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sir zach

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Posts posted by sir zach

  1. Yup.

    I changed my name from purple to Leaf.

    I learned of a band recently and it's flipping amazing. The lead singer, which of whom is of the feminine sex, is without a doubt, talented. She can sing really high, sing with a raspy voice, and scream. All on her own.

    This band would be Flyleaf. You should check them out.
    By Zach Johnson

    I wrote this for school and wanted to know what people thought.

    Back in the 1800's a well known scientist started a continuous, and still active, controversy. This controversy would be Evolution. Evolution disagreed with everything people believed before, Creation. Not only did a controversy start, but it boosted the amount of Atheists and Agnostic “believers.” Atheists believe there is no greater being or no intelligent designer, but they believe in Evolution. Agnostics believe in a greater being and an intelligent designer but believe that it is not God.

    Evolution states that humans evolved from apes because of similar body structure(s). This does seem very logical but where did apes come from? Scientists have another explanation for this, The Big Bang. This offers the idea of one hydrogen atom combining with other hydrogen atoms to form new atoms. There is no explanation to as where the hydrogen atom came from. So why is it so hard to believe in an intelligent designer instead of one hydrogen atom?

    The intelligent designer I believe in is God. Simply because there is no other explanation for a beautiful galaxy to be designed out of nothing. I believe that God created Earth and living organisms to share His love because He had so much bottled inside. He created the galaxy to show how amazing and wonderful He is. It also shows a “Glimpse of Glory.” I am not trying to preach but I am trying to disprove Evolution through logic of everyday organisms.

    The Earth is only about 6,000-7,000 years old. Ancient cities over in Africa have been buried under sand for the last 2,000 years and were recently dug up within the last hundred years. If they could be dug up then they weren't that far under ground. Same with fossils. Dinosaurs are believed to be over millions of years old. This can't be true though because they can be dug up, just like the ancient cities in Africa. The fossils and cities are about the same depth below the surface. If the cities are only couple thousand years old and the fossils are the same depth as the cities, than they should be around the same age.

    Let's start with apes evolving into humans. Yes, there are similar body structures but so do birds of all different kinds. If humans are more intelligent than apes then wouldn't there be a bird with the same amount of intelligence? Since it supposedly took a million years for humans to develop, there should be other animals that evolved into intelligent organisms.

    If Evolution did have to occur for an organism to survive then there would be no living thing on this Earth. This is because evolution of an organism supposedly takes millions of years to fully develop. But the Earth isn't millions of years old, as stated earlier. If an animal were to just start being developed it wouldn't know what it could eat, how to get food, or pretty much know how to do anything, unless an intelligent designer “told” them how they should live. How could a living organism just live without knowledge of survival?

    It's like when a mom is pregnant and then has a baby. The baby develops, inside the womb, based on a design that has been passed down from each generation of humans, starting with Adam and Eve. When the baby is born, it doesn't know what to do so the intelligence, the mother, feeds the baby and teaches it how to survive, throughout its early stages of life.

    Having babies leads me to my next point. How could two different sexes come from one line of evolved organism? There can't be sexual reproduction with just one sex of organism. However, there is asexual reproduction, when an organism can reproduce on its own, which could have started it all. But if asexual reproduction did start it all, then where did sexual reproduction come from? An organism can't just split into two different sexes and start reproducing with each other. Even God, or the intelligent designer if you prefer, knew this wasn't possible after creating Adam. He created Adam so that he could share the love of God with others. But since Adam couldn't communicate with other species, he needed a companion. In the Bible, in Genesis 2, it states that Adam's rib was taken out of his flesh and formed into a woman, named Eve:

    Genesis 2:21-22 (NIV)
    So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

    This led to them only being able to share God's love with each other, so now they would need to reproduce, just like all of the other organisms on Earth.

    Some how humans came into control over all of the living animals. We had intelligence of how to raise them, take care of them, and use them to benefit us. Christians believe God gave us this intelligence and ability to control the animals, which is a powerful explanation to why we know so much about the animals, without studying them when time “began.”

    Genesis 1:26
    Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

    Back to the not being able to survive topic, how would the first animals know they need to hibernate? If the first bear on the planet were to just live life normally then all of a sudden winter hit, it wouldn't know what to do. It would just sit around all winter waiting for its food to appear. Since it would just be sitting around, it would probably freeze to death, die of exhaustion after searching for food and most definitely experience starvation.

    Whales would have also died of starvation based on some bizarre beliefs. Scientists believe that whales used to be land animals but then went back to being water animals, according to my biology class. This is a theory because of the extra pelvic bones whales possess. This is only a theory though, because they have no proof, just like all of the other evidence out there about evolution. Whales couldn't have possibly evolved into land mammals and back into water creatures. Whales don't have teeth because they have filters that filter out small fish for food, there is no teeth. But if they were walk on land then they would need teeth, and they need to eat. So by the time they would have grown teeth, they would have been dead of starvation. But if they were originally land mammals than how could they evolve into sea creatures? They would also die of starvation by evolving into water animals because they would be a foreign organism and animals would hide in fear. Since they would only have teeth they would have to grow their filters in order to catch and eat smaller fish. Without this filter they would swallow unhealthy organisms and die.

    Giraffes have the longest neck in the world, making their head the highest, yet lowest. This neck provides a giraffe with the ability to reach high objects or drinking water without getting it's whole body close to the water source. Some water sources have a muddy perimeter possibly causing a large animal, such as giraffe, to get stuck. When a giraffe lowers it's head to get water a lot of blood rushes to its brain. Well, that's what would happen if it didn't have special valves in it's neck that blocked off blood pumping to his head. When it lowers it's head a sponge, below his brain, soaks up all of the blood from the last pump of blood from the heart. Now, the giraffe is prepared for speedy upward movement of its brain. If a giraffe is drinking water from the ground, it is an easy target for predators. So when it hears a noise the giraffe's reaction would be to look up and make sure it isn't danger. The sponge below his brain squeezes blood back into the brain, once it starts the upward movement, to prevent passing out due to lack of oxygen. Without having this sponge it wouldn't be able to live because once it passed out it would be an easy target. With the amount of time it would have taken a sponge to evolve in the giraffe's head, giraffes would be extinct due to being easy pray and not being able to access water sources near the ground.

    A more general look on survival is on predators and their prey. It's kind of like the famous question “What came first: The chicken or the egg?” Well, obviously it would have been the chicken because nothing could keep the egg warm and then nurture it after hatching. An egg couldn't have just been evolved in the the right place, at the right time, and the knowledge for the chick. Prey nurture their predators, just like the mother chicken and it's chick. Without prey, there couldn't be food resources for the predator because they desire a certain organism for survival. If all animals ate vegetation, instead of either prey or vegetation, there wouldn't be enough to go around. Also, if the the egg came before the chicken than the chick wouldn't know what it could eat because it developed feeding off of yolk from its egg. This is where the mother chicken comes in as well, teaching the chick how to survive. Prey must come before the predator because there would have been nothing for the predator to eat.

    Woodpeckers are another example of why evolution can't happen. Woodpeckers peck their brains out while looking for food in threes or other wooden objects, such as houses. Let's believe for a moment that evolution is true, imagine the first bird that wanted to find food in a tree. It would have gone up to the tree and pecked until it got a concussion. Since this bird was determined to find food in the tree, it would take millions of years for it to grow a long enough beak and system to prevent concussions. But once this bird finally got into the tree it had another problem; reaching the insects. So now it has to develop a long enough tongue, adding millions of more years to it's starvation. After the first few million years of evolving the long enough beak, this bird would have surely died causing it to be extinct, but it is still around today.

    The angler fish is an eerie looking fish that lives deep down in the depths of the ocean where darkness lurks. Fish are attracted to light so this angler fish, to attract food, has an appendage that illuminates. Since this fish is deep in the ocean, where there are scarce food sources, it needs to attract it's prey instead of hunting for it. The angler fish couldn't have eaten enough food without attracting its prey to itself. Which draws us to the conclusion that they couldn't find or attract its food for a million years, causing it starve to death and eventually there would be no more angler fish.

    In every aspect, from woodpeckers smashing their brains in, to apes evolving into intelligent human beings,  the evolution theory has an error. There can't be all of this from one hydrogen atom, but there can be all of this from an intelligent designer. Hopefully future studies can further prove that evolution is wrong because it is destroying the basis of which America was found, religious freedom. Evolutionists even live by some of the Bible's “sayings,” yet they are trying to disprove the Bible with a theory. For example the Golden Rule: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 7:12). Many people live by this rule, or moral, Christian or not.
  3. I would post this in the "I'm New/Back/Leaving" thread but this is just temporary. If it belongs in their, sorry.

    But I am really far behind in school and only have 3 weeks to catch up. So, I am going to be back around June 13th. It will be hard to leave but I have to do it. If I get done early I can come back before June 13th :)

    Project Vhutoria will continue with less assistance from me. So, team, unless you are in dire need of my help, I can not be of assistance.

    See you guys later.

    **Marsh: suspend my account until I tell you on MSN or you get the message to let me back on the site.**
  4. This whole situation with Macrohawk reminds me of this kid, Colton that used to "live" in my area. He lived in the woods in the town I live in and would rob people. But this kid, yes kid (16 years old), had skill. When somebody was away on vacation he would break into their house, stay the night, take their money, and use their facilities. My friend was having a birthday party at her beach and everyone stayed the night down at the beach. When they woke up their cell phones were gone and some other things. Sneaky, eh? Oh, it gets better. He got caught and went to a mental house about 2 hours away from my town. After being their about 6 months, he decided he had enough, so told the cops he was going back to my town and simply escaped.
  5. http://iced.kicks-ass.net/MagnetCMS/index.php

    Me and some friends have made a COD4 (Call of Duty 4 for you uneducated people) clan called "ICED." We have at least 10 people in the clan at the moment. We decided to make a website for it, so I have been debugging a User Management System i made back in 2006.

    Please tell me what you think of the style, graphics, and the system itself :)

    (I will be releasing this system once its completely debugged)
  6. I have honestly been working on this all day. It's harder than I thought it would be… The hard part was just converting everything to work with this GUI...

    Just a couple things:
      - The inventory button is clicked, hence the inside shadowing.
      - PopUps are created when a button is clicked.
      - The PopUps are closed by "Exit Buttons."

    Please rate and leave comments on things I can change :)
  7. Sorry if I'm spamming but… I am working with the source a little and noticed that the inventory section is called picInv3...

    Well I was wondering... Why is there a three????

    This came up because I found this piece of code:

    Private Sub picInv3entory_Click()
        picInv3.Visible = True
    End Sub
    It looks like when they were spelling inventory in the Sub name they accidentally hit the 3 button while reaching for the E…. Idk I thought it was funny.
  8. So what should I add to this? I feel like im missing something. Also feedback would be nice :)

    > MySpace has many features to communicate with friends, current or forgotten. It was originally designed to be used as a “friend search engine.” If you have lost contact with a friend over many years, you were able to go onto MySpace and search for them. If that person had an account you two could reconnect with each other. But it has been fading into just another “online hang out place” to communicate with anyone, which has also raised the concern of parents. They are protecting their kids from predators, but MySpace has this ability too. MySpace has a bad reputation because of the way it can be used. One thing that not many people know about is all the security features MySpace has. This online community doesn’t need its “unsafe reputation.” MySpace doesn’t deserve this reputation; some of its users do instead.
    > There is a whole entire section on MySpace devoted to security and privacy of its users. One of the famous security options is to set a profile to private, meaning only the people you have added, or accepted, as a friend can view it. With another feature, users can’t just send a friend request; they may have to know your email or last name. This feature is optional but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to use it.
    > In order for people to find you they need a name or email. When you register an account you’re suppose to enter your full real name, this information is only used for the search option for your friends to find you. This goes for your Zip Code too; it is only used for searching capabilities. Location is different how ever, it is shown, but a lot of people don’t put their actual location. So just make a place up, people get a kick out of the places where people “live.”
    > One drawback is the ability for a person to send a message to someone that isn’t even on their friends list. But this is just like emailing, and almost everyone I know has an email, but not a MySpace. If someone you don’t know sends you an email, you can simply delete it or block that person. However, there may be ways for them to continue messaging you. If problems continue then you can report anyone by using the reporting feature, located on almost everyone’s profile (some of the profiles have them hidden). You can also block people on your friends list and delete them from your friends list.
    > A major problem parents have is the fact that they can’t read the messages their kids are sending to friends. Parents have a couple options on how to read these messages. One of these options is for the parents to get a MySpace account and add their kids to their friends list, so that they can read the comments and look over their profile. Another option is for parents to monitor their kids’ use of MySpace. This can be done by parents simply watching their kids go on it or by getting login information and access the account completely.
    > Another issue parents have with MySpace is their kids can put pictures of anything on their profile. A way to look at this is: If somebody sees a kid on the street they can stalk them. But on the internet, if a profile is set to private, all they can do is see the users default photo, which is the photo that is shown wherever your display name is shown, of that person. They can’t get any information about you if you use MySpace safely. Users can even set their photos (but not their default photo) to “Friends Only” so that only a user’s friends can view their profile.
    > Ads are a major problem, for many reasons. They can contain inappropriate content or hidden viruses. But the people running MySpace are very careful about what ads they show on the pages of MySpace. Parents can educate their kids that ads mostly lead to trouble. There are also “Ad Blockers” available all over the internet, try searching Download.com for some high rated ad blockers.
    > There are “Black Hackers” allover the internet, “Black Hackers” hack for non-beneficial reasons. There are very few, if any, “White Hackers” on MySpace, which are people the warn users that they are open to hacking. Black Hackers will log into any open account they find and post inappropriate content or viruses using your account. The ways to prevent this from happening is by creating a unique password, changing it often, and only enter your login information on MySpace.
    > From the information above there are many ways to keep you safe from predators and other online issues. If, parents, are still concerned about your kids safety then you could make a test account and do a run through and see how many “creeps” actually want to befriend you. If a predator bugs you on the test account try getting rid of them to help you decide if MySpace is safe enough for your kids. I hope this article gave out useful information about how to use MySpace safely.

    Bump ?
  9. *Move, if in wrong board*

    I have created the very basic of the program. So I am asking someone to write the codes. You will get full credits, except the general design. I tried coding it but it was difficult. I may spend more time on it a little later.

    So if you are willing to code this, that would be awesome.
  10. I totally forgot about this project I started a few years back. Well im going to continue this project for a while then distribute it out to whoever wants it. Is a very simple website manager written in PHP and uses a MySQL database to store things.

    Ok I have been working on this for a couple days now and you are now able to download it now :D

    If you want I can also host it. I will start a new topic in Resources or somewhere for this. But since I want to show off the website here it is:

  11. I have forums integrated into a website (SMF + MKPortal) to make one simple site. The theme matches the game's GUI and I will have more features relating to the game in the near future. Please tell me what you think.

  12. I just setup apache on a server and was wondering if people could view the homepage. The guide recommemded that I don't check it on my home network.


    Please and Thank You :)

    It should say "It works!" if it does :P
  13. Just about everyday I see people joining and almost immediately looking for staff/crew. I think that if you want to make a game you should learn how to make a game on your own first. Learn the engine, how to code some stuff, and be able to make decent graphics. I made a mistake of releasing my game before I made my own graphics, so I had to keep changing the game around because I kept changing my mind on the graphics. I finally, just recently actually, got the base graphics down. I closed the release of my game until it is playable and enjoyable. So before people look for a crew to make a game, learn the engine yourself.

    If you know coding then the people you recruit (later on) won't just BS their way into being staff. If you don't know coding people can easily get you excited about being on your staff… But what if you don't know coding? Then how would you know they know it as well? Just learn the basics, it's not that hard I learned in a couple days.

    Another thing you should do is learn how to make decent graphics. Players get bored of the same graphics in a lot of games. People are starting to make custom graphics for their games. If you are looking for graphic designers then you have a wide variety of graphics because of all the different graphic designers. So if you learn to make some graphics on your own, then you may find it fun and won't have a variety of different graphics. By "variety" I mean different styles of shading, different paperdoll alignments, etc. I think if you don't know how to make decent graphics you don't have what it takes to make a game.

    Learn how to use the engine. If you don't know how to use the engine before recruiting staff then you don't know if it meets your requirements (I'm not saying Eclipse is a bad engine). Also, you shouldn't be making a game if you don't know how to use an ENGINE.

    I wrote this hoping to cut down on the games that get started then end quickly because of "mean" criticism. I have a crew of 2 people, Me and my neighbor. Since we both have time on our hands, we have the time to learn new things like using the engine, coding, and graphic design. We are learning a lot and it will most likely help our game by knowing what we are doing. Also, if you don't know how to do these three things and recruit staff, IT'S NOT YOUR GAME, it's the people, who you recruited, game because you don't know how to do the basics and they would be doing most of the work.

    (I didn't know where to post this, sorry)
  14. I know I have started this thread before but for some reason the last one wasnt working (part of page 2 is missing). So I started a new one. Here is a new update… Look at the last item, My neighbor drew it and I modified it.

  15. I know there has been many of these but. Why is it only showing up on ONE computer. I completely wiped out the comp and reinstalled windows onto it. And it happened again.

    Side Note: I also wiped it out because it needed it, really slow.
  16. I do not have the capabilities of changing the source so…

    Is there any way to change the Sprite Animation Sequence? Because the sprites walk and stand funny. Like they only move one leg at time. This would be a nice fix-up for 2.6 or sooner also...
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