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Everything posted by FrogImmortal

  1. It's at [http://intihuatani.usc.edu/cloud/flowing/](http://intihuatani.usc.edu/cloud/flowing/)… I'm addicted to it! It's sooo cool! More than pacman. And it's comin out for the ps3 :-P No joke.
  2. Which of these is better? **1.** ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/4608finaltrooppreview2.gif) **2.** ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/3769trooooppreview.gif) Keep in mind the reason I made the second one is because the first one looked a little too similar to the one in this topic: [http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php?topic=9987.0](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php?topic=9987.0)
  3. hehe check it out ;D i dont even own an ipod and i still made this ;) me thinks its funny
  4. ive been looking around for a large archive of RPGXP sprites… ive found things like lmrpg.com and phanxgames.com... but they only have edits and not the originals. i cant download rpgxp anymore, and last time when i did i couldnt find sprite files. id really appreciate if any1 knew a site that had the sprites that come with RPGXP and then some. for instance, those sprites that were supposed to come with EE... but were scaled really small and were all blurry. thanks.
  5. every time i try to edit something other than maps from the admin menu i get rte 380 and the client closes. sometimes i get to the menu with the numbers and items/npc/spell names and numbers but i get the rte it closes when i try to make one. im not sure its 380… it might be 384...
  6. every time i try to edit something other than maps from the admin menu i get rte 380 and the client closes. sometimes i get to the menu with the numbers and items/npc/spell names and numbers but i get the rte it closes when i try to make one. im not sure its 380... it might be 384...
  7. i was wondering, was iso implemented in EE? i mean i saw those sprites that came with it. and i read all of the discussions about it. but i couldn't find whether or not its there in a clear cut answer. if it is, how do i turn it on? i looked in the data.ini but..
  8. I make animated sigs! check out my new one with the stick figure made in stick figure animator! it rules! im taking time off from my awesome game to make sigs. for you! yes, thats right. please post your requests and i will try to get them in if they are realistic. i do all sorts of things from custom things to spoofs on game sprites.
  9. remember that image command that unnown made to make really big arrows and bosses and stuff? well, i was just wondering how it works. like is it scripting in, and if so where is it put in you main? also is it possible to use it to make really small sprites and arrows?
  10. when ee comes out, i was wondering how the animated menu functions. i know frame one is mainmenu 1 and so on, but is there a max frame #? do they loop infinetely? does your game lag if you have too many frames? oh and heres an opinion question… do you think this thingy colored and stuff would make a cooll gui? it just doesnt fit on 800 by 600.. ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/8278geargear.gif)
  11. WARNING! this tutorial assumes you have the following: * a brain are we good? ok. There are other tutorials on mapping. However, those cover the structural aspect of mapping. This tutorial covers the basics of structure and how you can make your tilesets work together better. All the tiles I use are edits and recolors I made in GIMP. You can download GIMP at [http://www.gimp.org](http://www.gimp.org). Now, the tutorial begins after editing and when you start mapping. STEP 1: Lay down the mask Although most people put ground down first, your map will be much more organized if you start with mask. Starting your ground first will cause layering problems like accidentally overwriting layers and having to go back and fix them. OK, almost everyone uses cliffs in their maps, which is good because they are in the default tilesets and are easier to organize than hills. There are a lot of cliffs and cliff pieces on the default tileset 0\. HOWEVER DO NOT MIX YOUR TILESETS!!! No one can stress this more than it has been already. It's sloppy. Use rpg xp tiles or custom tiles. All right here's what I have so far… ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/5249Screenshot0.jpg) Make sure you dont put grass in the middle of cliffs as a mask tile Step 2: Ground and "Ambient GFX" :o Now it's time for ground tiles. Make sure your water and grass tiles blend together well. The 4 frame animation feature of Eclipse Evolution will make everything a lot more smooth. I highly recommend making your water sort of shimmer instead of ripple. It looks a lot better. The sky in the backgrond is what I call "Ambient GFX". Not everything on your map has to be tangible. That sky was ripped from an rpg xp battle background to show how simple it is (Though I could have made my own ::)) ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/8194Screenshot1.jpg) Step 3: Trees and Overlays Add some trees. The ones I have were shaded in GIMP. Try and put some behind and in front of cliffs to give it the most 3D effect possible. Notice the tree going off to the south map. The southern map should have the trunk on it. Its important that your maps fit together like a puzzle. Bushes and shrubs are important for every exterior map. Remember, don't mix your tilesets. Spend a minute in ms paint or GIMP clumping bushes together. Putting them down individually makes your map look to grid-like. Variety is good too. Oh, and I put in a house. Yeah. Adds some life. ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/2033Screenshot4.png) Step 4: Adding Some Life Tie your map together with some extras, like barrels, crates, tree stumps, flowers, potted plants, and other junk. Make sure you don't overcrowd your map or leave it too empty. Overlap things to add to the 3D effect. Definetly try and make things suitable for the map's style by recoloring things. If you're making a desert city, add some stripes to pots and make houses that look like adobes. If you're trying to make an underwater area, take the time to make an animation for seaweed ;D. ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/1860Screenshot5.jpg) OK that's it. Here's the final map XD. ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/369Screenshot6.jpg) Yup. That's it. I hope all you noobs learned something. PM me your maps! All graphics featured in this tutorial are edits and recolors by FrogImmortal. Original graphics that were altered are either default rpg xp graphics or customs made by their respective owners, none of whom signed their work XD. All rights resereved to no one in particular
  12. heres a little feature thats small to pretty much everyone but crucial to my game. you know how if some1 casts a spell on something and another person casts a spell on the same thing while the first magic effect is going? it cancels out the first. is there a way you could make magic effects stackable? heres an example: ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/8936thingy.jpg) oh is it possible to call big magic fx via scripting? im not sure if that was implemented yet.
  13. yeah… if anyone wants to finish it for me, go ahead. i gave up on it. but i decided to post it anyway ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/1834horse.jpg)
  14. (edited) nevermind (edited) point taken, bro
  15. yes. these are my arrows. they would suit a kirby type game rite? or a light hearted rpg. yup. 100 % original. yeah. im bored so if u want me to make u anything just ask. yeah. ![](http://imageigloo.com/images/9638arrows.png)
  16. I'm a cat. A cat. Damn. > Cats arecurious and agile, as well as highly independent. They also have a distinct mischievous side and can get themselves into trouble. You embody these characteristics. what are you? [http://www.gotoquiz.com/which_animal_are_you](http://www.gotoquiz.com/which_animal_are_you)
  17. i think if this stuff happened, it would really increase the range of stuff eclipse can do. -ability to control 64 by 64 sprites -64 by 64 paperdoll to fit in them dang weapons and make mounts! i wanna horse! :) -male/female specifics for paperdoll -constant animations on weapons. (burning swords, static electricity, a blinking eye on like a mask or something…) -multiple frame attack -show the attack animation instead of run animation when casting spells -customizable player and npc speed. honestly, any player could attack a monster 100 levels above them and could just run away. monsters should be as fast as players. -i dunno uh, monsters casting spells? i know arrows are hard but spells shouldnt be rite? -scripted arrows that run a script when they hit a target. that would be cool. (fire arrows that burn down buildings, arrow of teleportation that warps you to whereever it lands… -spells that shoot out like arrows. fireball etc. and run a magic effect when they hit. -free-er movement? like link to the past ish... sorry for whining and taking up your time. ::)
  18. im trying to create massive bossfights for my game. im going to post what I have so far… its not much :'( ![](http://aycu35.webshots.com/image/4714/2000877733665721383_rs.jpg) im trying to make an EE onNPCdeath script so the mouth opens when you kill all the tentacles or something… i dont know. its nowhere close to being finished.
  19. i created a fully functional pet system for my game. the pet levels up on its own, and can fly over things your normal character couldn normally reach. to do this, i made 3 new subs… setpetdefault sendplayersavedstats sendpetsavedstats and 2 functions... getplayersavedstats get petsavedstats basically, i have it so when a player completes a task they get an ini file with the stats set using the sub setpetdefault. its a rather tedious sub that sends stats, sprites, and magic depending on which pet the player chooses (bat {offense}, hawk {speed}, owl {magic) . then i made the hotscript for delete switch you over to your bat, hawk, or owl ally. this sends all your players stats to a ini called (payersname)savedstats so they can be recalled later and sets your stats, skills and magic to the pets, which are saved to an ini named (payersname)petstats so they can be recalled after you switch back to your human. also, it sets a mask 2 tile for your position and the position above you of your sprite. so it shows your ex position. same with the bird, only its a fringe 2 and an fringe 2 animation of your chosen pet flapping its wings and such. it also sets your class to "flying". flying can pass over CB tiles like canyons, pits, and small holes in walls that humans cant enter. also, whenever you resume play of your pet and/or human, you are at the map and x/y you were when you switched back, so if you wanted to monitor your shop (which i also made, and is cool. ill post about that with my game on th WIP board), you could leave your human there and go out gathering supplies with your hawk. also, your pet levels up and gains stats on its own, which is another cool feature. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! i made an or rather, am MAKING an item called the falconer's glove which keeps your pet at your position when you switch to it so you wouldnt have to travel to a city as your human, then switch to your pet and travel to the city again. also, im working on some pet spells and abilities. oh, and a pet doesnt share an inventory with the player, so it's like a portable carrying bag for all your junk. post if you didnt understand something. ill post the script on the scriptthing when i get home from vacation, but its pretty tedious. in the future, i could make other pets or minions or something assigned to PG DWN, PG UP and END. that would be interesting for like a "pokemon online game" or somthin. meh. (check out my game when it comes out)
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