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Everything posted by Fruitpunch

  1. @§tingRay200: > Elbow-Licking yep correct
  2. @§tingRay200: > Can I guess? yeah
  3. @☼verdrive: > Damn, I know it. =[ you can solve it tomorrow
  4. well idk about goth chicks but metalhead chicks are hawt…i present to you Ashley Ellyllon the keyboardist from black metal band abigail williams who was named Revolver Magazine's "Hottest Heavy Metal Musiscian of All Time" ![](http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/34/l_3d849356aae0492482ea8b07539110fd.jpg)
  5. Well I saw this over at gamespot forums(Heavy Metal Hangman) so I decided to bring it to eclipse Rules * Each player may guess one letter per day, or guess the entire puzzle * The person that finishes, or correctly guesses the puzzle gets to create the new puzzle * It goes head, neck, body, and then legs. If you get legs you lose. It takes two incorrect answers for a body part to be added on ____ / | | | | | | | | ___|___ Category: Eclipse Members Hint: A popular reference on this board ELBOW - LICKING Overdrive guessed A: There are no A's Green_Bottles guessed E. There is one E Solved by Stingray ~~A~~BCD~~E~~FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  6. Fruitpunch


    It exists but 2/3 devs that were working on it left. HM is the only one. Which is why why the hell does somebody fluent of J step up and help him.
  7. @Chief: > umm, seek help. LOL it just went away
  8. LOL sadly that's not the answer. It's just been like strangely bad these past few days. I can almost feel a tongue wrapping around mine lol
  9. Okay so recently I have a had a somewhat weird urge. All I have been able to think about these past couple of days is hooking up with someone. It's strange though cause the last time I did was only about a month ago. Just a passing period of angst maybe?
  10. Chicken suit….metallica, slayer, or megadeth?
  11. @Bone: > Must be a Canadian accent then ;) > Nah, honestly, I don't have a spanish accent when I speak english, I can imitate it though, I do have a spanish accent when I speak spanish (duh), and I can imitate a 'american' one when I speak spanish. im just american xD
  12. Fruitpunch

    Ok so….

    @Bytes: > w8 i dont want a pokemon clone i think its dumb because pokemon games are all over the place so im making something new > and thx for the post my question is anwered! You gotta program it yourself in VB6 or just take the PCO source and change it to meet your needs
  13. @Hippoman: > ghost saw it. > > he said it was instense. Yeah if your looking for a great action movie this is it.
  14. Fruitpunch

    Placing NPCs

    source I believe
  15. Yeah…three reasons why I hate your post 1\. Your gay 2\. Advertising 3\. Your gay Your engine sucks. Eclipse is way better. Plus eclipse is open source and has a way better community.
  16. Okay great movie. Definately see it if you can. Sam Worthington plays the most badass character in history(Marcus Wright)
  17. actually he is in it lol
  18. After waiting for like a kajillion years I am finally going to see the new terminator movie on the first day it comes out. And since we have off, but everybody else will still be in school there will be like nobody there. I'll tell you guys how it was when I get back
  19. the final armaggeddon
  20. okay first of all stop spamming…just look at the tutorials section and most of your questions will be answered.
  21. 1\. when creating items look for the "Currency" value under type 2\. source i believe 3\. scripting 4\. scripting The potions are easy ``` if GetPlayerMaxHP(index) > GetPlayerHP(index) then Call SetPlayerHp(index, GetPlayerHP(index) + Rand(5, 10)) else Call Playermsg(index, "You already have full health", RED) end if ``` Put that under scripted item in the main.txt. It will heal 5-10 health everytime a person uses it.
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