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Posts posted by Belmont

  1. ty, yes its nothing amazing this was just a small project more of a fun learning experience, currently tested everything again

    farming and player housing is working, questing is working pet system working, weapon skills working, I just need to balance the exp ratios and equipment out which I did have a formula for it which took forever..guess thats the next step
  2. hey all..I recently was cleaning out my computer for a reformat and noticed this ancient game i was working on, and with some free time ive recently aquired ive decided to start working on it again, i had alot of fun making it and everything still works fine, the community had alot of positive feedback and i dissapeared due to work however its eased up alot now, time to start learning/remembering VB6 again..
  3. thanks raiko I saw from the logs you were on, at least I know my port forwarding works!

    yeah, in the coming weeks im going to balance items/exp/gold ratio since it would be pretty damn impossible to level right now, but if anyone wants to explore feel free

    i think it was lagging due to my friend downloading things, at a later stage if i get enough players ill get a dedicated server like my old game, i know i have it here somewhere
  4. updated with information and screenshots, ive also added a client download, i have port forwaded and websites like, canyouseeme.org say that the port is open and its fine, but id like to see if people can connect alright, so if someone could test that for me i would greatly appreciate it

    for now, there isnt much you can do, however you can walk around and explore the maps more in depth, as monsters wont attack you as of right now
  5. updated with more info/screenshots..wont updated again untill this friday, work sucks :(

    also going to be editing the houses on the desert map, to look as if they are made of clay..same tiles, just altering the texture, also need to work on the actual desert part itself, then ill release a client
  6. thanks for the replies, what colors would you recommened DDunnit? lol

    wheres the snow? I checked it out I couldnt see any, theres like a rock thingy in the water that you could mistake for snow maybe?

    ive started mapping a desert, which ive never done before, and im finding it pretty hard but ill get there eventually..ive start a new job tommorow, which sucks for the progression of this game, so ill probably work on it every monday, and every friday and set aside some time so it doesnt go stale so to speak..

    once i get the desert and second town up, im going to work on the classes and balancing out items/exp then release a client for testing, hopefully all goes well
  7. Im horrible at making custom tiles unfortunately so Im gonna stick with the ones I have, Im going to be doing custom paperdoll weapons and GUI later but thats about it graphics wise.

    It might look like alot of the same tree's/bushes but in game you cant really notice, I like to keep a simple consistency if you add too many different things to a map, it starts to look cluttered.

    Im definately going to expand the town later to add a potion shop, and a tavern to the left side.

    The tiles/sprites im using now though are all from the resources section on the forum.
  8. This is my small online project im working on, it isnt going to be big like my other games but more something to pass the time, ill probably change the name as well I just needed something to even post it here lol.

    You are a young adventurer living in a small town, you have always heard tales about the brave hero, Jonas, and the amazing feats he had accomplished, and the praise the villagers give to him.

    Now you are of age to leave the town safely, its time for you to start your own journey and make a legend of yourself.


    Paladin: The only class that can use shields, a warrior with healing magic.

    Beserker: The only class that can wield 2 hand weapons. An offensive warrior.

    Mage: Uses offensive magic to eradicate monsters.

    Cleric: Small offensive spell caster arsenal, mainly specialising in healing magic.

    More to come however.



    After you purchasing your own house, which is the size of 1 map, a 3x3 square is used for farming, you get the seeds from foraging, which you then plant at the allocated plot of land 1 seed per square, then over time the fruit/plant appears. It needs to be worked on however, anyone can harvest these items, not just the player than orginally put them in the land.


    Made it so you summon an NPC that doesnt follow you with no stats..so..still in progress.


    Rather one huge screenshot right now..I saved it to PNG so the colors look a little washed out but you get the idea, the red lines indicate a dead end as in no other maps beyond that one, this whole thing took me about a 8 hours.

    Town of Ravenhood/Forest

    Craystone Caves

    Sablestone Village

    Redstone Desert

    Let it load then click on the zoom icon, you can see everything and move around alot easier.

    Theres a tunnel to go through, which after going through them will lead you to the next town.

    Theres also a few mapping mistakes, but after I took all the screenshots and put em together like that, they have all been fixed, I wouldnt of noticed otherwise.

    After the desert, theres a small cave which will lead you to an underground river system, taking the boat will take you to a snowy area, which is in the works.

  9. hey guys been awhile since I posted here, but I have some free time now and im gonna start up another game, im guessing eclipse stable is the obvious choice, right? I just remember there being evolution, and one other being available, eclipse I think when I was making games using this engine
  10. if your more of an RPG gamer.. xbox360 has alot more RPG titles that dont come out on any other console, but either way, ill never buy one because I worked at a game store the day 360 was released..and it wasnt fun having 1/3 returned by pissed off customers an hour later because of red lights..urgh..

    either way, PC FTW!
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