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Posts posted by Murdoc

  1. @Kreator:

    > @Murdoc:
    > > You're simply wrong in saying I didn't take initiative to make the story better, as I did. And again, you're also wrong for saying I show no determination to make it "decent". I'm pretty sure it's "decent", and I'm determined to make the story good, even IF I don't take ALL your advice seriously. Let's not play an ego war by arguing who's opinions are better. Sometimes it's all in your "point of view". I'm sure you have skill in writing, but I guarantee you that even not all good writers agree on EVERYTHING. So let's just leave it at that. Also I already took part of your advice by taking out the LONG list of names of the sages. So I'm not THAT stubborn as you put it. :P
    > You have initiative to debate, that's for certain. I've given all my reasons for why the story is bad on that very long criticism post. Surely you can't tell me you disagree with literally every comment I made?

    :huh: MAN! I just told you that I took some of your advice already. Jeez luiz! *smacks forehead* and *cries*  :cry:  No, but I agree with bout half. In fact, I might even just redo the story again as I already realize it's not Superfragilisticexpialadocious!
  2. @Kreator:

    > @Murdoc:
    > > And I've already shown initiative by completely changing my storyline from the old one which was far worse. So you "Sir" are wrong on so many levels it's almost humorous.
    > However, that doesn't change the fact that it is still very poor, as I've pointed out in detail. I understand you've updated it already once, however continue to work on it, until you've not only become a better writer, but also somewhat developed your story to a reasonable indie-video game standard. I'm not sure on what context your suggesting I'm wrong, but your story is neither decent, nor have you recently showed determination to make it decent in the eyes of the audience.

    You're simply wrong in saying I didn't take initiative to make the story better, as I did. And again, you're also wrong for saying i show no determination to make it "decent". I'm pretty sure it's "decent", and I'm determined to make the story good, even IF I don't take ALL your advice seriously. Let's not play an ego war by arguing who's opinions are better. Sometimes it's all in your "point of view". I'm sure you have skill in writing, but I guarantee you that even not all good writers agree on EVERYTHING. So let's just leave it at that. Also I already took part of your advice by taking out the LONG list of names of the sages. So I'm not THAT stubborn as you put it. :P
  3. @Kreator:

    > @Murdoc:
    > > I take your advice with a grain of salt, and thats all. Dont be too proud of your own opinions.  ;)
    > Then you sir, are a fail game developer, if you cannot take criticism and advice from a more experienced developer, nor show initiative to improve major flaws in your project.

    You are a "fail" advice giver "Sir". Your arrogance exceeds your own talents. I said "I take your advice with a grain of salt" not "I dont take your advice at all". Get over yourself, "Sir".  :P

    Besides, I take criticism quite well when you consider I already have on several points. And I've already shown initiative by completely changing my storyline from the old one which was far worse. So you "Sir" are wrong on so many levels it's almost humorous.
  4. @Kreator:

    > @Murdoc:
    > > Though I agree with some of your opinions and critique, I also find you're being a bit too critical . I mean, this IS a fantasy game. And as such, almost everything in it is not real to life including magic, black dragons, humans forgetting how to make advanced weaponry, or being saved by a super race, etc. I'm sure the story doesn't BLOW your mind, but not many fantasy stories can, seeing as almost every type of fantasy novel, story, and video game has been done, and yes most of them are "cliche" as you put it. Let's face it Kreator, pretty much every WIP on here has a story that sounds like another story that has been done before ie. Zelda, LOTR, Ultima Online, FF series etc  I'm not JRR Tolkien here lol. Although I am attempting to create some races that have no connection with the classic elf, dwarf etc  But, anyway, If I feel like it I may change the story a bit or elaborate a bit more on the history. I've purposely tried to leave some things in obscurity as well, so as to not give away the whole idea of the game. The rest of the story and history should be discovered in game. At least thats the plan.
    > First of all, the genre fantasy doesn't depict that you can make your story as unexplained and far-fetched as you wish. And second, I'm not here to compare you. I'm not comparing your work to the average eclipsers, nor a famous writers. As the audience to your story, I'm criticising it as a reader. If I say it doesn't make sense, then it doesn't make sense to me, if I think there's a lot of plotholes and flaws, then its from my personal opinion. However with experience in writing and quite a few other fields, you would do well to take my criticism well, then to disregard it. Don't be stubborn or ignorant, yes its your project, and you should be keen and determined to improve it.
    > Goodluck,

    I agree to disagree. That dont' make me any more "stubborn or ignorant" than you for disagreeing with my opinion. I take your advice with a grain of salt, and thats all. Dont be too proud of your own opinions.  ;)


    > I'm excited for this game! Tell me if there's a chance I can play. :)

    Thanks lollicat.  :azn:
  5. @Ninja-Tech:

    > @Murdoc:
    > > Though I agree with some of your opinions and critique, I also find you're being a bit too critical . I mean, this IS a fantasy game. And as such, almost everything in it is not real to life including magic, black dragons, humans forgetting how to make advanced weaponry, or being saved by a super race, etc.
    > even if it is a fantasy story
    > it has to make some sort of sense
    > like instead of sayign a dragon say maybe a dragon that is x size with many heads and one eye on each head that shoots beams of exploding plasma matter that create deep crators

    LOL! That's just overkill, but funny. I won't argue whether fantasy has to make sense or not. I'm sure we all know the answer to that. :P I could've easily said the Earth was destroyed by a Giant Meatball Monster!!!! Anyway, I'll probably change the story a weeee bit.  :P
  6. @Kreator:

    > Since it's apparent you've taken Balliztik1's crititism, and revamped your story, I'll look through your recent update and see what I can suggest.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > In the year 2703 the Earth was destroyed by the Black Dragon in a bloody war.
    > First things first, theres a very large amount of confusion here. In year 2703, I would imagine the world to be incredibly technologically advanced, with marvelous machines, science and genetics. I would not imagine a black dragon, nor it able to destroy the entire planet. The planet would surely have the technology to deal with it, and regardless, how exactly would a dragon destroy a planet?? The dragon in game is obviously not going to be capable of destroying planets.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > Not all was lost, however. Before the destruction of Earth the human race was rescued by a race of angelic beings, called the Illumina. Looking similiar to "elves", the Illumina are a sacred Race who live in the peaceful world of Atlantia,
    > Alright, your context for why the game is set in a different planet is incredibly miniscule, and also unnecessary. Its fantasy, is it not? You don't need an excuse for the games setting to be on a planet different to Earth. And I really couldn't imagine elf-like angels rescuing what I imagine would be an advanced race of humans encompossing super powerful nano-technology and knowledge. Not to mention, why did they even save the humans?
    > @Murdoc:
    > > Weapons were never used, and the knowledge of advanced weaponry soon dwindled into a long forgotten myth.
    > Not jumping to conclusions, but will there be weaponry in game, or are all players limited to nature-telekenisis?
    > @Murdoc:
    > > The Ishtar are obsessed over love, war stories and sex.
    > The differing obsessions here are quite humerous, I don't really understand it.. unless…
    > "And then, the barbarian thrusted his sword into the maiden!"
    > "The adventurer moved below the foilage, entering a wet cave, in search for gold!"
    > @Murdoc:
    > > Also among these, are the Vado, or "those that are born of water"
    > Your introducing too many races, and giving too little information for each. And to top it off, their names aren't very catchy, and with the little information you've supplied; they won't be memorable or distinquishable.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > The Dragoni also live here.
    > Gah, more! Very cliche'd name as well.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > After learning the secret powers and knowledge of the Illumina, the Humans created a race of their own.
    > MORE? I'm not sure how control over nature is going to necessarily allow them to create a new race, nor have you outlined their motivation to do so. I would imagine this would have been more possible in their own epoch on earth.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > The Borg have skin made of precious Metal, and have no need of sleep.
    > So they've reinvented machine, as they had on earth. Seems pointless.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > Seven Sages
    > Lol, Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time. Also, Your introducing so much races and lore without explaining it at all. You really need a wiki or something to outline each of your ideas and concepts.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > The Seven Sages of Light, by name, were: Xantar, ruler of Syngar; Pidia, ruler of Traymor; Galbrata, ruler of Rona; Gideon, ruler of Nemethar; Cora, ruler of Lambar; Kailyn, ruler of Haven; and Baltar, ruler of Siphon. These Seven Sages, of each race, ruled in Atlantia and governed all the affairs of men.
    > Argh, more names to deal with; that will obviously never be remembered. Make a wiki, organise your ideas, and properly create your world.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > News spread quickly that one of the Sages, Baltar of Siphon had gone mad. In his chambers his servants overheard him rambling  on with swelling words of hate towards the Illumina. The reason is unknown, but some suspect that his mind was being controlled by some powerful force. Illumina Elders were called to aid his sickly mind. But by this time, Baltar had fled into the wilderness screaming insanities
    > Terrible villian concept. Surely you can do better.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > For 1000 years no violence was ever witnessed in Atlantia, until now.
    > Why 1000 years? Why so precise?
    > @Murdoc:
    > > Dark clouds have covered different parts of the land
    > Why do people accociate dark clouds with foreboding evil? Its so cliche, and stupid. And obviously in game are we going to see various land overcast with shadow? No.
    > @Murdoc:
    > > Large Game World - 200+ Maps
    > Very tiny, in my own opinion.
    > Your story requires a very large amount of work. Before embarking in any other development area, I'd definately work on it.

    Though I agree with some of your opinions and critique, I also find you're being a bit too critical . I mean, this IS a fantasy game. And as such, almost everything in it is not real to life including magic, black dragons, humans forgetting how to make advanced weaponry, or being saved by a super race, etc. I'm sure the story doesn't BLOW your mind, but not many fantasy stories can, seeing as almost every type of fantasy novel, story, and video game has been done, and yes most of them are "cliche" as you put it. Let's face it Kreator, pretty much every WIP on here has a story that sounds like another story that has been done before ie. Zelda, LOTR, Ultima Online, FF series etc  I'm not JRR Tolkien here lol. Although I am attempting to create some races that have no connection with the classic elf, dwarf etc  But, anyway, If I feel like it I may change the story a bit or elaborate a bit more on the history. I've purposely tried to leave some things in obscurity as well, so as to not give away the whole idea of the game. The rest of the story and history should be discovered in game. At least thats the plan.
  7. Ok, so I revamped the storyline QUITE a bit. Had lots of time to use my imagination today, so I did. I pretty much knew the original story was inadequate, but I think it's better now and it gives a little history and such. Also, I threw in a few additional features to be implemented, AND will be using Races instead of Classes at the beginning of gameplay, with the option to select "Jobs" later on. Let me know what yas think of the revamping!
  8. In response to Ballie. I agree. I realize now that the story is a bit bland, and lacking in detail. So a new storyline is in progress. Also, I decided to change from classes to Races, (and not just the typical ones either) with the option to select "Jobs" in game.


    > Really like the style you are going for. I will definately play when it comes out… Could have some more information in your wip though...

    Thanks Seal. More information will be out soon. :)
  9.                                           **Final Saga Online - Secrets of Atlantia** 



    In the year 2703 the Earth was destroyed by a giant Meteorite. Not all was lost, however. Before the destruction of Earth the human race was rescued by a race of angelic beings, called the Illumina. Looking similiar to "elves", the Illumina are a sacred Race who live in the peaceful world of Atlantia, beyond the stars. Here there was no war, no darkness and everything lived bountifully for ages. The humans were re-born alongside the Illumina and were taught the knowledge of "Magica", being able to control Nature's elements for the benefit of mankind. Weapons were never used, and the knowledge of advanced weaponry soon dwindled into a long forgotten myth.

    Atlantia was not only the home for Humans and Illumina. Other races had come to find a home in Atlantia, living alongside the others in peaceful harmony. Among these races were the Ishtar, a very sensual kind. The Ishtar are obsessed over love, war stories and sex. For this reason the Illumina don't take to kindly to them, but remain tolerant.

                Also among these, are the Vado, or "those that are born of water". Before the Illumina rescued the humans from the Earth's destruction by the Black Dragon, the Vado were created by them from the sea waters of Atlantia. They have the appearance of water. These beings speak very little, live to serve, and are able to travel with superb agility.

    The Dragoni also live here. At one time, the mystical Dragons of Atlantia dwelt in the mountainous regions of the kingdoms. However, when the women among the humans arrived, they were filled with lust over their beauty. The Dragons planted seed in the women, and they bore children who would become the Dragoni - half Human, half Dragon. They tend to not like large crowds, and often travel alone. Their skin is made of scales.

    After learning the secret powers and knowledge of the Illumina, the Humans created a race of their own. They are known as the Borg. The Borg were created  as a servant race, but most of them no longer serve Humans because of their desire to be independant. They also feel they
    are more intelligent than humans. The Borg have skin made of precious Metal, and have no need of sleep.

    Together, these all were taught the secrets of Atlantia by the Illumina, and leaders
    were selected from among the races to rule the world, whom they called "the Sages of Light".

    Seven Sages of Light were selected to rule over the kingdoms of Atlantia. Each was given a magical orb called Orb of Essence that was able to both create and destroy life. They were ordered to never use orbs for the destruction of mankind or they would be cut off from the kingdoms.

    Over time the Illumina had entrusted the Kingdoms in the hands of the Sages of Light, and many of them had traveled to other distant stars, but their purpose has been kept secret to this day. The Sages did their best to rule the kingdoms of Atlantia, but over time knowledge seemed to be lost, and subtle darkness began to warp the minds of some. Rumours began to emerge, and fears came over some that the Illumina would one day abandon the human race, leaving them to disintegrate.

    News spread quickly that one of the Sages, Baltar of Siphon had gone mad. In his chambers his servants overheard him rambling  on with swelling words of hate towards the Illumina. The reason is unknown, but some suspect that his mind was being controlled by some powerful force. Illumina Elders were called to aid his sickly mind. But by this time, Baltar had fled into the wilderness screaming insanities, carrying one of the Orbs of Essence with him. Besides this, Cora of Lambar suddenly went missing one day from her palace, never to return.

                For 1000 years no violence was ever witnessed in Atlantia, until now. Dark clouds have covered different parts of the land, and stories of people being attacked by fierce monsters abound. Men have taken up creating weapons and armour to defend themselves. Prophets
    stand in the streets of cities crying out, "Repent, the End is near!!" Visions of spirits speaking in strange languages has become a regular occurence among the Ishtar women, as well as "dreams from the underworlds" given to the Elders.

    A council has been arranged in the city of Syngar in regards to the recent discoveries. No one is certain as to the reasons for the darkness on the land, but the remaining Illumina have decided to use their powers against the darkness and have also taken up arms. Rumour has it that Xantar, Sage of Light in Syngar, is looking for adventurers to join the Great Council and the quest to discover the deep secrets of Atlantia, and the cause of this darkness.


                Instead of classes, your journey in Final Saga begins with selecting a Race from Atlantia's historical plot. Later on, you are given the chance to select a job from various Factions in each city.

    HUMAN - A balanced race. Humans entered the world of Atlantia when the Illumina rescued them from the Black Dragon.

    ILLUMINA - A highly intelligent race, with Divine powers. They are able to heal wounds, and cast mind-altering spells.

    ISHTAR - a passionate race, obsessed with love, war and sex. They can control Fire and Thunder.

    BORG - A race created by Humans of Atlantia. They have rapid adaptability and continue fighting
    even after a seemingly fatal blow.

    DRAGONI - The descendants of Dragons, they have incredible strength, and are able to transform into a Dragon.

    VODA - "Those who were birthed from water" They move speedily, and are able to control Water and Ice.

    ANGELS - Accessible at level 30\. Angels have healing power, and incredible defense and speed.

    DEMONS - Accessible at level 30\. Demons cast darkness spells, have incredible strength and intelligence.


    100 % Custom Tilesets and Sprites w/ Paperdoll
    100% Custom Music (made with FL Studio)
    Large Game World - 200+ Maps
    Loads of Quests
    Item Crafting System
    Reputation System (affects who you can talk to)
    Collection Skills (Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining)
    Boats, Islands, Maps, and Hidden Treasure
    Hidden Zones
    Player Housing
    A Faction System
    Mini Games (ie. Casinos)


    * Site under construction *



        Here's just a couple examples of the Custom tiles being used.


  10. @Robin:

    > GUI is poor quality, sprites don't look anything like they're supposed to be.
    > They don't match, and Breeze is now as over-used as RMXP.

    Why don't you offer some constructive criticism. Like say how the sprites could be made better. Or don't say anything at all. Cuz this attitude only serves to discourage people from trying to do their own graphics, rather than encourage a creative, constructive Eclipse community.
  11. Heh, I already asked this in the main discussion forum (oops) but what pets (if any) do you all have? I'm thinkin of gettin a siberian husky (just read that anna wants one too), and from the purchase page it looks like you can still buy them… But those new eagles look pretty sweet too.
  12. @scholastic:

    > Since my last post was so long i am not triple posting just adding on-because im sure 20 forums of a topic is worse then two posts by someone who is asking a question and tryin to make it easier to read.Maybe i need a dicionary to understand that asking whatever questions on this forum as it is titled actually means ask a question that the oneson here do not understand and if you have problems and post twice then that means you suck.

    You just need to chill out dude.
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