG/200px-Odd9.JPG) my sprite is attached. Please Rate :star: in stars (1 -5)
  22. you know what ill let it be a seperate sprite but what if i want a character to be able to have this sprite change in thier inventory.
  23. I paperdoll the vehicle on the character. I want this to happen when you go over a block or kill area without dying.
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