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Posts posted by Skillzalot

  1. Good job fixing the Fps it works like a charm now but here comes a weird rendering bug.
    Map one looks fine here it is ![](http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/6586/eo131bug.png)

    When I go to map 4(Random map number) this happens ![](http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/1599/eo131bug2.png)

    Then when I walk in those tiled areas this happens ![](http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/3928/eo131bug3.png)
  2.                                                     Tempest's Redemption
    Storyline: It was a relatively calm night, when you looked out your window you could see the clouds rolling in. All you knew was that there was a storm brewing, and it was coming right for the town! You go outside and seal the barn and board up the house, sensing the storm will be deadly. The storm continues to brew as it finally approaches your house after  2 weeks of just sitting there.That's when you go outside and look and notice the storm is literally coming alive. You saw the clouds begin to spiral together and form a human like shape, as it descends to the ground. You stand there in  awe as it begins to burrow into the ground.You retreat to the barn  and get on your swiftest steed and ride towards the castle. Unfortunately the storm being bursts through the ground and envelopes you and that's all you can remember.

    You slowly awaken from your deep sleep. You try to walk, but cannot do so. You look down and you notice from your waist down you are frozen. You start striking at the ice with your bare hands but to no avail; all you do is tear open your fingers. You remain there, wondering what to do, when the ice suddenly bursts around you leaving your left leg severed at the knee and the right one completely broken. You lie there writhing in pain as you try the ancient technique of Coalesco; the art of pain suppression. It worked marvelously as you forget about the pain. It goes a step beyond though as it completely fixed you legs. You sit there all alone in a foreign world just thinking when you get cold.You just think of fire, and instantly a fire crackles in front of you.It just clicks that you have the ability to wield magic. You must use this new found talent to explore this land and to make a new beginning. Your destiny is yours to choose.

    Types of Magic you can Use:
    Incendia is the art of controlling Fire
    Undaia is the art of controlling Water
    Ventulusia is the art of controlling Wind/Air
    Humusia is the art of controlling Earth
    Piusia is the art of controlling Light
    Pravusia is the art of controlling Darkness
    Coalesco is the art of pain suppression and healing
    Venenumco is the art of using and curing poisons

    Class List
    Melee Classes
    Brute-A high damage dealing class that just shreds his opponents. He can use all kinds of weapons and the heaviest of armor
    Shadow Walker- A very high damaging dealing class that relies on shadows and poisons to make quick work of his enemies

    Magic classes
    Spell Slinger-A medium damage dealer and a medium healer. Wields the weakest of armor and very few weapons
    Cleric- A low damage dealer and the best healer. Can buff party members. Wields the weakest of armor and very few weapons
    Death Speaker- A very high damage dealer. Can debuff npcs and does good dps. Wields the weakest of armor and few weapons

    Screen Shots

    >! Here is my custom made Quest editor with everything working. It allows up to 3 rewards and 3 items to collect. I plan on developing it more but this is all I have for now.
    >! A simple Npc Stats Window(When you click on npc)

    Planned Features
    More Detailed Quest system allowing more types of quests
    Complete leveling weapon system
    Talent Tree
    Complete leveling skill system
    And much much more

    The Team

    >! Skillzalot(Owner,Programmer)
    Cerum(Gfx Artist)
    Interloper(Gui Artist)
    Meeku(Random small gfx artist)
    Tala(Webhost and soon to be server host)

    The Credits

    >! Thijs(Unnown)- Pointing out what I did wrong with my quest editor
    Ryu,Chief,Korrey- for helping me edit and fix the grammar of my storyline

    Website Link
    Right now only forums but here is the link [http://www.tempests-redemption.tk/community/index.php](http://www.tempests-redemption.tk/community/index.php)

    February 8th 2011
    Fixed up the class list. Finished porting all major features into 1.5.0\. Started working on finishing up the options menu. Shadow is working on Weapon proficiencies. Interloper is design the new gui and the layout. As you can see we are starting to work more as a team as we pool stuff together when trying to meet our second week of march alpha test.

    February 6th 2011
    Posted the link to the new forums

    February 4th 2011
    A majority of the guild code is in place. Working on upgrading to 1.5.0\. As well as finishing up the basic guild system. It will include inviting,Kicking,leaving,demoting,promoting,custom guild rank names, and a guild bank.

    February 1st 2011
    Fixed a few small bugs in the game including a spelling error,Forgetting spells and Npc drops.

    January 31st 2011
    The guild core is almost done just need to do some testing then that will be out of the way. The npc stat window is now 100% done except for graphics. I also fixed a couple of small spelling mistakes and now warp spell sets your direction

    January 30th 2011
    Added the class list to the post which is still a work in progress its self. The npc stat window now displays Mp and level and color codes the name of the npc based on what behavior it has. The guild system is also in the works and is coming along nicely.

    January 27th 2011
    Spell casting npcs works 100% now. The damage and heal spells share a cooldown so they dont play cheap. Also I would like to welcome Jake the Website Designer/manager and Shadowlife the coder to the team.

    January 24th 2011
    After much work finally got my spell Casting Npcs working. Now to make it more dynamic

    January 22nd 2011
    Just updated everything into Eo 1.3.1\. Might I say we have had a huge change in FPS went from 12 to 150 unlocked so all is good now. Working on some more planning. Expect a class list shortly.

    January 18th 2011
    Just a little update. We now have success rate on resources and a checkpoint system to save your map when you step on a tile

    January 17th 2011
    Wrote original Wip Post
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