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Posts posted by Reguba

  1. Hmm, grades are important but just as good old Albert had said… Science without religion is daft just as religion without science is blind. Those parents of yours, Robin, want you to be perfect in one single way, grades in this case. They don't seem to understand that no matter if you had all the best grades in the world, they do you nothing if you don't have a life to go with them. ;) Do what you need to do and take care man.
  2. I loved the SNES when I was little but the first system I was actually old enough to understand was the Playstation and I have sooo many fond memories of playing games with my step bros. :)
  3. Ha, I watched some stuff on youtube called "Warumentaries" or something of the sort and they had all these guys who were absolute badasses to say the least. The first guy they talk about is just plain cool, they talk about Churchill third I think.
  4. Well, I must say I'm honestly surprised… I never knew that much about Sirken... Nor did I want to know that much. Anywho, good to see you pop on again Dan, it's been a while :) You should bug me on MSN sometime.
  5. Well… I hate to be the party pooper but I think you guys are being a bit rough on it... As much as I agree that the commercial was ducking stupid, the site itself gave a much better description, it's a wolf sim for people who like wolves and from what I saw they went pretty damn far into details. Just because it doesn't appeal to you, it may appeal to others. :)
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