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demon xxx x

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Posts posted by demon xxx x

  1. Few months ago I decided to hit up a good friend's sister, who is also a pretty good friend of mine, to see how she was doing, after I heard some depressing news about her abusing Heroin, and overall just falling off. She SAID she was clean.. I can't believe that, right? Junkies will be junkies.. but, who knows maybe I'll make a difference and help her change for the better. Not just for her own good, but her for kids' well being and their future. Sometimes, yeah, you'll fuck up in life.. but if you're my friend, I feel as if it's my job to get you back on the right path. Basically, I told her if she needs help, mentally or physically, I'll be there for her in her time of need. Today, I hit her up to hang out, drink a few beers, just chill out and talk; help her get her mind off of the daily struggle that is recovery. 

    So, it looks like she's clean to me.. She looks good, she's been gaining weight again, and doesn't even remotely look like she's touched Heroin in quite some time. Actually, she hasn't even smoked weed in a few months, or rather the last time I hit her up to hang out. Honestly, it just made me feel really good about her situation. We're just bullshitting, laughing and overall enjoying ourselves, having a good time out in the cold weather.

    Fuck, even if everything I told her just went in one ear and out the other, at least she's clean and doing good for herself. Although, I'm sure something I said made a difference, even if it was the smallest difference it helps. Just remind them that someone is there for them, and that you'll always be there for them.. you'll see that even the smallest thing can go a really long way. If anyone here knows someone struggling with addiction, don't fight, don't argue.. just talk. Even if they aren't listening, they'll remember it, and maybe one day when they're trying to recover, they'll remember that you were there for them and have a friendly reminder that they don't need it, they can just call you.

    So guys.. be their reason to keep their head up high, and continue living with confidence.

    ~Copy & Pasted from my post on another forum ~
  2. The plugin works through a DLL, I've done just about everything I can with it ( from manipulated the game's packets to just a simple message box ) but can't seem to figure out a browser window. xP I'll take a look at the link you posted.

    And yes, windows 8 lol

    Edit:  Not opening IE or default browser, but a frame with "[http://somewebsite.com](http://somewebsite.com)" loaded into it.

    Sec, I got it working before with PureBasic; but it's too much work to integrate Awesomium into the code for that.


    This opens over the client's window, basically missing flash stuff.  Goal is to load a flash video in the browser (so I'm using awesomium) but I can't figure out how to replicate this in C#.
  3. Well, I've been working with this plugin system a friend made.. kinda got stuck here.

    The goal is to open a browser window, just the browser as it's going to link to an Ad page.  Can't quite figure out how to have a browser window open.. basically there isn't a need to see the code as this will be a separate function in the class, called in another function.  A bit of explanation would be all I need.  thanks..
  4. We are in search of an Eclipse based game to add to our server collection.  This is a 100% free opportunity and will include a hostname (example.rebornservers.com) and a subdomain for your game's website. 


    1\. No server that is under developed will be accepted.

    2\. An acceptable server must be in beta, or version 1+.

    3\. No stolen resources. THIS MEANS DO NOT HAND ME A SERVER USING RPG MAKER GRAPHICS OR GRAPHICS FROM ANOTHER GAME/SERVER! You must include a list of any public resources you're using along with the creator & a link to said user.

    4\. If you are worried about losing any of the hard work you have put in to your server, I will agree to any terms and conditions you may have in regards to handling your property.


    If you are interested, drop a post and we'll talk.  Please include a link to your game, about how much progress you have, and a detailed explanation of why we should host your server.
  5. And we have another update!

    I've added the Melonbomber server and it's now live!  You can connect by adding game.endless-reborn.com:27018 to your favorites | I've also planned Endless Reborn's first version update within the week, you can grab the client from our forums.

    * * *

    Feel free to visit our homepage for more accurate updates. rebornservers.com

    * * *


    I've been working on a serverlist, this is how it's coming so far.  Still figuring out how to query the gmod servers for players online.

  6. No problem.

    I plan on adding some cool features to this thing in the future.. had some ideas anyway; just a matter of when I get around to it.

    * * *


    Well, I find it weird to update something like this but whatever xD…

    I've added text support, mind you this only supports up to 200 pixels of text.  "Server is Online!"  or "Server is Offline!" works well.
  7. Just a small update regarding our VPS and live servers..

    Today we've upgraded our VPS and now have twice the resources we once had.  This was made possible 100% because of our donators, and we thank them guys greatly!

    So far we've added a Trouble in Terrorist Town (or TTT) server, and I am planning on Prop Hunt & Melonbomber; unless our valued users request otherwise.  Do you have any game modes you like specifically?  We are interested in your input, and will take anything into consideration.  Please keep in mind we cannot host DarkRP servers as that costs more money; and a host dedicated to that game mode (resource usage get quite out of control, 4GB+ populated)
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