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Posts posted by Eviltyphoon

  1. @Gamesucker:

    > @Thorn:
    > > Also, crow making and using a tool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYZnsO2ZgWo
    > neat
    > And I don't need a divine right to do what I want to creatures that can't talk, the only thing that would stop you would be your morals and your own abilities. and fine, if the word master offends you and your woodland friends, we are the best race, because we have done the best at surviving.

    We have not done the best at surviving. 1 sixth of the population is starving. Every second, one person dies of starvation. I wouldn't call that being good at surviving.
  2. @Harris:

    > I am trying to work out the min and max damage I can do with my sling. I found this on the H&H wiki.
    > > Max damage = 60 * sqrt(ql / 10)
    > > Min damage = 0.5 * (PER / AGL) * MAXDAMAGE
    > But that makes no sense to me. What is sqrt? What is ql?

    sqrt = square root
    ql = quality

    Common abreviations. I don't even play this game and I know that :p
  3. @DDunit:

    > @.:Ev1ltyphoon:.:
    > > I have D2, without LoD, but I never really played it a lot. I got the key from someone who didn't want it :p
    > Same here.
    > Wanna hook up? xd

    Sure, I've been looking for something fresh to play anyways, and if you want to play with a noob (I did play singleplayer for a bit, but not a lot), then I'd love to play.
  4. I played it for 3 times or so, but always quit because of the horrible grind nad the fact that you have to pay for the biggest part of the game which just involves more grinding.
  5. @Zonova:

    > In this debate, id like to mix science with religion. Most scientists dont include religion in science. they are usually two separate thing.

    They are for a reason.


    > Ok, back to the topic. I think that humans arent part of the "evolutionary" chain of nature.

    We are.


    > Meaning, I dont think we are descendants of monkeys.

    We aren't, we have a COMMON ANCESTOR.  No-one ever seems to get this right.


    > For one humans have a conscience. no other animal has something that tells them right or wrong. humans do.

    No way you can state this for a fact.


    > Now, you might be able to train a cat to stay out of the kitchen, or to not get on the sofa, but thats probably because the cat put together the "If cat on sofa, cat get beat" or something similiar.

    Ants actually do whatever is good for the colony, and humans didn't train ants.


    > Humans are also much more adapted than any other creature on the planet. like, nothing is even close.

    We're actually the worst adapted, we just make up for that with technology.


    > Lets use the example of a monkey. Monkeys dont have a brain anywhere near as complex as ours is.

    Did you know, monkey DNA is 99% the same as humans? Did you know, that (some) monkeys have a brain comparable to a 5-year old?


    > They dont have any "hidden muscle" that there brain triggers only in time of emergency.

    Neither do we as far as I know.


    > They dont have any special chemicals that the brain activates that make time look like its slowing down, or that increases there senses.

    They have. It's a part of the survival mechanisms


    > A monkey cant understand any complex logic. they can barely understand plain logic. You dont see monkeys building anything. or at least, that I know of. If I monkey had to drink from a pond, he might not notice all the fish that are dead on top, or the deers dead right next to it. a human would notice that, unless he/she is a complete idiot. monkeys dont have any "sane mode", where they act for pleasure, or anything in a "humans" way. when humans are starving they go into some survival mode, the brain changes our taste bud likings. we start liking fish eyeballs if we are runnign low of water, or we start liking plain fish skin if we are running out of pure fat. a monkey doesnt have that kind of instinct. it just eats, sleeps, mates, and dies.

    Gah, the stupidness is great in this one. Where do you think we have our survival skills from? We kept them for the time we ourselves were roaming around forests in trees. That's right. We only have these mechanisms because we used to need them when we lived in the wild. Ours are actually worse than any other animal, because we don'ty regularly use them.


    > Humans can adapt to any situation in seconds.

    So wrong it's not even funny.


    > If the are in a life threatening situation, like being crushed by a boulder, the brain triples our muscle in a second, and we can lift that boulder. our mind can take notes of everything in our vision, and do it all in our sub-conscience, and we dont even notice. a car coming at us in our peripheral vision? our brain notes the speed, and it sends messages to our conscientiousness and arm muscles to get to work.

    Animals can actually do all of this too, and faster, since they have a less complicated nervous system. They once did an experiment where they put a grasshopper in some sort of 3D simulator, and let obstacles suddenly appear in front of him, and he reacted almost instantly everytime. In situtations where humans would easily have crashed, they passed without a problem.


    > All im saying is that humans are so highly "evolved" compared to other animals, its hard to put us on the same level. What do you guys think? and if you think anythings wrong wiht what I said, tell me, and ill change it. if you can present facts.

    They only thing higly evolved about humans is our brain. The rest is laughable compared to almost any other animal.
  6. @Gamesucker:

    > @.:Ev1ltyphoon:.:
    > > It's pretty fun if you want to waste time. You can literally spend hours exploring one single cave system, or build a huge city with legitly obtained materials.  The survival element is minimal from the moment you get full iron armor, a diamond sword and a chest full of pork. The only thing that can really hurt you then is creepers spawning in front of you while you're distracted.
    > or a fall while carelessly mining diamonds =/. BTW, what difficulty are you referring to?

    Everything higher than peacefull.
  7. @incredulous:

    > Not all and it isnt so hard, cause you can turn the wohole picture and dont need to turn gun for gun.
    > But if I turn a gun or the picture, the picture blurred.  :huh:

    So you can make a front and back view by rotating that pictures? You must have a magical image editing program, since it's IMPOSSIBLE. Unless ofcourse you're looking for sidescroller paperdoll, which you should have mentioned in the first post if you did. And if you are looking for for sidescorller paperdoll, make it yourself. And I don't know what image editing tprogram you're using, but if it blurs something if you mirror it, then you need to either change the settings or get a decent program.
  8. You seriously want someone to do all of these weapons for free?

    Not only would you need a really talented pixel artist for that (which are scarce on these forums), but the time it would take to do all of these items is just too long for anyone to do it as a freebie.

    I'm sorry, but if you want these items paperdolled you're going to have to either pay for it (which would be far from cheap), or do it yourself.
  9. The concepts looks good, but, even though you specifically said not to, I'm going to complain about the tileset mixing.

    I understand you want your game to look unique, but uniques should be put above nice looking tilesets. And the tilesets you chose to mix are 2 completely different ones, and honestly, it looks like shit. If you really want your game to be unique, find a tileset no-one uses, or make your own.

    But aside from the tileset mixing, the maps look good.
  10. @gothikaboy:

    > Humans are animals, but why would that stop me from eating other animals?

    Way to miss the point.

    It's not about you or if you should be vegan…
  11. It would be really ingorant to presume that we really are the only ones. We can't even begin to imagine how huge the universe is. But I don't believe we will ever get to meet aliens, since the chances are just so small…
  12. Well, let's debate then. How about bacteria? Single cell organisms, that are 'alive'. Vegan consume those, no? (no denying this, unless you know a vegan that sterilises everything he/she eats). Well, sperm is a single cell organism too. So I say they are 'allowed' (again, choices) to swallow.
  13. @Azkanan:

    > Off topic, but, @Typh, did I really say that? In your signature? It impressed me. xD

    Yes, yes you did.


    > But pure energy reacts with matter. Is it just impossible to keep it?

    Where did you get the idea of pure energy? (not a flame or anything, I'm actually interested, I might just be wrong :p)
  14. @Azkanan:

    > The problem is…
    > If people release their "energy" when they die, what sustains it for centuries, as are the 15th century spirits. And such. Pure energy is not self-sustainable.

    The only energy we have is heat… When we die the heat dissapates (which it actually does all the time, but our body keeps producing more heat) and that's it.


    > Pure energy can only exist in a vacuum, otherwise it would make an almighty explosion.

    Pure energy can't exist in a vacuum, since there is nothing to hold the energy, just a void. It's jut physically impossible.
  15. It's not a debate wether or not they can or can't swallow. ofcourse they can. Being vegan is a choice. Swallowing or not is also a choice. A completely unrelated one in fact. And since choices aren't really something you can debate about, there isn't anything to debate here.
  16. @collink:

    > everytime I try to open it, I get an error saying something about a file was not installed, but everything from the disk is on the computer

    You could try just googling that file. If it's a dll you'll find a download for it right away, then you just put it whereever it's supposed to go and that should work.  If it's not a dll, well, then there is probably something wrong with the installer you have.
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