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Everything posted by dg1423

  1. This topic has been moved to [Recruiting Center](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php?board=5). http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php?topic=20132.0
  2. dg1423


  3. ![](http://www.humorbadge.com/pics/b04f1d13da7e02bc.jpg)
  4. dg1423

    Zomg rofl

    OMG I SO WANNA DO THIS NOW!!! ROFL!!! ![](http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/chess_photo.png) lol, here's another funny one: ![](http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/cat_proximity.png) rofl this one's hilarious too: ![](http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/lisp.jpg)
  5. I got bored so I put this up: http://stwalarts.game-host.org OR http://eraonline.game-host.org They both point to the same address, so check it out!!! Comments?
  7. here ya'll go!! changelog: * Fixed item editor * Fixed bank editor * Added stat editor * Fixed HP/MP/SP number bugs * Added a new, uber drag&drog system so you can just drag the char file over the editor window and it'll load
  8. pwnt :P I did the coding and I got Atrophy to make the gfx, right now it doesn't support pd (to lazy right now, I corrupted my items image file and need a new one :P) but here it is (there are 3 card styles right now, there might be more later, iono: ![](http://stwalarts.game-host.org/sprite.php?name=lookitsjesus&card=1&submit=submit) ![](http://stwalarts.game-host.org/sprite.php?name=lookitsjesus&card=2&submit=submit) ![](http://stwalarts.game-host.org/sprite.php?name=lookitsjesus&card=3&submit=submit) Eat that Demon X :P
  9. well me and jackal we're messing around on my debugging test server today. After a while we got bored and decided to become millionaires to test the overflow bug fixes. Now Jackals over level 100 and we both have 1000000 gold o_O here's a screenie:
  10. main test page: [http://stwalarts.game-host.org/stattest.php](http://stwalarts.game-host.org/stattest.php) you can search for either lolol, or fembot90210 as those are the only 2 characters that have been made on the server. dlinks: lolol: [http://stwalarts.game-host.org/stattest.php?name=lolol&submit=submit](http://stwalarts.game-host.org/stattest.php?name=lolol&submit=submit) fembot: [http://stwalarts.game-host.org/stattest.php?name=fembot90210&submit=submit](http://stwalarts.game-host.org/stattest.php?name=fembot90210&submit=submit) All stats are generated by the server at the socket request of the web browser. EXCEPT the picture, which is generated web-side with php and changes depending on class and gender
  11. new feature I made :P here's a screenie:
  12. Farewell to thee who hath created one of the best of eclipse games. I guess I won't be working on that ORS with you anymore :'(
  13. My new web-based updater I made for ST2\. I gets news from an html file and supports web scripting. Here's a screenie of what I have so far (NOTE: There's going to be a banner at the top behind the buttons and it is 100% working) ![](http://duckyp.org/updater.bmp) RATE AND COMMENTS PLEASE!!!!!!
  14. hmm… I was wondering.... What's the easiest way to recode the getplayer___ functions to allow the calling of offline players??
  15. hmmm…. I probably should've dumped this into the source section, but this'll show you how to make phase one of the ORS (more to come of course :P) **ORS Phase 1:** Creating accounts from websites!!! Things you'll need: * TE/EE Source * VB6 to edit the source (Duh!) * A PHP enabled website (with socket capabilities (damn yahoo! hosting =.='')) * Be smart enough to use the following code in your site :P okay first open your server's source in VB6 and go to modServerTCP, sub IncomingData. Dim these: ``` Dim q As Long Dim p As Long Dim count As Long Dim Imail As String Dim Name As String Dim PASSWORD As String ``` and paste these under the two case"top" 's ``` If LCase(Mid(Buffer, 1, 14)) = "newfaccountied" Then If Not IsLoggedIn(index) Then q = 14 p = 15 count = 0 Do While q = 65 And n = 97 And n = 48 And n
  16. This whole time I've been trying to work out all the code for use in sub IncomingData, when I could've just copied over the code from sub HandleData and slightly modified it… man that's a lot of work and time that could've been saved =.=''
  17. sorry, I'm half asleep right now but, is there a way to ping the Eclipse server from afar using javascript or PHP and have it run a specific script? o_O
  18. I believe that this will completely change the way eclipse has worked over the last..umm..how long has eclipse been here?? o_O I have theoretically completed my ORS(Online Registration System, It's on paper right now, I need to get home and test it out o_O) Any way, if this works, Players will be able to register for your eclipse game online and even view their character sprite, stats and all their info. Anyways, Im going to test this out and post it if it does. *wish me luck* >.<
  19. dg1423


    You guys like it? It's pointless right now, but I'm gonna add indicators soon.. ![](http://duckyp.org/images/MiniMap.bmp)
  20. here's a screenie of an updater I made for my game. comments would be nice. ![](http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/930/updaterkt3.png)
  21. I've implemented it in my site [HERE](http://duckyp.org/server.php) if anyone wants to see some of the features in use. Right now It can report these to any php based web page * Online/Offline * Server IP * Server Port * Last time the server was booted up, as "0:00 AM/PM January 1, 2000" * Number of players online, as a single number "0" * The names of the players online, as a comma seperated list "dg1423, monkey, test" * Combo of number and names of players online, as "There are no players online." "There is 1 player online: dg1423" "There are 2 players online: dg1423, test" All of which are run by php functions and can be returned printed or as a string to be used in statements. Lets get started then: Create a new module and call it modStatus. Paste this inside: ``` Dim Status As String Dim ServerStatus As String Dim ServerTime As String Dim InternetConnection As Long Dim FTPConnection As Long Private Declare Function InternetOpen Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "InternetOpenA" (ByVal sAgent As String, ByVal lAccessType As Long, ByVal sProxyName As String, ByVal sProxyBypass As String, ByVal lFlags As Long) As Long Private Declare Function InternetConnect Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "InternetConnectA" (ByVal hInternetSession As Long, ByVal sServerName As String, ByVal nServerPort As Integer, ByVal sUsername As String, ByVal sPassword As String, ByVal lService As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lContext As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FtpPutFile Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "FtpPutFileA" (ByVal hFtpSession As Long, ByVal lpszLocalFile As String, ByVal lpszRemoteFile As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwContext As Long) As Boolean Private Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib "wininet.dll" (ByVal hInet As Long) As Integer Sub SaveStatus(Stat As Byte) Dim SS As String Dim SS0 As String Dim SS1 As String Dim SS2 As String Dim SS3 As String Dim SS4 As String Dim SS5 As String Dim SS6 As String Dim SS7 As String Dim Time As String Dim Color As String Dim CurrentTime As Variant Dim FileName As String Dim SaveFile As Boolean Dim CloseFTP As Integer Dim s As String Dim n As Long, i As Long Dim t As String s = "" n = 0 For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS If IsPlaying(i) Then s = s & GetPlayerName(i) & ", " n = n + 1 End If Next i If n = 0 Then s = "There are no players online." ElseIf n = 1 Then s = Mid(s, 1, Len(s) - 2) t = s s = "There is " & n & " player online: " & s & "." Else s = Mid(s, 1, Len(s) - 2) t = s s = "There are " & n & " players online: " & s & "." End If FileName = App.Path & "\status.php" CurrentTime = Now '3:00 PM Jan 16, 2005 Time = Format(CurrentTime, "h:mm AMPM MMM d, yyyy") If Stat = 0 Then SS = "Offline" Color = "FF0000" ElseIf Stat = 1 Then SS = "Online" Color = "00FF00" End If SS0 = "" SS1 = SS SS2 = Time SS3 = s SS4 = n SS5 = t SS6 = STR(GameServer.LocalPort) SS7 = frmServer.Socket(0).LocalIP Open FileName For Output As #1 Print #1, "" Close #1 If Stat >= 2 Then Exit Sub If FileExist("DontUpdateStatus") = True Then Exit Sub InternetConnection = InternetOpen("FTPControl", 1, vbNullString, vbNullString, 0) If InternetConnection = 0 Then MsgBox ("Error opening internet connection!") Else FTPConnection = InternetConnect(InternetConnection, "", 0, "", "", 1, 0, 0) If FTPConnection = 0 Then MsgBox ("Error connecting to FTP server!") End If If FTPConnection 0 Then SaveFile = FtpPutFile(FTPConnection, FileName, "status.php", 1, 0) If SaveFile = False Then MsgBox ("Error sending Status.php file to FTP server!") CloseFTP = InternetCloseHandle(FTPConnection) If CloseFTP = False Then MsgBox ("Error closing FTP connection!") CloseFTP = InternetCloseHandle(InternetConnection) If CloseFTP = False Then MsgBox ("Error closing internet connection!") End If End Sub ``` Now lets open modGeneral. Now at the bottom of sub InitServer, before the End Sub add this: ``` Call SaveStatus(1) ``` Now, still in modGeneral, go to sub DestroyServer find this: ``` DoEvents ``` and add this under it: ``` Call SaveStatus(0) ``` Done there. Open modGameLogic and head to sub JoinGame. Find this: ``` Call DisabledTimeTo(index) ``` and under that add this: ``` Call SaveStatus(1) ``` head on over to sub LeftGame and find this: ``` Call RemovePMember(index) ``` just below that add this: ``` Call SaveStatus(1) ``` And we're done!!! Make sure to change , , and to your info in modStatus. What this does is it uploads the file status.php (can be changed) to the root (can be changed) of your ftp server where it can then be called by other php files. here is a small tutorial on how to use to the current functions if you aren't familiar with php. let's take this: ``` server_status() ``` That will print either "Online" or "Offline" but, as with all my functions, you can change it to ``` server_status($output_method = 'string') ``` to have it return a string instead of just printing it. This is useful if you want it to display a picture instead of just printing "Online" and can be used like this (I haven't tried this yet so if someone could confirm…) ``` if (server_status($output_method = 'string') == "Online") echo "![](online.jpg)" else echo "![](offline.jpg)" ``` EDIT: Tested right now and it works like a charm! Those are the basics on how to use the functions here's the list of them: ``` server_status() ``` returns/prints whether the server is online or offline ``` server_ip() ``` returns/prints the server ip address ``` server_port() ``` returns/prints the servers port ``` last_mod() ``` returns/prints the last time the server was started ``` number_online() ``` returns/prints the number of players online ``` whois_online() ``` returns/prints the names of the players online ``` full_online() ``` returns/prints a combination of the number and names of players online NOTE: Remember to use an Include in order to use the commands Well That's all, I hope everyone enjoys this!
  22. 1) I can't seem to find bltplayerHPbars anywhere x.x I'm trying to make it so the name and HP bar of a certain player will disappear when the variable "invis" is set to one in their account file. I think I already located the name in modText but I just can't find the HP bar. Also, 2) Just wondering (I'm kinda new to vb) but If I were to change the gamefont=makefont… line (not on my computer right now I forgot what the whole line was) to something like gamefont=Tahoma.ttf would it work, or are there other variables needed to change the font?
  23. dg1423

    Updater Question

    In news.ini everywhere I hit enter, it shows a little square instead of skipping a line in the updater. Anyone know how to fix this?
  24. dg1423


    Well, all I saw were EE Outlines, and I wasn't completely sure if there were similar enough to use together. I highly doubt anyone will want/need/use these, but they're here if anyone wants them anyway. Here's the link: http://duckyp.org/files/TEOutlines.zip Well, never mind, these have transparent backgrounds but I hadn't seen spikes outlines (they have a black background) there before. =_=''
  25. I wish you could use html to detect how many players were online from a website.
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