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Posts posted by DragonFire

  1. Hello everyone I was wondering what do you think the best web host out there is?(Not Just Free Ones) What I am looking for is a site host that supports PHPMotion and other scripts like it Ive looked around but I need to hear it from real people from this forum. Its the only trustworthy place I have atm.

    Thanks, DragonFire
  2. After playing Allods Online decided that the stats kinda ruined the game at high levels anyways I played this game its pretty fun but I don't really play it anymore if your looking for a fun kiddy mmo its decent.
  3. http://www.devmaster.net/engines/ over 297 engines in there database not sure which ones suck and which ones don't I find them here test them out then decide weather or not they are worth putting time into learning how to use.
  4. Eclipse Evolution(The most reliable in my opinion)
    Game Maker 7(Good for the all around game maker considering that the engines you posted are pretty much all for orpgs only)
    Xtreme Worlds (Not so decent.)
    VBGore (Decent)
    3D Game Maker (Crap)
    Mirage Source (Heard of it never used it)
    Genesis2d (Seemed very good to me.)
    Solar Eclipse (Havnt used it yet.)

    Not Listed Engines

    (I have owned FPS Creator for about a year now and I would have to say that its more fun making the games then it is playing them.)

    Quake3 Engine
    (When it comes to FPS engines quake 3 takes the cake ever sense IdSoft released the source code dozens of mods for quake 3 became full blown games.)

    Torque Game Engine
    (This is one of the most used indie game engines I highly suggest it for anyone who wants to go into full on game development with a 3d game of any kind.)

    (One of the best RTS engines out there simular to warcraft3 in my opinion.)

    RPG Maker 95-XP
    (The Rpg Makers will always have a place in my heart due to the fact that it was able to make the stories I would write sometimes into a graphic universe of sorts I highly recommend that you start with one of the RPG Makers before getting into eclipse or any other ORPG engines it gives you a feel for making proper maps items etc RPG Maker 2003 is my favorite its combat system serpasses all the others and I highly suggest RPGM2k3.)

    (The ORGE3D engine is something I attempted to use sometime ago it seemed to be a very versatile and capable engine but due to my lack of programing knowledge I didn't get very far.)

    (Used in such games as Disney's ToonTown and Pirates of the Caribbean Online the engine is free and appears to be worth checking out if you would like to make a full on mmorpg with a free engine.)

    Crystal Space
    (Used in the once popular MMORPG PlaneShift Ive attempted to use this engine but again my lack of programing knowledge beat the crap outa me from what I am told its very powerfull and its a decent engine for creating indie games of many different types.)
  5. Its not so much the classes as it is the levels ever played DarkFall it has a similar system I mean no levels in a MMO really :huh: …. This game will not survive in my opinion....but truthfully the game isnt set to come out for sometime so I dont see the relevancy of this conversation we dont know enough about the game to say really.

    Back to the game at hand I found a few gameplay vids.


    And Character creation
    First one is League second one is Empire.(Defiantly going Empire)
  6. @Draothgorin:

    > It may be good, one of the videos had a small cuddly thing in it, prolly not gonna beat The Secret World

    I don't have much faith in Funcom. Plus no classes is sorta lame also Allods is gonna be F2P. Not to mention The Secret World is Sci Fi Allods is Fantasy you cant really compare the two its like trying to compare Lord Of The Rings with StarTrek. Also it looks like a rip off of FallenEarth to me.Sure it might have better graphics but graphics are not everything example:Mario for the NES is still fun regardless of its graphics from 1985.(The small cuddly things are "Gibberlings" you play 3 at once due to there size. verily original if you ask me.)
  7. Hello everyone I was browsing the net looking for a good MMORPG and I found a Russian mmorpg set to come out in the US and Europe very soon the games name is Allods Online from what I can tell it looks like a mix of World of Warcraft and Runes Of Magic
    with a little twist one of the games most interesting features is the "Astral" sort of like space but more dare I say original? Players can buy ships to explore this "Astral" I will say the races are less then original but they put a bit of a spin on it in my personal opinion. This game looks like my kinda game cant wait for it to come out

    for more info check the links below

    US: http://allods.gpotato.com/
    EURO: http://en.allods.gpotato.eu/

    Information http://en.gpotato.eu/Forum/Index.aspx?FCD=ALLODS_en_N001

    NOT INGAME: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBWYuPssfLI
    About The Astral: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nHMhxMnfhc

    (I think one beta test has gone on in Russia so you might be able to find more in depth ingame vids on YouTube or something.)

    DragonFire :azn:
  8. Most of the games I have played with that many classes where very confusing to play just because it was unfamiliar territory for allot of the players the reason why allot of games stick to basic classes is because when you say the name Mage or Wizard people most gamers think DPS say Priest or Cleric they think healer Knight or Warrior tanks etc etc etc. When you have that many classes it is usually best to have compound names of classes that are in your standard MMO BloodKnight Archmage DarkMage LightMage Technomancer etc but sense your game apears to be Sci-Fi its going to take a bit extra time trying to get the names to fit a Science fiction world these are only suggestions from my previous game experiences. Its just from my experience of playing many MMORPGs that the ones that had over 8 classes or so the names need to be descriptive as possible at the same time as being cool you don't wanna spend 2 hours reading all the descriptions for the different classes I had a run in with a game called Shadowbane that did just that. Fun game but the fact that choosing your class part just didn't flow with the rest of the game was a slight let down if I remember right. My main suggestion is just to make sure that the classes all have there place in a party and you will do just fine. (Just a suggestion from a hardcore gamer.)

    (Sorry if my English is bad.)
  9. Rakion
    World Of Warcraft
    Perfect World
    Huxley(Finally got to beta test the game that I was waiting for sense 2006 it was so worth it.)
    Eternal Lands
    Grenada Espada(Beautiful game 5/5)
    ShinMegaTenOnline(Didn't like it at all!)
    ArchLord (Which btw is going to be sold to WebZen and all current accounts with codemasters are being deleted….Fun game none the less)
    Tales of Pirates
    Voyage Century
    Pirate King
    Jade Dynasty
    RF Online (Pretty fun game.)
    Minions of Mirth
    Requiem:Bloodymare(The most bloody gore filled MMORPG Ive ever had the pleasure of playing.)
    Ferrentis aka Xiones aka Horroct (Best MMORPG OF ALL TIME NO ACCEPTATIONS.)
    Cronus Online
    Grand Chase
    SpaceCowboy(This and the previous 3 are the same game just different releases with new/different content.)
    Rappelz(Pretty cool game.)
    AdventureQuest Worlds
    Age Of Armor
    Gekkeiju Online
    MU Online
    Knight Online
    DreamLords(Resets once every 2months or so.)
    Last Chaos
    Ether Saga(Didn't like it.)
    Corum Online

    Online FPS Games
    WarRock(Was fun in beta sucks now.)
    CrossFire(CS wannabe.)
    A.V.A (Currently Beta testing seems pretty sweet.)
    Operation7(Best free OFPS out there)
    BlackShot(Pretty fun PVE but some lag.)
    WolfTeam(PWNage at its best)
    Battlefield Heroes
    Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
    Savage The Battle for Newerth
    Savage 2 A Tortured Soul(Really good games both of them)

    I think that's most of them.
  10. The problem with only PVP allot of games now days you don't get exp from PVP that and you cant really PVP at level one you have to get to well in most games anyways you have to get to level 30+ in many games I mean some you can PVP at level one but you will get owned that is why and there are many things you can do in PVE that you cant in PVP and vise versa. One of them in PVE is the fact that you have bosses you have massive amounts of monsters you can join a party and cauase more damage to a lower skill level of enemy if you think about it party PVE is kinda like Co-Op mode one of the must haves for me at least in PVP is to have a number of different modes say Race Vs Race FFA Guild Wars(Not Meaning The Game) etc etc. Basically my point is to most PVP and PVE need to be balanced if not equal to one another oh and considering most of you prefer PVP over PVE why doesnt everyone here just play something a MMO perhaps like Runes of Magic or Chronicles of SpellBorn or even SilkRoad and Voyage Century see who is really good a PVP and or PVE.
    and my last point is that some games have bad PVP and PVE some have good so you cant really compare a feature like that without a spusific game becouse who knows most people will probably not be thinking of the same games. And yes the basics of MMORPGs are pretty much the same but its the fine lines that determine who likes what and which is better then the other.
  11. Even if you do change the GUI you will have this problem (shown in image below)

    Ive gone at it with a hex editor but I couldn't "fix" it. I hope you have better luck then I did changing it.
    and I already am a part of my staff for XSN aka Xi Studio Networks and we are currently working on several games one of which is eclipse based the 2nd is a multiplayer 3D first person shooter game anyways my hands are full as is.As a matter a fact I am testing a map on the fps as I am typing this. Thanks for the invite anyways and I hope too see your game in beta very soon.
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