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Everything posted by HawkStorm95

  1. your right… but it could be fun :)
  2. Yay!! I get to be in the story (kinda). lol i am the only one who is not in the military.
  3. true and true and after 3.0 comes out it will blow away the competition.
  4. lmao the capital F changes it: http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHME_enUS315US315&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Free+2d+mmorpg+maker
  5. i googled free 2d mmorpg maker. that is why i got xtremeworlds first
  6. I think it should be released and added to 3.0\. That way people who don't want to switch to 3.0 because they already have a ton of source edits can have an updater.
  7. @DrNova: > We rock. wow!! who would have guessed.
  8. Found it by google like most everyone else. (Sorry about posting on the other one it came up in the Recent Topics)
  9. You should give some information on the game that you are going to use the spells for. You will get more interest that way.
  10. Thats right (though i think eclipse should be above Xtreme worlds since it is by far better)
  11. I think it is just by word of mouth (and forums)… and the almighty google....
  12. I don't think they advertise it that much… but correct me if i am wrong.
  13. lmao you should make devogen's pancake house, and devogen the manager :)
  14. I agree with the others that was a good story. The people there just don't have any lives so they take it out on other people.
  15. They are midgets but they kick ass :) If I get into the story, and it is medieval based i want to be an elf the rides a blue dragon.
  16. i will try again then and just keep waiting.
  17. I did not get hat error it just kept saying it was connecting for a really long time.
  18. lol my mom got a virus just like that but i had icons with porn on them. I fixed it though without wiping the hardrive. Don't remember how though but I did have to go into windows during safe mode.
  19. It is not a WoH house…. The houses in WoH are copying the old LoZ houses...
  20. Umm it is too small to see. even when you zoom in. @Ninga it is just a small square over in the corner.
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