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Posts posted by Bad_Zephyr

  1. @Owen(INH):

    > What happens if you kill the devil and swear at god?

    That's a great question, dude. Hmmm…if you single handedly killed the devil, would that make you God? Seeing as how only God can kill the devil? Then you'd swear at God, but you'd be swearing at yourself. Sounds like a guy with anger problems...or that turrets guy on YouTube (no offense to anyone who has turrets).
  2. Wow way to upload a virus…my computer now has "the awesome virus" ;D
    nah but seriusly, nice song. the only complaints i have is that there seems to be too many cymbal crashes and they all mix in together and sound muddy. Make make the crashes more distinct and dont put as many of em in there. Also the snare and cymbal volumes seemed a tad bit low, unless you were going for that. Otherwise, very cool song!
  3. Yes [G2D], thats betterer ;P okay so its an anti aliased outline, cus i wanted it be smooth, but i guess i just never viewed it as that cus i did every pixel manually, thats what I've been saying. but what i want to know, is why anti aliasing is bad? remember, I'm gonna be using this as PNG when 3.0 comes out.
  4. I recommend u learn from some photoshop tutorials (even if you dont have PS, you can take the concepts and apply em in w/e program u use), it can be a real inspiration for ideas. Also, maybe finding a theme, and have everything compliment eachother
  5. @[ð:

    > slym¸ link=topic=45034.msg456382#msg456382 date=1243265760]
    > Don't lie. There are over 100 colors in that sprite. If you didn't use auto anti alias there would be 2 colors.

    first of all i know what anti aliasing is. well im using CS3 and iv never seen an anti alias option for the pencil. what i did was the rough outline in one color, came back in and made any necessary adjustments, then, so it wouldnt look so jagged, use the eraser tool and brush tool set at different opacities to make it look smoother. if yall dont believe me, thats fine. i could even post a vid of me doing if u really wanted to, but that doesnt matter. anyways back on subject, this sprite is also gonna be used in 3.0, which'll support PNG, so i don't see a "big white outline", really being a problem. If making smooth lines (or trying to) is a problem, I would definitely love an explanation why.

    ![](http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/5499/picture14l.png) and the anti aliasing option for pencil is where?
  6. Hey ya'll. Right now all I have is the outline. This is just a rough draft. I'll be updating this as I improve it. I already see some stuff I wanna fix, but besides that I just wanted to see what ya'll thought so far  :azn:

  7. Hey man these tiles are lookin awesome! I might be interested if i could only see some more samples. U got a main website for your game or sumthin with screenshots?  Cus the .tk website aint working. If not, could you email me sum samples?
  8. well i tried using 2.5, but it still gives me that stupid rte 339: can't find vbmp.ocx error. The only version that Ive gotten to work so far is TE. I did everything I could think of, but nothing is working. Do you think it could bebecause I'm running XP or Vista in a virtual machine?
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