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Everything posted by vrage

  1. Why has it been removed. It was a nice addition while it lasted.Hope it returns :grin:
  2. Check out the news! Enterbrain wants us to get rid of RPG maker gfx.
  3. Without lighting: [![](http://xs125.xs.to/xs125/08115/vragesoftlogo_copy718.jpg)](http://xs.to) With Lighting:(It's kinda overlighted) [![](http://xs225.xs.to/xs225/08115/vragesoftlogo_light647.jpg)](http://xs.to) Good Quality:(png) [![](http://xs225.xs.to/xs225/08115/vragesoftlogo141.png)](http://xs.to) Made from Scratch in Photoshop. Digimarked, dont try stealing.
  4. < V Like it?
  5. vrage

    Graphics Gale?

    http://www.humanbalance.net/gale/us/ Funny.Very funny.
  6. vrage

    Happy birthday

    Upcoming Birthdays: Ambard (39), Thony (16), Evil Bunny (16), Blast (15) Happy bithday Ambard. Dunno who the other guys are. :P
  7. vrage

    Some Tsets

  8. Anyone Know/Can think of fictional clothing company names? (This is for Evo) Thank you, and be serious.
  9. vrage


    Items: http://www.savware.net/images/nethack.gif
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96DRhRGfoXw All items in that video copyright me, except music. Models made by me, Music, semi-mixed by me. ;D
  11. I dunno how this happened. It was working yesterday…
  12. Today's been an Error-day. Here's a list of errors I encountered today: 1.VB - RTE 7 -"Out of memory" 2.MSN - 80004884 82788274 3.iClone - Just shut down 4.PhotoShop - Not starting 5.Windows Vista - Display driver stopped working! 6.Nvidia - Stopped,was a freeze(probably) 7.Msn Upgrade - Error 6 kjashdka
  13. vrage


  14. http://www.rpg-palace.com/downloads/details.php?id=102
  15. I want to Block Player(x)'s Spells from Player(z)'s client. What's the command to do so? Eg: Is there a Player(x).Spells = 0
  16. Hm…4.35 mins. Timed it, and clocked in somewhere there.Anyway: [![](http://xs124.xs.to/xs124/08065/vragesig270.jpg)](http://xs.to) P.S- If someone wants me to make custom Signs/Avatars, please do ask me. (Am I following in renzo's footsteps?)
  17. What's the command to warp a player to a specific map, and a certain tile IN that map?
  18. vrage

    Compile Error

    For some reason, after I blocked player movement, THIS happened: ``` Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Call CheckInput(1, KeyCode, Shift) End Sub ``` ERROR - Argument NOT optional. I just added a Boolean check on CheckIput, i.e, It checks if a Value is true, If it is, then it Doesn't take Directionbuttons into account. HELP!
  19. I want to make a certain Player COMPLETELY invisble, by clicking on a button. I need help on this one. Even the HP bar shud be invisible. Thx.
  20. Hm…..Well, on my computer, the Server works fine. But on my Host's Computer, it doesn;t seem to Save maps. We've made sure it isn't read only, or due to lack of access. But, we're able to play , and my Client IS able to connect to the server. Got Any Ideas?
  21. Is it possible to make code that asks you to input a players name into a textbox, and gives you the index of the players name you just entered? Coz there's NO GetPlayerIndex(name) command.(although the reverse GetplayerName(index) exists.) Thanks! ;D
  22. I wanna check if a certain Player is moving ,nd aI want to check it from the SERVER's code. Also, I want to block that particular players movement. The Istryingtomove() doesn't work . Thanks! ;D
  23. Yep. Evo 3K's website is currently in-dev. I'm making it, and I wanna show you the progress. It's kinda Elite though: Menu Buttons- Home: [![](http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/1bb3d713dd.jpg)](http://www.freeimagehosting.net/) Forums: [![](http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/e1cfd3c408.jpg)](http://www.freeimagehosting.net/) Download button: [![](http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/077de80b75.jpg)](http://www.freeimagehosting.net/) Please rate it! Made custom in PSP.
  24. What's the VB command to get a certain player's X,Y position? I also need t know the map he's on. ;) Thnks!
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