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Posts posted by Ancient

  1. Magic the gathering is alot of fun, good luck.

    This is the deck I play right now.
  2. The event decks are perfect for what is called "Kitchen Table Magic" aka casual magic.

    They have good power level and teach good synergy. They are a bit underwhelming for "Friday Night Magic Tournaments" and other competitive play however.

    Id be happy to spruce whatever you choose up a bit.

    If you are going for UW you are going to need good color fixing lands. Lands are everything. You need consistant lands that add U or W so that you can get your colors effectively. Investing in some good lands is always a good idea because youll use them in every deck you build of that color for awhile.

    Pick up cheap ones: Flood Plain, Azorious Chancery.

    Bit more Expensive: Flooded Strand, Hallowed Fountain, Celestial Colonnade.
  3. I used to play magic competitively. Won over 6000 dollars in scholarship when i was 17\. If you have any questsions on magic feel free to ask. I still play online. I play the modern format the most,

    Ive seen many other games come and go, Magic is the only one with any real shelflife if you want to invest $ in cards.

    Others Ive Played:

    WoW TCG

    Middle Earth CCG

    Lord of the Rings TCG

    Star Wars CCG

    Inuyasha TCG

    Legend of the 5 Rings

    Spoils Tournament CCG

    Yu Yu Hakusho TCG

    Duel Masters

    Megaman Battle Network TCG


    Star Trek CCG


    Wars CCG

    Game of Thrones CCG (Back before the shows when it was still a CCG)

    Dune TCG

    Austin Powers CCG

    Magic is the most widely played and your cards will retain the most value

    Go here for top decks: [http://mtgtop8.com/](http://mtgtop8.com/)
  4. You are all so kind :)

    Thanks again for all the support.

    Gonna toss you all a shoutout in game somewhere, am keeping track.

    [http://henrikjames.wix.com/arkadiagame](http://henrikjames.wix.com/arkadiagame)     <–-- Game Website for those who are interested but don't know what this thread is
  5. Custom coding features go a long way to making a game unique and good. **_But any of these eclipse games will fail no matter how many custom features they are packed with, if they don't apply proper game design, the non-coding kind of game design_**_._ (A good book on game design on designing virtual worlds is[http://books.google.com/books/about/Designing_Virtual_Worlds.html?id=_UFdly7N3PgC](http://books.google.com/books/about/Designing_Virtual_Worlds.html?id=_UFdly7N3PgC). This book contains no coding advice and strictly talks about building a virtual world from a game design aspect.

    Eclipse Origins 4.0 has the ability to apply these (non coding) game design principles in a manner that makes a good game. It is rarely done and hard to accomplish because you have to understand WHY people playing these small time tiny eclispe games. Once you understand that you can build your world into some place that people want to hang out in. The misconception is that it is impossible without custom coding to the eclipse engine. It is indeed possible just a very advanced task to accomplish.

    Not actually disagreeing with anyone just pointing out how important non coding game design is when making virtual worlds! :)

    I like the anime SAO! Good Luck!
  6. Party dungeons and player housing are already inside EO 4.0, the other features are not.

    I have just spoken with JCsnider this morning and he said there will be at least one more update to EO4 alongside thier work to EO5.

    EO5 is going to be multi platform with LUA scripting so you can make these edits. EO5 wont be out for a bit but they are still working on it regardless of the wait time.

    Other eclipse engines are open source so you can make the edits yourself, however you will need a programmer if you are not one
  7. So I liked alot of what I saw, eveything felt really smooth.

    One of the main things I liked was the day and night system. The placement of the lantern glows ect. meshed well with the gfx and gave the night it's own distinctive feel without feeling too awkward.

    The characters move a bit slow maybe and maybe some more monster variation, but other then that it was awesome! Keep it up! It is good to have fellow game developers that make quality games around
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