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Posts posted by Kay-No

  1. It will work like:
    The sprites should be in different parts: Head, body, legs, and hands.
    And then when you equip a helmet the head part will dissapear and it will be replaced whit a helmet whit face in it.
    And when you equip a weapon the hand will dissapear and will be replaced whit a weapon that include a hand.
    And the same whit the armors, and legs.

    In that way you dont need to make all the amors and stuff fit the hairs and the bodies.

    I think this is a way better
  2. Need any fonts for your website, gui etc
    Download them here: http://www.dafont.com/
    Its a well organized website whit a lot of fonts
  3. Hello.
    I wish that you could remove the black frame whit "reciving map" that
    covers background picture.

    And the black news fram. If someone would need it it just to make a black fram on the GUI.

    And if theres any possiblitys:P that you could have some kind of GUI for equipment
  4. Hi there ive found a MSN bot that shows if your online or offline (check my sig).
    This is how you do:
    Add [email protected] in you contact list
    and type: "!findbot" to him (without quotes)
    to check which bot has currently the most free space.
    If this is not the bot you added, delete the one you added and add the one the bot gave you.
    Then type "!uid" to him (without the quotes)
    That will give you your User ID
    Now all you need to do is to put your user ID in "userid"


    If you using this code in the forum remember to use the

    For more info go to http://bencastricum.nl/msn/

    Here is an example of mine:

    and with the [img] tags: )
  5. Hi my ive recently updated to 32x64 but when i use it its just all white
    Like when creating a new character the sprite frame is just white… :?

    Anyone knows what to do?
  6. Marsh have you change the lottery som you only can buy one ticket?

    Haha the last lottery draw ive spended all my money on the lottery i had 16 entries and i didnt won

    How many did you have Niko? :roll:
  7. Marsh i think you should make so Guests cant reply and make new topics.
    I think that will lead to less spam and more members. :wink:
    Ofcourse they could read the topics but they cant make reply and new topics

    What do you think?
  8. Hi there. Here ive collected all the recourses i have found.  :)

    good recourse sites:



    ~~Really nice ground tiles: http://rapidshare.de/files/11254310/Tiles1.bmp.html
    Tiles: http://rtgamer.free.fr/rmk/fonds.php3?rep=…aphics/Tilesets~~

    Really cool hell tiles: http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/1172/hell9yf.png

    ~~Tiles for creating a World map: [http://rapidshare.de/files/11253609/World_Map.rar.html](http://rapidshare.de/files/11253609/World_Map.rar.html)~~


    ~~naked sprites: http://www.geocities.com/satana_81/CHTemplates.html

    A lot of sprites: http://rtgamer.free.fr/rmk/fonds.php3?rep=rmxp/graphics/Character&p=1

    Some more sprites: http://rtgamer.free.fr/rmk/fonds.php3?rep=…phics/Character

    Lots of 32x64 sprites and some tiles:

    RMXP sprites: http://www.rmxp.net/two/resources/index.php?category=Graphics/Characters~~

    Items and spells:

    ~~Some items: http://rapidshare.de/files/14727737/Items.rar.html

    Items: http://rtgamer.free.fr/rmk/fonds.php3?rep=…/graphics/Icons~~

    **Skill items:**
    (made by nex666)




    **Cool items:**

    **Spell icons:**
    ![](http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b47/Mithlomion/SpellsList.png) <– (the eclipse spell  :wink:)

    And here is my very own PD template
    Its from my game tekrania but it has been updated to 32x64.
    So you can take these. Unfortunely i by mistake deleted my client that included the template. I had a backup with only the armors in it
    and then i have all the other stuff formated but not in the template.
    (it includes the spritesheet where i putted my custom sprite that fits the PD template)

    [Download it from here](http://rapidshare.de/files/18600692/Tekrania_stuffs.zip.html)

    The sprite is the full sprite sheet where i added my custom sprites.
    they will be around #260

    And the stuff fits the Tall charas-project charsets…

    Reason for edit: crossing out dead links
  9. Hi i need a naked sprite for my PD items.

    It needs to fit this armor: ![](http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7622/spritearmor3uc.png)

    Please help :)

    Mohaha ive found it!

  10. What do you thinkl about my flash intro? 8)
    I know its a very easy made but im just testing a little. What you think about it.


    And i need some help. See that text effect on the end, i need to make it stop. Here is the script:
    i = "1";
    alpha = "0.8";
    maxlight = "20";
    while (Number(i)<=Number(maxlight)) {
    duplicateMovieClip ("ray0", "ray" add i, 800-i);
    setProperty ("/ray" add i, _xscale, getProperty("/ray" add (i-1), _xscale)+i*alpha);
    setProperty ("/ray" add i, _yscale, getProperty("/ray" add (i-1), _yscale)+i*alpha);
    setProperty ("/ray" add i, _alpha, 10-i*(0.5/50));
    i = Number(i)+1;
    setProperty ("ray0", _visible, "0");
    stop ();


    and one more thing see that flames in the right that one jumps…
    and its not beacus i have moved a frame cuz when i play as test movie
    its jump but when i hit enter and play it its not jumping
  11. Hi,
    i got my server on and i can log in on my 2 computers but i dont think others can log in. And im using that serverstatus script and it is always offline even when i got it running.
    and i have checked the ip and port…
    got any suggestions what it could be? :?
  12. Hi, when i downloaded the new version i tested it and it worked.
    then i go to the server files and change some stuff like classes and
    script and that.
    and then when i load the servers it stops at classes 83%
    any one knows how to fix this? :?
  13. Hi,
    i need help to make so the character can ride on a horse or something.
    Now when paperdolling is coming there it would be a way to make it.
    i have thinked about making a item that called horse and then
    paint a horse sprite so it looks like character is riding and make the horse item give + like speed or def or something but then the problem is
    what kind of item it should be, body armour, ring, helmet… nah.

    do u got any suggestion how to make this?
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