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Everything posted by Timus

  1. Is the scripting the same in EE as in TE?
  2. Timus


    I just had a brainwave, I was thinking, instead of just having levels, could you make hills with shading the grass in a certain way to make it look like its going up? Seems very possible to my thinking.
  3. Timus

    2 ?'s

    Is it possible to have one house that runs several houses off it? Like have it so 10 people can buy that house but when they enter, it comes up with there house not any one else. Has anyone played Puzzle Pirates?….That is what i mean by player housing. 2\. With dying, i set the bootmap as 100 in a map, died in it, but i didnt appear up at map 100, am i doing the wrong thing?
  4. I know that the rpg XP sprites have become quite popular. Has anyone made a bigger one than Kay-nos that they are willing to share? Much appreciated if anyone has one.
  5. Timus

    Game Name

    I was going to call my game Crusade after it was changed to Genesis, but i found out its already a game. Any suggestions? Im looking on the line of Crusade, Campaign, quest, type thing, but say any you think are good.
  6. I know what its like being a noob to certain things, having to ask people what everything means. In some tutorials and forum topics etc., they speak another language, Eg. they say Tut…. = Means tutorial. **Read this if your new, it should help you in the long run:** GUI: Its the frame of your game. The login screen, in-game menu etc. This can be changed to what you want. SPRITES: Your characters that you move around. GFX: This is your graphics, Sprites, tiles, items etc. NPC's: Computer controlled sprites that do what you make them do, Eg. Give quests. SFX: This is sound effects, like GFX only instead of graphics, its all the sound like when a sword clashes. SCRIPTS: This is the programming of the game, make certain things happen in the game such as mining. You do not have to touch these to make a game, but will help you make a GOOD game. PAPERDOLL: This is what you use when you want to make an item be seen when your sprite equips it. Such as a sword. Sheets of this can be found in the paperdoll section if you do not wish to make your own. FAQ's: Frequently asked question, facts. BOOTMAP: This is to do with dying. When you die where do you appear. SERVER: This is what your game runs off, what people link up to to play the game. A server is usually your computer but you can use other options. CLIENT: The client is the oppisite to server, this is what your players download to play. It holds all the stuff they need to have such as the GFX, SFX, Music, GUI. RTE: Run time errors, things that go wrong with OCX and Dll files. Look at the runtime fixes topic for solution…can usually be solved. They shouldnt happen with the new version, Eclipse Evolution. Can't think of anymore at the moment, ill post them here if i think of anymore. Hope it helps.
  7. Can we get it back? i remembered it was quite good but when i looked back in the old forum, it wasnt there. Nothing appeared up. Could someone post it back here?
  8. Timus

    Rounded tiles

    I need some rounded dirt tiles. So the dirt doesnt have to be square. Anyone got any?
  9. Whats the address?…..to the forum just before this one. I want to post some stuff across.
  10. Hi, The program was working perfectly fine _until_ I got the newest update. Now i keep getting RTE 9 when i try to start up server! Does anyone know how to fix this? It's only since the newest update so is there an error there or somethin'?
  11. Timus

    ()___53 help___()

    Hi, I am trying to get into my game to start making it but it keeps saying "run time error 53 file not found" I've have tried the fix in the list of RTM's: Go into GFX open the tiles in paint and make them the attributes a certain size. That makes the screen smaller and cuts out alot of the chipsets so i dont want to save because i dont think i will be able to use the other chipsets… If you know another way of fixing it please tell me, if not should i copy the chipsets it is gonna cut off and paste them below? Will that still make them work?
  12. Timus

    Little help…

    429 fixed! yes! now…53, :( When im trying to get into the game, it says "run time error 53 cant find file" what do i do? And thanks for all the other help you guys gave me!
  13. Timus

    Another program…

    Seeing how i cant fix the 429 problem…is there another MMORPG maker you recommend? like player worlds or something? I would rather use this program but this error is....grrrr!!!
  14. Well. Tried using the tutorial regestedRegsvr32.exe cmcs21.ocx but the second file,Regsvr32.exe msscript.ocx says this error: get last error renturns 0x00000485. I have tried several other things such as downloading about 4 things that should fix it…they dont :p I tried this program: 429 fixxer...that didnt work. If there is a REAL solution please oh please tell me...I have been on the computer for hours trying to get through this problem so i can start making my game!!! -Thanks
  15. Timus


    It says: initialising protocals, then a pop up says: runtime error 429 activex component cant create object!!!! Please help me.
  16. Ok i want to make the game. How do i get into the actual program and start making the world ect?
  17. Ok well, I've downloaded, unziped and everything is ready to go. I followed the tatorial but after i go into the "server" folder nothing started downloading like it said it would. All that comes up is alot of other folders, 1 stand out 1 which is green and says: Eclipse. So i go into that…It downloads stuff but in the tatorial it says that an icon will come on which means server is online but it doesnt pop up. Please help me if you can. -Thankyou.
  18. Timus


    Hi, How much internet downloads does it take up to download the "total eclipse" and all the "needed files"? Also how much computer memory does it take up? -Thanks
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