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Posts posted by Helpmeplz

  1. *Cough*
    Hello there, long time since we posted in here. So far the project has been going great! I'd just like to make an announcement. Psithyroi has gone through a major graphic change.
    This is thanks to wonderful works of Wraith and Kevin.
    Please keep it mind these are still mock ups. Things are still to be changed. Anyways, enjoy. ;)
  2. @Al:

    > What the hell does Akatsuki do for the project? He's not an artist, his grammar is terrible. I don't get the point, I checked your forums and he just talks to people and does nothing. You have too big of an admin team too. No moderators for the forum. In my opinion adding Akatsuki on the team was a mistake, he needs more experience, in everything. Life, game making, just everything.

    Nick(Akatsuki) is pretty much a community manager and gets the game out there. Stop hating. Our team isn't "too big". We have a stable team that makes progress. Everyone has their own job/skill and stuff gets done. No moderators? Because we don't need them right now. It seems you have a personal problem with Nick and should keep it out this thread.
  3. When making a main menu, you want something appealing and makes you want to play the game. This looks dull and unattractive. Start a new.
  4. @Navi:

    > I was directly referencing someone on the forum. They wouldn't even make a decent sample, but wanted to be paid a fair bit of money for the things Fuu's doing for free.

    Dang, you're still on that…

    Anyways nice sprites Fuu.
  5. Don't do the carved text, that will just look bad. You should turn down the highlight on the wood and remove the diamonds in the news section. Also, the brown under the wood, you should give it a wood texture and make it darker then the front side of the wood.
  6. 1-3\. Yeah we know, the forum is only temporary. We actually have one in the works with custom graphics and our new forum doesn't use SMF.
    4\. Well Kevin wanted to pixel the GUI to match the game or are you talking about the main menu GUI?
    5.Mines and Akatsuki?
    6\. Nothing wrong with having your game logo in your signature. :)
    7\. Eh, our team is solid and isn't as large as you think it is.

    Thanks for the tips though. We'll keep it in mind.

    Edit: Oh you mean Akatsuki's avatar and signatures? Well, that's just something he wanted to do.
  7. Weekly dose of eye candy. :)

    Quick mock ups of Ignis Desert:


    If you're cool you'll click [here](http://psithyroi.com/forum/index.php).
  8. @Azyru:

    > Do you mean having the buttons have a glow like the orb that has the level thing on it.


    > Also when I made it I was thinking of it being used in a fullscreen game, or a game with a bigger picscreen then a vanilla copy of EO.

    Yea, but no one likes big bulky GUIs. ;)
  9. No, the flag just sucks and badly placed. Also, did you start over? Doesn't look like it. Usually when you're going for a logo like that people put a background texture with a border… Like the WoW logo. One more thing, are you trying to make gold text?
  10. @Azkanan:

    > After that I came across this game, it seemed pretty cool, I'd never seen another quite the same.

    To keep in setting you should remove that piece.

    Soo… my guess is Projeear is a descendent of Azkanan and then Azkanan  somehow contacted him and so he tells his tale? Anyways, I enjoyed it and understood all of it. ;D
  11. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/491685b1b53d09c44f6ca0d707586639.png)

    Some eye candy…

    So far we've been talking about game mechanics and all that stuff. There's so much stuff not posted here that's on our forum, so you guys should check it out at our temporary forum below: http://psithyroi.com/forum/index.php

    The site and new forums is still being worked on, unfortunately I don't have a preview of that but it looks nice. So stay tuned.
  12. Improved….Alright lets see what happens when the white line is changed to a inner glow. Those buttons need to match the style of the contents box. Also you didn't anti-alias your text.
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