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Posts posted by 9lucky2

  1. I was wondering if there was a walk through Tile on EO 2.0 Beta. If there is, Could I please have a Link? That would be greatly appreciated. If not is there any other way for me to make it so players can walk through each other? I could not find anything up to date on this topic using the search function.

    Thanks, 9lucky
  2. Type of job: Student
    Age: 14 ( but I am mature )
    Country: Canada
    Why you should be picked to do this job: I am dedicated and have experience.
    Any past experience: Autumn Shadow, Two Blood Worlds, and I helped with a few maps on 2 games that didn't have names yet…
    Previous work (if applicable): I will post something later...
  3. @Toshiro:

    > I can see an argument breaking out for some reason.
    > So I'm going to clear this up.
    > With Robin's videos, you can see what he's doing. He's not just talking about what he did that day. And it's an actual video, something you can watch. Alot of people enjoy watching those video log type things.
    > With your blogs, it's a bit less exciting. We don't get to experience or see what you're doing. All we get to see is something small. "I updated this." Which won't get any views unless it's on some sort of open-source release. Now as for the actual topic, that's worth keeping someone's attention. Try your best to release a morpg within a month. That's alot more exciting than the blog.
    > Some people like blogs, some people like Vlogs. This forum apparently doesn't like blogs about something that doesn't excite them.

    I understand what you are saying. I think I will continue the game and see how it goes if after a week or so I get a lot done then i will post a WIP and frequently post updates.
  4. My idea was to create an morpg the reason why I say morpg and not mmorpg is because I don’t expect this game to have a massive amount of players the idea is to create a multiplayer online role playing game in 1 month (BY that i mean have an alpha version ready in 1 month) but not only make the game but blog everything I do.

    Day 1 A waste of time: Today I thought about the game and how I would make it. I decided that it would be a side scroll morpg. I decided on using the Eclipse Project Vertigo Engine (origins) after looking around the web for a few hours I found a few nice sprites to use. I was ready to integrate them into the game. That’s when I realized that because of vertigos sprite width limit (that I don’t know how to change) I won’t be able to find any good sprites that would work with the engine. At this point I felt like giving up I looked around to see if there was another good 2d morpg maker but couldn’t find one.

    Day 2: Today I knew what had to be done I knew I wasn’t going to find any sprites that would work in “The Game” (I really need to think of a name) and so began my first attempt at sprites and I must say they are hideous ( I will post a picture today probably ). I am starting to regret making this game during Christmas but I will have most time to work on it because of Christmas break.

    Day 3: Was busy all day and didn’t have much time to work on “The Game” I looked through the engine and got an Idea on how to use most of the stuff.

    Day 4: Again today I was really busy and didn’t have time to look through the game although I did think about It I decided I was going to make a lower level cap something like lvl 40? Although most stuff requires level 35+. So the game really begins when you reach level 40\. I want a unique fighting/leveling system as well haven’t thought of anything yet but hopefully will soon.
  5. @Soul:

    > @Crest:
    > > lol thanks guys I actually wore this to raider roar (pep ralley for my schools homecomming) and I got so many thumbs up and it was voted best costume so yeah ;D…
    > > why did 3 people vote looks good and 5 vote for dont vote unless you gonna post (dont vote this) Oo
    > Because we're rebels.

    Because we WISH we were rebels. Although in reality we are just people who have nothing to do, but look at costumes that other people who have nothing to do post on a fourm. We then comment and often vote for stuff that would make us feel like rebels but deep inside you and i know it will never be that way. Deep eh?
  6. If what Harris said  is correct, and there is an option do undo all the changes done by a certain player. I think it would be worth trying out just to see how it works out. Maybe starting with a small group of people who we can trust and gradually adding more. So if something gets messed up we know who did it and we can ip ban them…
  7. So i was wondering if anyone would be interested in creating a minecraft server for the eclipse community. I think it would be cool if someone could set up a server and we can all use ventrilo  or skype to talk to eachother. Is anyone interested would anyone be able to host the server, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes im typeing in a hurry.

    Thanks, 9lucky
  8. @Dov:

    > > I was taking care of my neighbor's kid for a night and he said he was in charge cuz he was older than me :huh: He was 4 at the time and I was 16 at the time. He barely came past my knee.
    > It's size nor age that count, but the amount of brains inside ;)

    He got you thar.
  9. So today I was looking around and I happened to stumble on http://www.rockstargames.com/classics/ Rockstar has allowed Fans to download GTA 1 and 2 free of charge. I am not sure if you know about this but originally GTA was played in overhead while watching a few gameplay videos it hit me how hard would it be to make a GTA mmo? Guilds could be gangs and there would be gang related quests if you go into another gangs territory its pvp zone.etc some missions (quests) can force you to go into gang territory what do you think of this would you play it? I just realized i posted this in the wrong section by accident please move it thanks.
  10. I am currently looking for game that i could help out in XD
    I am new to pixel art i am looking for someone who is serious about making a game and wont just get bored and quite it. Its happened to me 3 times already with friends…

    What can i do?
    1\. I can make items/equipment.etc for the game
    2\. I can host a server although it wont be the best..
    3\. I can do some mapping although i am not the best at it.

    I am mainly looking for a pixel artist job since i am relatively new and think this would be a great way to enhance my skills and later would be willing to remake the items if i get better.

    I wont make tile sets sorry D:

    Here are some samples of my work although my HDD recently stopped working so had to start from scratch.

    I only spent around 5-10 minutes on these and would be will to make around 3-5 items every 2 days if needed.



    PS I am free!!


    open your server go to players click on your name then give access and set that to 5 make sure your online in your game though.
  11. when you open the the client on the left there are options on the left player,inventory,online,spells where do you take off where it says spells and when you click on player it says magic
    its hard to explain hope you understand.

    Thanks ,
  12. Thanks for the quick reply!
    and for question 3 i mean you how when you use a machine gun for example and you run out of bullets you need to reload is there a way to do that?
  13. Ok i am a newb and i have 4 questions

    1.My friend made a sprite for our game but when we use him in the game it only shows 2 frames when he walks for ward his left leg up and him just standing straight so when you walk it looks really weird because only one leg goes up same for the side views and back view??

    2.On the panel on the side of the game where it says options,player,invent…etc  it says magic when i click on player where do i change that?

    3.is there a way to make it so i can reload in the game? for example if i am using a gun after a certain amount of shots the player reloads?

    4.Is there a simple way of making it so if you pick a certain class he starts in a certain area?

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