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Jetblack Angel

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Everything posted by Jetblack Angel

  1. Even though the new Judas Priest album is being released June 17th, you can listen to it now on the MTV website! http://www.mtv.com/music/the_leak/judas_priest/nostradamus/# I'm on track #9 (Death) right now. There are 23 tracks of headbanging content. _Headbanging? These guys practically invented it, or at least fueled it from the start. More than iron, more than steel, more than lead, Judas Priest ARE metal. And that's why MTV's Headbangers Blog is bringing you the exclusive first listen to Nostradamus, a double album of pure ferociousness from the razor-sharp metal gods. While you must wait until June 17 to buy Nostradamus, Rob Halford, K.K. Downing, Glenn Tipton and the rest of the boys insist that you hear the whole thing, right now, only on The Leak._ Judas Priest are truly the metal gods. Halford's still got an amazing voice, and he's 55 now. Glen Tipton, and K.K. Downing are still as amazing as ever. There isn't one song by them that I don't like. In track 22 (Nostradamus) Halford does his famous banshee scream (I only know this because they put it on their website). Hopefully there's more of it. You can disagree with me all you want that they aren't the metal gods, but you won't win. I have enough material to back it up. Just Google it. :) It's probably the most different out of all Judas Priest albums, but that's not a bad thing. They still have all those catchy metal riffs, blazing solos, and more. I couldn't wait much longer, so I'm glad this finally came. I'm getting the CD anyways. :) So, what are you waiting for? Listen to it!
  2. What happened to Demon X? His account is gone… again...
  3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24889337/?GT1=43001 @Gwen: > Crazy japs! Seriously, I don't undestand how the man didn't notice that. :neutral: I would pound them with my baseball bat if I found a stranger in my closet. That'd be my first reaction! :twisted: What do you think you'd do (by instinct) if you found a stranger hiding in your house?
  4. Hey, has anyone else been getting constant Internal Server Errors? Lately, after about 5 constant minutes of being logged in I click a link and I get the error, and it won't let me on for a while. It's getting annoying, and it happens when I try to make posts sometimes, too.
  5. Try this optical illusion. Put the video on full screen and stare at the center until the video instructs you to look around. I love doing this. :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk7CxHCasts What do you think?
  6. **Jetblack Angel's Extravagant 1k Celebration!** Hello, I am Jetblack Angel. Most of you know me here. I usually frown upon 1k celebration threads, but this one is different. This is much more than a celebration of my 1k. Go further to find out what I mean. **About Me (Life Outside of Eclipse)** I am _x_ years old and live in Massachusetts. I currently go to school with a bunch of maniacs. I usually get yelled quite a bit for my "comments" and if I crack a joke behind the teacher's back. I've made friends with pretty much everyone in the school. There are only a few people I don't like, because they're complete idiots that enjoy throwing feces (seriously). They usually hold fights after school in the field near it. It's funny watching them fight because they're such wimps. They usually just go for the cheap shots. Like I said, they're idiots. I am a very busy guy outside of Eclipse and video games. I love most sports, and I watch pretty much every Red Sox game and Patriots game. They only sport I play is soccer. I'm on the front line all of the time, and have an average of 3 goals per game (I play center). **Video Games** Ahh, video games. I love them. I was introduce to them by my best friend Ron ( I was three, he was six). ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/hair2qp5.png) This is Ron. (AKA: ~The Freakquency Theory~) The first game we ever played was Goldeneye 007 for the N64\. That's when I knew I wanted to make games. He then introduced me to Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Donkey Kong. This explains why I'm a Nintendo maniac. But the game that really stole me was The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I was amazed by the graphics, the interactivity, the gorons (heh), and the whole time factor. That game changed my life. I will forever treasure that game, because it holds a special place in my heart. Then I played Super Smash Bros 64\. I decided to play as "the cool robot dude" named Samus. He was my favorite, but I was shocked when Ron played as Pikachu and shocked me, only to pause and find the womanly structure underneath that suit. Still, Samus will also be my favorite video game icon, in armor or not, 'cause she kicks some serious alien ass. :lol: ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/ZSS.jpg) **My Favorite Games (in order)** -LOZ:MM -LOZ:OoC -Super Smash Bros. Brawl -Super Mario Galaxy -LOZ:ALttP -Metroid Prime 3: Corruption -Super Mario World -Sonic Adventure 2: Battle -Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles -Jak 2 **Music** Music is the center of my life. If it the single most important things I treasure besides my family. All of my uncles on my mom's side play the drums, and my uncle (dad's brother) makes guitars. My dad reviews music and does Press Releases, and almost all of my cousins are/were in a band. I like progressive/heavy/classic metal (Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Rob Halford) and all types of rock. I absolutely despise rap, hip-hop, and country. But I still respect them all for their music. I also play guitar and keyboard, but I don't feel like going into details. **Mentions** These are all of the people that I think deserve a mention by me, for thanks for being such nice people, and for being my friends. Also, please don't feel bad if I don't mention you, because these people have personally affected my experience here. ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/Kreator.png) **Kreator**- I think Kreator was the first friend I ever made on these forums. He is a great guy, and a fellow guitar player. He also made the graphic in the bottom part of my signature. He also used to flame n00bs a lot, but that was part of his personality, and I respect that. Thanks for everything Kreator. ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/AdmiralRefuge.gif) **Admiral Refuge**- My psionics buddy. We talk to eachother quite a lot, because we share a lot of the same interests. We talk about the Mayans, Astral Projection, psi-balls, and other related psionics. He is also an all around cool guy. :) ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/Marsh.gif) **Marsh**- Hey man, look what you started! Because of you, I met all of these great people, learned about game development, and had a ton of fun. Even though I don't use Eclipse anymore, I'd like to thank you for making this fantastic engine. You have made a huge difference in my life. We also have a common interest in marshmallows. (Before I came here, on my Gaia account I wrote a story 'How to Properly Burn a Marshmallow'. I also got in trouble on the forums for talking about marshmallows randomly.) ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/Grayfox.png) **Grayfox**- I am very upset that he had to leave, because he is a great guy. He had a good sense of humor and an awesome mum. Good luck in your future Gray, we all miss you. ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/Bone-zor.png) **Bone**- In the December of 2007, things here at the forums were relatively calm. We all went around our business like normal, but something terrible was about to happen. A n00b infestation! We desperately waited for Kreator's return to put the n00bs in their place, but he didn't log on at all, so Bone and I united. The soldier buddies ran into the n00b infestated flames to stop the infestation before it took us over, and we were successful. Then we retired, but we will still be known as the Soldier Buddies. Thanks Bone, you're a great guy. :lol: ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/Pickle.png) **Pickle**- He is not very active anymore, but stops in every once in a blue moon. How could any of us forget Pickle after he commented in the Legends of Kathara thread. "Yeah, to be honest that's not the best design for a GUI. (it looks sorta like the Gay Pride logo)". He started that. I'll never forget that, Pickle. That thread was a complete hell for Jime307. ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/Niko.jpg) **Niko**- Niko is very wise, and he is a fellow musician. Despite my hate for rap, if he releases his CD, I'll buy it to support him. Niko a cool guy too. :?: ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/Jackal27.jpg) **Jackal27**- I'm still trying to fit in a Brawl with you. Jackal27 is a very cool guy, and he likes retro games too. 'Nuff said there, my friends. :lol: ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/AduleseGames.gif) **Adulese Games**- Adulese is a very friendly guy. We are also working together. He is very productive on a team, and he's a fun guy to chat with. Starting Wednesday he'll also be my Massachusetts bud. :?: ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/Godlord.png) **Godlord**- Godlord is extremely helpful. He has an answer for pretty much every question, but also isn't too serious. He knows a ton of programming languages and is a very smart guy. ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/soljah.png) **Soljah**- Soljah is the uber-mapper. I think he is the greatest mapper to ever grace these forums, and I respect him for that. **Demon X**- He is a fellow musician and a Nintendo fan. We are also working together. Demon X is cool to talk to, and we always have something to talk about. It's never boring with him around. :) **Munro**- Munro is very helpful when it comes to scripting and VB6\. I am also one of the few people that know about his "secret project" that he's mentioned a few times. Him trusting me is enough for me to mention him here. **Renzo**- Renzo is a very funny guy. He has an awesome sense of humor, and he's very good at making avatars and signatures. Oh, did I mention that he's a pedophile? That's pretty much all that I have to say. I think I may have forgotten 1 or 2 people in my mentions, but that's ok. If I remember them, I'll put them in. But, there's one more thing I have to do! –------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/Blind-2.png) I present to you my newest game, Blind! This is just a little preview of what I am making. I hope you all enjoy it and become interested enough to play it once I release it. Genre: Action/Shooter (think Contra or Vectorman) Players: 1 (possibly 8 if I enable online battles) Release Date: Q3 2008 Storyline (shortened, remember, it's just a preview) - In the year 2315, in the country of Valderk, political arguments began to erupt. The president banned all forms of bio-weapons, nuclear weapons, and was against slavery. When people disagreed with this, a leader of the rebels rose up named Van, and gained enough power to split the country in half. He allowed everything that the president banned, and he began to build up his army for the impending war. He was determined to spread his land and take over Valderk After 8 years of war, a large meteor crashed in Eastern Valderk, the land Van controlled. His immediate response was to send people to the meteor, but they never returned. He attempted to contact the nearest city to the impact, but there were no signals. Van decided to check it out himself, with the protection of his body guards. He looked at the city in flames from a hill a few miles away from it. Suddenly, he felt an icy chill slide down his spine. He looked down the hill and saw a large grotesque creature, about 10 ft. tall, with slimy pink flesh covered in strange metal armor. It had multiple eyes, and it carried a massive rifle in it's hands. It's large teeth were covered in blood, and it was marching right towards him. The group was able to escape it in time. The president of Western Valderk knew there was only one way to end the invasion of the aliens: but uniting the country. So he crafted and assassination plan to get rid of Van as fast as possible, choosing his best of all bodyguards to go on the dangerous mission. And so starts the story of Felix Caldwell. **_Features_** -Amazing particle effects -Beautiful music -Interesting, engaging story -Over 40 weapons -Vehicles -Extremely Advanced AI -Classic "feel" to the game -Much more! **_Screenshots_** Coming soon! **_Staff_** Jetblack Angel (Creator): Programming, some graphics, storyline development. Adulese Games (Developer): GUI, storyline development, ideas Demon X: Music (Insert Name Here): GFX I will also be answering most questions. Ask away. Who want's beer? :alkashi:
  7. Hey everybody, it's our pal Niko's (18th) birthday! A huge milestone in his life! Wish him a happy birthday, for he is an adult now! Happy birthday man, I hope you enjoy it! :lol:
  8. Well, today at about 2:00 PM, there was a huge motorcycle crash on the main street. I was still in school, but the new traveled very fast. Turns out it was a family friend. :( The roads near the crash were closed until about 5:30 PM because there was such a mess. Details are scarce at this point because the whole area was closed off, but a few details managed to slip out. The man is dead. He was torn to shreds. This leads me to think he got into a crash with another car and was possibly run over. The police said "body parts and blood are everywhere. It is a huge mess." It is unknown what he hit, or if it was another car, and if anyone else is hurt. It will be in the paper tomorrow. He is now dead in his late 30's. This is definitely the worst accident to have happened in my area. It shocked the everyone. It was totally unexpected. So today, I am a bit sad. I mourn the loss, and feel very bad for his family. I felt like sharing this with you all, thanks for reading.
  9. Within the next few months, I'm planning on getting a laptop. But I'm not joking around: I want it to be worth every single penny, and I want it to be a gaming laptop. I will use this to further develop games, and record music. Right now I don't have my own computer, and this will be my chance. So, what are some very good but affordable laptops out there? What do you recommend?
  10. This forum had me in tears. Here are some links for the funniest of them all. http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pokeclipse/index.php?showtopic=350 (The best one) http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pokeclipse/index.php?showtopic=42 http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pokeclipse/index.php?showtopic=368 http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pokeclipse/index.php?showtopic=276 http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pokeclipse/index.php?showtopic=383 Best Quote: "A therapist who pretended to be my friend but betrayed me by giving me pills that stopped my visions of Pokemon! But now that I'm 23, I stopped taking those evil pills and I'm starting to see the Pokemon once again!" These people need serious help. _But_, they're hilarious. Enjoy. :mrgreen:
  11. I didn't post this in the Graphics section because it said for Eclipse use, and I'm never going to use this in Eclipse. I wanted to know what you think about this. I was looking at PAINT.NET tutorials, and made this. I changed some of the stuff in the tutorial, just to mess with the look of it. ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/SpecialMagicCircle.png) Whaddaya think? I'm topic happy today…
  12. These smileys rock. :mrgreen: Afro dude FTW.
  13. I would like to know answers to the following questions. I'm just curious, and I'm interested in reading your responses. This all are based on the genre action/shooter (with multiplayer). I will just type A/S so I have to type less. -What is your favorite part of an A/S ? -Do you think vehicles make combat more fun in an A/S ? Why or why not? -What do you like better: Finding weapons in the level yourself, or killing an enemy and taking their weapon? -Do you think it is fair to disarm an opponent? (And the weapon can be picked back up) -Do you like having special tools/abilities to use in A/S for different strategies, like grappling hooks, wall jumping, etc. -Do you enjoy destructible environments in A/S, or do you think it ruins certain strategies like covering from fire, and therefore should be left out of the game? Thanks in advance for any responses. :)
  14. What's wrong with the quotes? The box is gone, so it's hard to read a post with a quote in it. :(
  15. http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi0006.photobucket.com%2Fplayer.swf%3Ffile%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fvid0006.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2F0006%2Fpbhomepage%2Fvideo1%2F69b84dce.flv&searchTerm=baby%20eats%20a%20pickle&pageOffset=1 I just love the expression it makes every time it takes a bite of the pickle. Cute. :)
  16. It seems like every time I update my profile (it was a signature update) I have to re-upload my avatar. This time, it's gone for good. Every time I try to upload it, it says an error has occured, and that the attachments upload directory is not writable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved. This has never happened before. What is going on?
  17. I can't believe this! I took a stupid test and got 83% stupid. ::) Has anyone ever taken any of those ridiculous test and then got an unexpected result?
  18. I want to know what people enjoy more, Action/Shooter games or MMORPGS. Once you post, could you give me an explanation why you chose what you chose. :)
  19. Is anyone going to catch the lunar eclipse tonight? In New England, I heard it's supposed to start at around 8:47\. The total eclipse will be from 10:01 to 10:51. I'm excited to see it. I'm going to take pictures. Also, the moon is going to create a triangle in the sky with Saturn and some blue star. I gotta get that picture too! :)
  20. Welcome to my Caption Contest. I am your host, Jetblack Angel. :D **_Rules_** -No whining if you don't win. Just try again next picture. -Only one caption per user -No discussion when the game begins. Post your caption and leave. -Have fun! The point of this is to have fun, so go wild with your captions! -Don't copy anyone's captions! **_Scoring System_** -First Place: 5 points -Second Place: 4 points -Third Place: 3 points -Fourth Place: 2 points **_Shop_** Like most caption contests, there is usually a twist. This contest's twist is the fact that you can buy items from the shop with your points you earn! -You can only use one item per round -When you buy an item, you must state it in your post along with your caption. -You get the item the round _after_ you buy it. -You can hold only two items at a time. -Once you buy your item, you're stuck with it. You can't sell it back to me or to other users. **_Items_** ![](http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/tarabenedict/banana-peel.jpg) Item: Banana Peel Cost: 5 points Effect: When used, you can choose to throw it at any user that has submitted a caption. The user slips, and they are forced to skip this round. Basically, their caption is ignored. ![](http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj84/vivalachuckie/bomb.gif) Item: Bomb Cost: 6 points Effect: Choose 2 users and subtract 2 points from each of them! ![](http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc173/celticlass188/question_mark.jpg) Item: Clone Cost: 3 points Effect: Got so many great ideas for a caption, that you just need to post both? Well, with this item you "clone" yourself and get to post a second caption for the round it's used in! ![](http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d179/espro89/Magic.jpg) Item: Magic Wand Cost: 4 points Effect: Use this item on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place spot and the person who places in that spot lose one pint instead of gaining any. Just hope you don't place there! Well, that's the game! I will post a new picture every other day. The first picture will be posted tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy this, for I put a lot of work into it! For now, I want to hear your thoughts on the game. You can all discuss until the first picture is posted. I know we have some funny people on Eclipse, so go wild with your captions! :)
  21. I just came across a music video from one of my favorite bands, Dream Theater. I thought it was a very cool video and the music suited it well. For all of you interested, check it out. Even if you don't like the music, the art and story to the art is very cool. Dream Theater, "Forsaken": [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-7hRPx9w6M](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-7hRPx9w6M)
  22. There has been a lot around the internet lately about roster size in SSBB. A few people have made predictions like the exact date of updates, and certain people returning including Ness, which is now proven true. Lucario and Jigglypuff were also proven as playable characters. Proof: [http://wii.com/jp/movies/smashbros-movie1/](http://wii.com/jp/movies/smashbros-movie1/) Watch this and pause at 4:20\. It should be showing the groudon sticker, and small pictures of Lucario, Jigglypuff, and PT(Pokemon Trainer). The moment at 4:20 does not prove Ness, but also in this video a sticker shows that Ness and Lucas can use it. I don't know the exact moment to pause it. ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/3-1.jpg) Look in the bottom right corners for the icons. The second picture is the one with Ness in it. Now, many people on the internet have predicted Ness's return, they say Lucario is replacing Mewtwo, they say Wolf will be a playable character, and R.O.B. willbe a playable character (supposedly the WTF character, like Mr. Game & Watch in Melee). [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R.O.B.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R.O.B.)
  23. While at my local library, I came across a book of prophecies by Nostradamus. As I skimmed through the pages, I saw some interesting thing. (NOTE: I am not saying I believe these prophecies, I am just asking a question.) 2001: In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb, The third big war will begin when the big city is burning. (This as about 911, but was proven to be fake.) 2005: Something about New Orleans, but the name escapes me. It had to do with destruction, though. Katrina was my guess. 2008: First female president (Hilary Clinton? Noooo!) 2012: Assasination of a World Leader (Who this is is anybody's guess, 'cause it could be anyone…) 2015: Death of a Pope (Title speaks for itself) I'm gonna skip a few prophecies here... 2032: Birth of the third anti-christ ^That's what this thread is about. Within the description it said he would be born in the Middle-East (seriously, where else would he be born?). My question to you all would be who were the first two anti-christs? My guesses are: -The Snake in the Garden of Eden, because it was described as the devil. I thought that worked for the first since the snake was evil. The one that stumps me the most is the second. Out of everything I've read, I can't figure out who the second was. I was thinking it may have been Judas, because of what he did, but I am still unsure. Now my fellow Eclipsers, I need your knowledge to solve this. I would also like to use this thread as an intelligent discussion on Nostradamus.
  24. I made this GUI for my upcoming game, which will have a fantasy focus. I put a lot of work in this, and it could've been better, but I settled on this one. Please tell me what all of you think. Any tips, ratings, comments, and constructive criticism is appreciated.:) Note: I didn't put the game's logo on it yet. It will be there, though. ![](http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb205/supersmashbrosadventure/800x600.gif)
  25. This game was just announced a few days ago by Atlas. It looks like it will be a very cool RPG for Wii and PS2. Here is the description from IGN: _You awaken to find the world in ruin, your heart beset with unexplained guilt. A cataclysm has destroyed the cities and empires of men and disfigured the spirit of humanity. In this nightmare, it falls to you to descend a mysterious tower in search of absolution. Battle merciless foes through treacherous dungeons, scour for new items to aid you in your travels, and unlock the secrets of a devastated land. You will find death in the depths, yet learn that death is not the end of the story; in the twisted world of Baroque, it is only the beginning._ Wii Trailer: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUJBXebhsfQ](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUJBXebhsfQ) I think it may be Wii's best RPG yet. (I'm not a big Fire Emblem, and the PS2 has many great RPGs :)) What do you all think?
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