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Posts posted by Jarvis

  1. Hey CameronF.. Don't let it get to you. Many people here are just very over protective of their hard work. You mentioned having one of yours stolen from someone you trusted, so you should pretty much understand. It's not that people don't trust you, it's just that you're new to the community, for all we know you could be a formerly banned person. Being new to the community, we have no idea who you are or how your behavior is. Give it awhile. I'm sure after being a member for quite some time and establishing yourself in this community, you'll start to build trust and respect.

    On another note, what is the location for this server of yours?
  2. Name: Bill Jarvis
    Sex: Male    (Errr… don't you think this game will turn out to be weird with all males and no chicks? :P)

    Age: Young adult

    Skin: White, not pale.. maybe like a caramel or just below caramel skin tone?
    Eyes: Dark brown
    Hair: Brown
    Weight: Normal/average, more muscular
    Muscle: Lots of muscle :P

    Sexuality: Straight

    Clothing: Business man suit......you know the professional business like clothes they got with a tie and stuff...


    Computer Whiz

    Oh, can you make my character rich and famous? :P
  3. Easy to solve that problem. There should be a reset button on the back of the router. You may have to use a pin to press it. Use that. Password will reset back to default, but so will all of your router settings.
  4. If you're trying to connect to that IP,, that will not work as that is not the real IP, that's the internal. Have him visit http://www.whatismyip.com/  and tell you what IP shows there.

    You do not need to delete your old server folder. It has nothing to do with it. If you were to start the server up on your computer, the two servers would have different IP addresses and therefore have absolutely nothing to do with each other. I'd definitely keep your server folder for development purposes. If you do any updates to the server on your PC, you'll have to send the server folder again.

    If the real IP doesn't work, then he probably didn't do something right with portforwarding, or he has a firewall blocking incoming connections.
  5. I must say that I seem to like those tilesets. Might I give you some constructive criticism though? See if you may be able to do something with the water tiles towards the middle and add some sort of detail to make it look more "waterish". Right now it just seems to be a solid blue tile, not completely looking like water. Other than that, it looks good.
  6. @Kreator:

    > First thing I have to point out is that you really should spellcheck your topic. There's a large amount of errors. Aside from that, definately work on your mapping. Netherstorm sounds really cool by the way, reminds me of an older game I used to play called Dungeon Lords.

    Not to be mean or anything, but I must point out the mistake in your spelling as well. It would be definitely, not "definately". :P
  7. Saberking, if you're using a free host and it doesn't support mysql and php, I could probably host it for you. The webhosting would come full with the latest version of cPanel and everything, the whole nine yards. Just send me a PM if interested.
  8. This happened to me, when I tried to connect to a server and had to use hamachi. I was using an outdated version of hamachi, so upgrading to the latest version solved the problem. Make sure they have the latest version of hamachi. As zombie0hour said, it could be lag, and from the sound of it, its on their end.
  9. **Name:** Matthew Leisy

    **Profession:** College Student (Computer Science and Engineering - Video game development)
      Business Administration

    **My Birthdate:** October 24, 1985

    **Age:** 23
  10. @ZeroOnline200:

    > idk just some good stuff.
    > So could i use a song from linkin Park and just say that the song was made by them?
    > or could i tyake music from my CD and put it on the computer and use it?

    I'm not sure much about the laws on this. I would think that, depending on the record label of the song/artist, there will be different types of copyrights, some allowing you to use them for non commercial purposes, and others not. Although I do know that most music, if not all, pretty much has the same copyrights, regardless of who the artist or record label is. Having this music in your non-commercial, free game is pretty much the same as playing the music on a free, non commercial internet radio station. To be legal, those types of internet radio stations have to pay royalty fees to the appropriate record label/artist, so you might end up having to pay royalty fees.

    The best thing for you to possibly do would be to find an email address, which can usually be found on the artist's website, and ask them if you can use it in your game. Some artists might be appreciative for something like that, as it does give them publicity, but some are only out to make big money, and would be a bit hesitant about it.
  11. Thats me! I will be working to review some more games when I get the chance, so hopefully it will get some content soon. Of course I will take requests, if you have a favorite game that you want to be reviewed, I will come up with something. I do play a variety of different games, regardless of the genre, so chances are, I probably already play it. If not, I'll try it out and do a review.
  12. A bit too plain and boring. It could be redone to use up more space instead of all that empty space being wasted. I particularly dislike the color, but thats just me. I'm not much of a fan of brown. Other than that, great job! I like how you made use of the tabs. What's on the 3rd tab if you don't mind me asking? I'm curious now :-o

    Rating: 6.5/10
  13. @DezireSoftware:

    > The most common language in ORPG development.

    This was a good guide to read, and definitely can't wait for more. But VB6 is not the most common language in RPG development. C++ and C# are actually the most common. VB6 made games just aren't stable enough to support a massive amount of players as games made in C++ and C#. For C#, I was told by someone, that it is commonly used for developing console games, for xbox, playstation, etc..
  14. I don't really like the navigational buttons, but other than that, it's looking good. I remember playing .hack once on my friend's Playstation, and I fell in love with it, so I am definitely interested, and can't wait to see where you take this.
  15. I get popups as well, but that is probably due to the use of free hosting service, hence the "http://bsgroup.**freehost10.com**/index.html" … Most free hosts automatically have popups included to gain some source or revenue in return for hosting.

    Other than that, it is looking good so far. I can't wait to see its final version.
  16. Look in the path that it says, and check the frmShop.log.. It should tell what happened, but if not, mind pasting it? It might be helpful to figure out what your problem is.
  17. @Velian:

    > Because the less competition there is the more money we make. That was rude to call it a scam though XD. While I might be a bit of a scam artist at times this project actually is completely legitimate. It's a good game that gets good reviews (We've got a couple thousand people playing) and the only money coming in is from donations for in game items. It's not as if we force them to pay.

    Sounds like it might be a private server, especially with a couple thousand people playing, and the fact that it is claimed to be easier than Eclipse, and receiving donations. Is it a WoW, L2, or RO private server?
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