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Posts posted by Reguba

  1. It's normal, I have never dated in my life but I can tell you that it makes perfect sense… Whether you like the person or not your animal instinct is still there(If you want me to go into more detail I'll PM you)... So don't worry about it, just as long as you don't act on those feelings its perfectly normal.
  2. This is certainly one name I will never ever get tired of seeing on these forums! Welcome as always E@gle :)

    I'm glad to see you're still progressing on WitchGate, as with everyone else, I can't wait to see it the final product!
  3. 9/10 Those graphics are absolutely awesome, in my honest opinion they are so very much more appealing than the rmxp tiles, sure lower detail but you get that rockin' classic feel. The one and only reason I give you a 9 is because the maps feel like they lack just a tiny bit of depth, but heck it could just be me. Keep up the awesome work man!
  4. Nice build Mellowz! Too bad I don't have that kind of cash to shell out lol  :P oh well in two years you will probably be able to build that same computer for under 2,000… Technology is funny that way, hehe. I'm going to be ordering a SFF shuttle case and make a nice $510 desktop out of it, I'm getting a lot with my money which is nice! Nothing top of the line, but as a benchmark it should be able to run Crysis quite well on medium - High settings (40-50 fps on medium, 20-40 all settings maxed). But like I said, I wish I had 3.5 thousand to spit out on one lol! It would be a beast!

    You had better enjoy that fancy machine Mellowz!  :)
  5. Wow, I just found out about this today and is it impressive! Best fan made movie for Half-Life I have ever seen!


    Enjoy! :)

    Side notes: It was made by a small studio based in Toronto, directed by the Purchase Brothers.
  6. I remember when I first watched FMA on cartoon network. Riza was just that totally badass but had a nice side (love for puppies) type of person.


    Incidentally the badass side outweighs the nice side and she would kick my ass. :O

    None the less, she was hot and that's all that mattered… Right?
  7. lol, sorry just gotta say this.

    4 pages worth of posts about some one posting a lot  :P

    Once again, sorry I'm a simple minded person sometimes.
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