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Posts posted by Sigait

  1. As I recall I told you it would'nt resolve the error but another one.What I think is your problem is that you are calling the spawnNpc method with more,less or the wrong arguments.To resolve your problem check the spawnNpc implementation and see what arguments it gets.
  2. The x and y position in a 2D world represent the point,you can go to that point from either direction left right up down or vertical directions but still what you have to check is your x and y with the npc's x and y so,I don't see why it is a problem.

    Regards,Relative Null.
  3. uhmm I think you should check the implementation of the spawnNpc method,maybe it takes more arguments or different arguments.Also the last one I think should be : Case DIR_RIGHT

    Call SpawnNpc(PetSlot, PlayerMap, GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) ).This surely isn't gonna resolve your error problem but I think it'll resolve another one.

    Regards,Relative Null.
  4. **Hello everyone,this is Relative Null.

    You are surely thinking…who the hell is this guy,well I am an old Eclipse user and game programmer.Currently I am a third year computer science student and professional programmer (yeah,I actually get payed for it :P),mostly specialized in banking applications.Anyway lets get back to topic.**

    **I'm planning to start developing a framework in Microsoft XNA mostly for myself and thought to share it here(if anyone wants it of course :)).I was thinking to divide it into sections for different types of games.With just section 1 you should be able to create a standalone 2D or 3D game ,with using part 2 too,you should be able to create a MMO.The framework I have in mind should be relatively easy to use,with some basic procedural and object oriented programming you should be able to develop quite easily with it.**

    **I'm not declaring any release date as for now what is done is just the entity class (with entity will be described every object in the game) but I'll post the latest developments,of course if someone actually waits for it :).**

    **Basic project information:**

    _–Cost : none_

    _–Development time : Unset_

    _–Source : Closed mainly but may even deliver open source versions based to requests._

    _–Objective1 : The creation of a framework capable of reducing drastically all kinds of game-types development time and      _

    _   complexity._

    _–Objective2 : Build a game from just images and objects_

    **Currently added features:**

    _–2D Entity class_

    _–2D Sprites class_

    _–2D Entity Animation to unlimited frames _

    _–2D Basic Collision Detection_

    –2D Pixel Based Collision Detection

    _–2D Entity movement_

    _– 2D GUI_

    _–Mouse and Keyboard input handling classes_

    _–3D Entity class(every kind of 3D transformation is of high level and easy to use)_

    _–3D Collision Detection

    --3D Camera Class(different cameras depending on your choice)_

    _–3D Entity Animation(very compatible with blender)     _

    _–Particle System_

    **Currently planned features:**

    _–Physics System_

    **I gave it another go and added some more features even though my time is dramatically reduced since I started.I have done a 2D and 3D integration so you can add a 3D object in the G.U.I very easily.**

    **My biggest current objective on the framework/engine is making it  useful drag and drop without having to code a line,I hope I will achieve it soon!!!


    _Regards,Relative Null._

  5. Hi everyone,I'm a c/c++,java,OpenGL and  VB6 programmer(kinda rusty in VB6 ,it's 2 years since my last VB6 program but no big deal,a few days and can program with it again). I actually study IT,I'm 20 years old and I've been a member of Eclipse since I was 16.I thought it would be nice to introduce myself :P.Anyway getting back to business,summer vacations are approaching and I really need a job so if someone needs a programmer or if someone wants to start a big project I think I'll be up to it as well.Whoever is interested  email me at [email protected] (we can discuss details later)

  6. you people keep wondering what marsh wants to do and why,sounds senseless to me.It's normal that a programmer chooses to not distribute the source,I'd do the same.Everyone here who has some experience in c++ and thinks he/she is being treated unfearly,can always programm an engine on their own and if the time comes they can distribute it so other people won be "treated unfearly".

  7. @manni1238:

    > 1.) speed power? what does it mean?
    > 2.) how can i use my points?
    > 3.) I mean states.. like in pokemon: you can poisen, paralize or whatever your enemy. if this is possible, are there any tutorials, because i'm not a good scripter^^

    1.When you run your SP get 0 and when that happens you can't run anymore
    2.click at character at the right of each stat there should be a + when you level up,means that you have one point ore more to use.Click at it and you add 1 point to that stat.
    3.Ohh yeah,well I don't think there are any pre-made scripts like this one or at least I haven't seen any,just check out at scripts database.

  8. 1\. SP should be Speed Power of I'm not wrong
    2.When a character levels up it gets a stat point,you can add ti to Str def or whatever you want.
    3.I didn't get this last one well and If I'm not wrong it can be done either source or scripting but source would be better.

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