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Posts posted by Imago

  1. Looks pretty good to me man, leagues ahead of the original haha. It comes out a little strange on the black background, but the likely-hood of it ever being on a solid black backing like that is slim to none.
  2. Looks good man, suits the GUI much better too. I'd only maybe drop the size of the drop shadow slightly or lower the opacity to bring it in a bit more. Also, I understand you went for the glassy look to the emblem but I think having it the emblem layer duplicated and coloured white behind it would make it far more powerful on a dark background - instead of being so transparent. It's kind of washed away in that second image. I think the tones as they are in the first image look good.
  3. The remake is far superior and has come a long way from the original.

    The first one is too visually busy, the colours contrast poorly and it's just a bit.. bleh.

    The second however, is much cleaner, legible and the colours work well. The only two suggestions i'd offer would be;

    - Kill the warp on the text. There is no reason for it to be there and looks tacky. It also pulls focus on the letter "A" - which would be fine if that A has significance, but as it is I find myself fixating on the "A" and not reading the name as a whole.

    - Make your drop shadows consistent between the logo at the back and the text in front.. personally I'd drop the either the shadow or the small blue glow all together, as it's visually conflicting to have a shadow coming off of an object that is glowing. Nit picking there though.

    Something you have to consider with logo design is how it will look when it is scaled down. The benefit of the second game logo is the emblem behind the text. If you've made that yourself, that is infact a very powerful tool in that it can be used as a standalone symbol to represent your game at a smaller size.

    A potential negative is that the second one could be sending the wrong message. I look at the first logo and expect the game's palette to be dark and grungy, while the second I'd expect something more clean, happy and vibrant. Now I haven't seen your game, if it is quite grungy then I'd say you're not quite there yet - but the original logo is not the way to go in my opinion.

    It is just my 2 cents though haha.. Apologises if I've come off like a douche, just trying to help out - you're progressing well though, keep it up.
  4. You'd have no idea who I am but i'd just like to give you a nice little warning..
    Spanion has moved from game to game ditching one hopeful game developer after another. The engine he is probably using for your game has been in the making for years, adapting as it changed projects. It's like a virus.

    I suggest you check out screen shots of World of Hyrule and to a lesser extent screenshots of Arkland if you can find them. Both contained graphics made by the very talented Kreator and Immanual. He has left those two impressive projects within the past 1-2 years and I know he will probably read this and tell you a story about me but hey.. the moment he stops talking to you via msn or whatever is the day you prepare for him to bail. Fair warning.

    I'm sure you're a good bloke Jay. I don't mean to attack you in anyway. Oh and japez.. blow me  :kiss:
  5. Thats alright, I used to be an active member but I just got on to silence you which I (with Kreator) have appeared to do so. You made comments about Kreator which brought me in and mentioned things like taking the cowards option, then did it yourself. You've made yourself look like an idiot and no matter what you think of me.. in a year I may get on for 2 days so my image on here couldn't matter in the slightest.

    Enjoy your wood flogging, i'm going to bed. Might check your pitiful responce in another 5 months.
  6. @Thorn:

    > trying to give yourself an easy escape route in case I say something that you don't want to respond to. The path of a coward.

    Sound familar thorn? Is that defeat or you just getting on your knees before Kreator and partially myself because you have given yourself an easy escape route and havent responded to anything we have been saying. More denial, seen that alot from you I suppose. I guess you were just 'Noobcrushed'.
  7. @Thorn in relation to his Kreator attack

    Thorn.. you've spent so much time on that shitty game your confusing realitiy with virtual life. Now what i'm guessing (and is most likely the case) you watch a shit load of jackie chan movies, you flog your wood basically all year round, your teaching yourself mandolin means your failing at playing it, you stalk deer through your local WoW forest for fun, and you probably spend the majority of your standard day outside on WoW instead of inside on WoW. See that fits in with the whole, death threats because someone hacked your WoW account and then you feeling the need to let us know.

    Sounds like your an insecure princess who is afraid to accept reality and in turn attempts to sound like a hero over the internet. Now for someone who has an incredibly poorly designed signature (yah, I do graphic design and going into a 4 year cource studying it soon - one major problem is theres an incredibly disruptive eye flow) I find it hard to see how Kreator can take offense from someone who themselves doesnt appear to be to creative nor have any concept of designing something in general. I'm sure you'll tell me your an archetect in reply to this as well so in advance - spare me.

    Just a side note to, he did log out mmaybe thats because he has better things to do but I let him know you replied (as we're bed buddies and proud of it) and brought him back into it. Careful what you wish for.
  8. @Kreator:

    > Ok I'll stop now before I rack up too many warnings and frustrate the moderators and administrators.

    Instead you call in the big guns.. or as I like to think of it, the big fuck off ready to shoot you down cannon! I'm imago, I used to get on here regulary and now only stop in from time to time because someone points out a thread to me. Some of you may remember me.. probably alot more pissed off and intolerant than I was back then. Even this post is me trying to not get to sadistic and abusive but you wont have to put up for me for more than this post really - im done with game making.

    Moving along to the hermit, you know I remember once when I poured hours into a game, so much time and loved every second of it. My brother deleted my profile and I was sure pissed. I didn't want to kill him but hurt him maybe. Now I was about 7 at that stage and today if my brother did that to me i'd probably punch him in the gut but get over it fairly quickly. See here, your 20 years old for fucks sake. Grow up, why are you even waisting your time on that game. It's not even a good game! Fuck i'll admit it, I play xbox.. with friends. We play cod4 all the time and love it, but theres a difference here. When someone kills me do I say I want to cut them up nice and slow? Well yeah.. but thats mainly to freak them out and have a laugh with friends. I don't know what to say.. I mean I considered going off my nut at how i'd torture you for playing that game but.. common sence dictates it would be slow and painful.

    I'm done with this post as i'm sleepy and got bored of typing it soo there, imago posted. Say hi to Adulese for me. Kreator I want your babies. Marsh what else would I be doing at 3:30AM.
  9. Hahaha, love how you take this members word for it in your little screenshot. You see no proof from this person who supposably got a reply from the company that created dragonball z yet you all of the sudden require a letter from nintendo itself from Kreator. Not to mention you probably took this screenshot out of context and he could have been defending himself for all we know. Oh and who says he is a reliable source hmm..?
  10. Ha.. yes i've briefly returned to this community to call this Sean and all of his friends a bunch of idiots, so allow me to begin. You are all.. idiots. Believe it or not there are people out there with the talent to be able to recreate something - or sprite something from scratch without editing a premade piece. Of cource you wouldn't know talent if it hit you in the face and believe me, if you lived anywhere near kreator you would get hit in the face by a whole lot of talent.

    They are making a fan based game, and they are going one better than that. They are creating their own graphics which have been inspired by one zelda game in particular which isn't suprising seeing it is indeed a fan based game! There is no laws against using an idea if rightfully acredited and the fact that they are advertising this as a fan based game, indicates alone that it is a game based upon another game, made by fans.

    As for you kreator, this is the first I have seen of this game and it's looking great. Ignore the retards who wouldn't know the difference between a quality, promising game and one made in less than 5 minutes.
  11. Gents, Ladies.
    Stopping by breifly as i was cleaning my computer and I found a few resources so rather than delete them.. I decided to chuck them on here. So enjoy, if I come across more i'm sure ill compile them and post them in this thread as well.

    Ps. It has mainly Sci-Fi and futuristic tiles but also has a few other pieces such as start of a western tileset that was ment for a community project and also alot of sprite edits by me for a love partner who no longer uses them.


    **- Matt**
  12. Well i'm working on my own little solo project at the moment but the point is, I need some opinions on the image below. Its obviously just an outline with a color slapped on but i was wondering if the whole light source looks okay.


    Btw.. this is possibly the first time i've tried to make something isometric [that I can think of right now] but don't let that influence your opinion, please don't  :roll:.
  13. I'm currently programming my own game in flash and all is going well but! I need to make it so that the 'spaceship' that you control cannot go off screen. I have no idea what the code is and couldn't guess so if anyone knows could you help me out?

    Player controlled symbol/instance name: Ship
    [and just incase] border image symbol/instance name: Border

    If you could help me out, it would be much appreciated.
  14. Whats the amazing game you have ever seen? Take that and times it by such a figure that your head explodes. GTA IV Comes out in a few days and this topic is to show something that will blow your mind. I saw all info, all trailers and such and my expectations were extremly high.. Now i have seen game play and my extremly high expectations themself was blown away.

    Point is, everyone must try gta or check it out and I have found a live stream of someone playing the game. It is better than movies! No kidding! Even if you hated past gta games, this one will suprise you. All i can say is im buying a 360 for it!


    I have seen cutscenes, fights, gun stores, sniping, car stealing, riots and i mean.. each time is different and each one blows me away. I haven't seen a repeat of anything yet.
  15. Though I might share a game that myself, Kreator, drunk_on_cheese, japez and Big B  8) Have been playing lately. It's called iSketch and it's really fun. Basically it is online pictionary.


    Theres no current registering of accounts so you just pick a name, a game and play! There's tons of different catogories on there, everything from general knowledge to XXX  :alkashi: So be sure to play this game, its online, fast and fun. Even more fun with mates.
    **Warning:** It is bloody addictive.
    Ps. Yes that is me in the image beating drunk_on_cheese by 1 points :P To be fair, he won the next one by 4 points i think.
  16. Well i started working on this theme for someone but it wasn't what they wanted. Basically i spent a minute filling in the button areas and the news box and didn't like it ethier, so heres a gift to whoever might want it.

    Included in .rar - Main Menu GUI and it's psd
    No Credit needed
    I've included the psd so that you can finish the set if you want.
    *Note* If you wish to use this main menu straight up it will require some source work to position the buttons correctly for use.
    Main Menu Preview:

    Enjoy! I don't want it, all yours if you want to use or continue it! I think with a bit of effort and time you might be able to make it look really good :P I've been cleaning out my computer so you might see me posting some more free resources i've made soon.
  17. Well i've been working on the new Seven Nations website lately, currently we have a flash website more as a temporary website. Anyway, I need some opinions on prehaps what i should add/change, what you think should be found on the site and maybe some other points.

    **Website soon to be found at:** [www.7-nations.com](http://www.7-nations.com)

    * * *

    **Current detils you cannot see off an image:**
    - When hovering above main link bars at the top of the page, the button lights up.
    **Planned Sections of the site:**
    Home | Forums | About | High Scores | Gallery | Downloads
    **Special Features:**
    - Highscores
    - Player cards [eg, mine is found below. Yeah, i'm the lowest ranked staff member i think - currently 64th in the top 100 players]
    - Login Menu, able to create your account for game from the site or to recover passwords, ect.*
    **** This is a maybe so far****
    **Content Found In Site:**
    - Latest Client Downloads
    - Information on all the nations and the game itself
    - the latest news, many updates unposted on any other forums
    - additional downloads
    - screenshots

    So yeh I need opinions :P
    Also the sprites seen in the banner of the website are the sprites that I am making, that will be added into the game to replace the current ones [as seen in my player card] asap.

    * * *

    Close up of banner [actual size]:
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