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Posts posted by Chakk

  1. So, I started playing this game yesterday and I love it! However, I’m not sure if this is intentional, but the sandy area to the right as soon as you leave the Minotaur cave is using directional blocks blocking it off, and a chunk of the map is incomplete. Is only the first town complete and playable? Also, is there a way to gain more inventory space? It’s a pain in the ass and not really worth it to craft because the mats don’t stack...
  2. Plot and Story:

            Aeons ago, There were these Ancient Dieties, Cartians they were called. They had this astonishing power. This power was named "Atui". The power equipped them wth magics beond any belief. The Dieties knew how to control these powers but it seemed to be starting to corrupt their race. These powers became a threat to the Cartian people. They knew that they would have to pass them on to another race of people. The Dieties decide to create a race called Man. The race would forever be bestowed with the horrible power that was once great. Sure enough, the race didn't know how to control the sacred power of Atui. After about a century of life with the power, the world was in complete and total termoil. The Dieties decided the power should be locked up to never be seen or heard of by this disasterous race called Man.
    As time went by, the power of Atui was known simply as just a tale. Some made it just their religion. No one believed this horrible past of magics and termoil.
            Until one horrible day when the power escaped and bestowed the land with it once more. And with this power coming back, it created devious monsters and villains that wish to ruin the world. Maybe this is what happened to the race before. no one knows for sure. All we have to go by is these parchments and scrolls. Hopefully, the power won't corrupt the Human people again. The land is counting on this future population and the future people. Please, Stop The Horrible Past From Coming Back!!


            Ok, so this game is basically an Anime MORPG. (No, I don't mean MMORPG because that first "M" stands for Massively and this game is not massive… yet.) The game runs around the magic power called "Atui". Atui is what gives all of the people in the world the power to cast magic. It is also the reason that monsters have sprung about the world creating havock. The game takes place on Earth in a realm no one now a days has ever even heard of. Tearra, the realm of Fantasy. There are still many realms to be discovered but for now, Tearra is just perfect for the small population.
    The game is NOT based off of roleplaying format. AKA: "Where dost thou hail from young elf?" Yea, nothing like that. The game is generally say what you want. There IS, of course, a curse filter. Seeing as this is an all ages game. This is mainly a fantasy game. You can probably tell by looking at the name and the story plot.
    We have all our own sprites, yet the tiles are half mine and half origional. We have emotions (emotion shop), we will soon have hair dyes and styles (Barber shop).

    Screenshot Removed!!

    This screenshot is just of a forest screen. Not exactly my BEST work. But, its alright for this. It shows the mapping style, the tiles, and the new char and item sprites.


    I am looking for any staff position. I need more mappers, definately a talented spriter. None of those noob spriters. I need moderators. I also need someone to help create a website. So if anyone is looking for those positions, I have them open!


    Requirements are basically the same as what the "read this first or get locked" sticky says. You need good grammar. None of that leet stuff. You must know the basic controlls of the game. You must know how to even edit the game. I need to see an example of your work or I WILL NOT HIRE YOU. So don't come on here and say "Sure, i'll be a mapper!" If there is no work shown with your post than you don't even get considered. Sorry, but that is the sad truth. I am looking for an organized team. Not some group of people who don't know what they are doing.
    Thanks, Sigh (Game Owner and Developer of Atui)
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