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Posts posted by Gillord

  1. I too am a user from long ago, was pretty silent on the fourms.  What I have noticed with EO + there has been a big lack of passion that the other engines had from the developers…  Not that I am saying they are doing anthing bad, but I am seeing alot of great ideas that just don't happen.  Part of the reason wh people are not returning is that they are seeing this.   Some of the things I noticed off the bat is when I left the EO Startup Guide was on Section 2 with "More to come" being promised, I am back (1-2 years) and it is still in the same state and will probably not be finished due to a new project. There is a merchidise store, with no merchandise.  I personally would like to see some sort of documentation that tells me what I can put in the class.ini file or the The last time I see that there was an announcement about EV was some months ago (last I saw was in August from Amish just saying that the beta testers so far are going to be gold members) and people are asking what is going on with it.  I am excited for EV and will pay for it if it is not like 4.0.
  2. I have been a registered user for a while i don't care about post counts :) just trying to be more social and help people out that may be stuck on little things like names for game.  Another way is to look up ancient history and bit and piece a name together. I know it take me a long time to think of little things like this.
  3. > “I didn’t think about how we would afford it. I don’t really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10.”_the Sun Article

    Wow this kids has no concept… £10 sometimes is defiantly not going to cut it, there parents are going to be the ones paying for it for a long time.  His kids is going to be in school by the time he graduates (assuming he will stay in school and not drop out in a few years).  This article was kinda glorifying it, talking about how there decisions were good ones.  No wounder we get pacts like in Gloucester High School in Massachusetts, stupid Media....
  4. Is there a guide that explains how to search? I would search for it but we all know it is broken  :cheesy: .  I know I saw a way around it somewhere in the forums, but I can not find it again lol.
  5. > Yes but it also depends on your computer. There will be a difference if one persons is better then anothers.

    yeah that is a factor too.  A problem I had was the people connecting were lagging.  I tried 20k ( I have a lot of free time lol) but it kept "Not Responding" so I quit it. I would stick to a top of 1000-5000 if you need to go that high.
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