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Posts posted by beckymegan

  1. I have but I haven't "released" it yet. It's used in episode 13 and I just released episode 9\. Audio wise, episode 11/12 are both horrendous xD Here's my youtube: www.youtube.com/user/beckymegan I release daily except Sunday. So it should be up July 2.
  2. Hey guys so I need your opinions. I'm planning on purchasing a pair of gaming headphones with mic and I need to know what's the best I can get for under $50\. The audio doesn't have to be the best but I really need a good, crisp and clear mic with noise canceling. I'll be using it to play games and commentate for the youtubes (www.youtube.com/user/Beckymegan). Thanks guys!
    I'm on my phone so please excuse any horrible spelling/grammatical errors.
  3. Posting this for a friend, trying to help her out xD

    Hey everyone! So I’m sure a few of you have heard of the hunger games, and probably have seen some of your fellow mincrafters starting up some Hunger Games servers. Well, this one is different, and will require some different people.
    We are planning on having this as a buy in event. Meaning the 20-ish participants pay a small fee ($2-$2.50, prices may change) to get into the arena. This will be a first come-first serve for the first 15 and a bidding war for the last 5 spots. Last man standing get’s half the pot ($2.50-$10+). This will also be an event lasting probably anywhere from 1-3 hours that happens once a month, not a 24/7 server. That being said, here is what we need:

    Mod/Plugin Developer
    We’ll need the following mods/plugins:
    Hardcore plugin
    Mobs do more damage and you can die from hunger/thirst (more later).
    You die and you’re automatically banned.
    Weapons Modification
    Make weapons break slower and cause more damage on players.
    Player Scan
    Allow admins to go into third person view of players, or see their current locations
    Private Chat
    Allow players (and admins) to see chatter that only the intended other player can see
    Teleport Mod
    Allow admins to teleport wherever/to whoever they want without it showing up in chat panel
    More Mobs
    Other mobs, example: Bees that chase you, deadly sharks, etc. (We can discuss this later)
    Water bar
    A faster drop rate than hunger, but basically the same thing. Glass bottles or buckets of water can replenish it.
    Invisible Mod
    Allow admins to toggle invisibility (their name as well)

    5 Camera People
    Basically you’ll just follow around and film a group of 4 people.  You need to have very low lag on decent multiplayer servers and be able to record. You may also be required to live stream. You will also need to be free at the time of the event (which will most likely be around 11pm UTC).

    1 Announcer
    This person will provide running commentary during the games and should probably have been successful at doing LPs for youtube or live stream. Don’t apply if you don’t have a quiet environment and a good mic. You will also need to be free at the time of the event (which will most likely be around 11pm UTC).

    Minecraft Name:
    I have read the Hunger Games:

    Mod/Plugin Developer
    Previous experience:
    Why should we:

    Camera Person:
    Why should we:
    Video you recorded (commentary not necessary):

    Why should we:
    Video of you doing commentary:
  4. My uncle taught second grade for a while, he always told me and my younger sister how many parents came on parent/teacher night to yell at him for their kids marks…

    @Marsh It might have been in a parenting thing, idk, it rings true at my school though. More kids are focused on getting drunk than anything else. (We also have the highest pregnancy rate in our area, 36% xD)
  5. So I read an article a while back that discussed the rebel of today. This article wasn't talking about those in Libya, etc. but rather the youth (and 20-somethings) of the US.
    According to the article (which I'm looking for!) the rebel of our past listened to punk music, broke the law, got drunk all the time and were unemployed. These people were generally considered scum by society.
    The article then went on to say that today's rebels were the ones who made A's (%90s) in school, went and stayed in university, stayed in to work/study , had good jobs and generally tried hard to make their small part of the world for everyone.
    Now, my questions. Do you agree? I think I do but I really want to hear my favorite eclipsers views.

    -A person who resists any authority, control, or tradition. (Dictionary.com)
  6. The thing is with stepping, a path isn't worn under a swing after one go. It's worn in after hundreds of goes. So random splotches would be someone stood there and spun in a single circle a couple hundred times. I believe there are tiles on the set you're using for if you wanted to look like someone had dug a hole too btw.
  7. No real order honestly
    1\. Pride and Prejudice
    2\. Harry Potter 7 part 2
    3\. Sky High
    4\. Kung Fu Panda
    5\. Mulan
    6\. Vampires Suck
    7\. What Happens in Vegas
    8\. Limitless
    9\. Harry Potter POA

    Close enough to 10 xD
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