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Posts posted by lexkymbeth

  1. How many people are crest…

    YOU: !shutdown
    **BOT: Fred.**
    YOU: !kill
    **BOT: Even if I could kill a human I would not.**
    YOU: !stop
    **BOT: Strange.**
    YOU: !end
    **BOT: Do not take this the wrong way - but I have a strong feeling that your parents probably hate you.**
  2. > The eclipse server is not compatible with linux at all, wine doesn't work to well with it.
    > I recommend that you run windows through virtual box or something.

    I have gotten the server to run on Linux with wine once, although I no longer have ubuntu :L And I forget the packages you need something to do with the core files for vb6 and eclipse dll's. Oh VB6 got that to work on ubuntu also its posible

  3. >! ```
    using 42;
    >! namespace Universe
    class Injected : 42 {
    public enum Species {

    public Injected() {
    // Do my stuff
    MeaningOfLife().Life.add("lex_the_great", Species.Human);

    public void OnTick(UniversalTime ut) {
    MeaningOfLife().process(ut) { // Processes this faster than a computer would, but not faster than current time, using Universal Mathematics
    .query("to OnBirth(string, Species) from OnBirth,to OnDeath(string, Species, string) from OnDeath");

    public void OnBirth(string name, specie) {
    // Inherited from 42
    if (name.equals("lex_the_great")) {
    MeaningOfLife().setStory("lex_the_great", Species.Human, true) { // <-- True story
    "I was born long long ago in a place far far away from you. My father left when I was 3, around the time my sister",
    "(She is the 3rd child) was born. I moved around a lot as a child, reason being our mother did not want him around us.",
    "After moving every year up till 7-8 years ago we landed in a small town out side of a larger town. Life was pretty good",
    "My father got sent to jail for drunk driving and had to pay child saport thinger that he did not do the time he was around (Still paying it to this day)",
    "After he got out the court made my mom give 50/50 custody and we got to see him again in since for ever. When I was a child my mom",
    "said she left him because he took out his anger n' choked her, I believe that is bull since hearing his side of the story she use",
    "to lock us in the closet when she got upset and could not deal with us, leaving my older brother to take care of us until my dad got home (I do not remember any of this, my older brother does though)",
    "experimented with dating. Was nick named pimpin' (Only friends called me that) because It was just to easy to talk/tick ",
    "(I basicly knew how to mess with peoples mind at the time, psychology was something that I got into early)",
    "I dated a lot learning to love and to be loved. The last girlfriend I have had was the one that got away... plain and simple I lost her. (Was 11/12 around this time)",
    "Fell into deep depression around that time never ate at school and never talked to anyone basic sleep the entire year to and fro school",
    "While 12 near the end of the summer I experienced a faulty wiring house fire that burned",
    "most of the bathroom and attic up (Mothers Photos and stuff were up there) during the night me and my older brother stayed at a friend up the street",
    "And after that my step-dads (They never married I just call him that because he is always around) than to my mom's current boyfriends... Year or so later.. Around this time I joined eclipse year after left because I was done with vb6 (At the time)",
    "He has 3 girls, 2 older 1 younger. Along with my family that makes 9 people in the same house..... (Caos) Soon after my older brother decided he has enough",
    "and moved in with his girlfriend. Around this time my dad has two more kids and I got this computer",
    "I'm pretty much quiet now, Haven't had relation ship in ages doing just fine with out a disturbance. \"The love of my life was about 6 years ago\"",
    "Being spotted in school last year by a computer teacher who saw me coding got me into IOS/MAC OS developing and the school bought me a developer account, got me a free ipad for testing and all!",
    "I develop apps for my school and for my self, make little games and such.",
    "Now when everyone asks me why I never say anything, instead of saying ^^^^^^^^ I just say \"I have nothing to say.\""
    .andSoForth(); // I have never wrote anything about my self before sorry if its all jambled up and there is so much I skipped / Did not want to share


    public void OnDeath(string name, Species specie, string reason) {
    // Inherited from 42
    if (name.equals("lex_the_great") && specie = Species.Human) {
    // I shall not pass!
    MeaningOfLife().getLivingThing("lex_the_great", specie).heal();
    return false;

    public void MeaningOfLife() {
    return 42();


    >! I was born long long ago in a place far far away from you. My father left when I was 3, around the time my sister,
    (She is the 3rd child) was born. I moved around a lot as a child, reason being our mother did not want him around us.,
    After moving every year up till 7-8 years ago we landed in a small town out side of a larger town. Life was pretty good,
    My father got sent to jail for drunk driving and had to pay child saport thinger that he did not do the time he was around (Still paying it to this day),
    After he got out the court made my mom give 50/50 custody and we got to see him again in since for ever. When I was a child my mom,
    said she left him because he took out his anger n' choked her, I believe that is bull since hearing his side of the story she use,
    to lock us in the closet when she got upset and could not deal with us, leaving my older brother to take care of us until my dad got home (I do not remember any of this, my older brother does though),
    experimented with dating. Was nick named pimpin' (Only friends called me that) because It was just to easy to talk/tick ,
    (I basicly knew how to mess with peoples mind at the time, psychology was something that I got into early),
    I dated a lot learning to love and to be loved. The last girlfriend I have had was the one that got away… plain and simple I lost her. (Was 11/12 around this time), 
    Fell into deep depression around that time never ate at school and never talked to anyone basic sleep the entire year to and fro school,
    While 12 near the end of the summer I experienced a faulty wiring house fire that burned,
    most of the bathroom and attic up (Mothers Photos and stuff were up there) during the night me and my older brother stayed at a friend up the street,
    And after that my step-dads (They never married I just call him that because he is always around) than to my mom's current boyfriends... Year or so later.. Around this time I joined eclipse year after left because I was done with vb6 (At the time),
    He has 3 girls, 2 older 1 younger. Along with my family that makes 9 people in the same house..... (Caos) Soon after my older brother decided he has enough,
    and moved in with his girlfriend. Around this time my dad has two more kids and I got this computer,
    I'm pretty much quiet now, Haven't had relation ship in ages doing just fine with out a disturbance. The love of my life was about 5 years ago,
    Being spotted in school last year by a computer teacher who saw me coding got me into IOS/MAC OS developing and the school bought me a developer account, got me a free ipad for testing and all!,
    I develop apps for my school and for my self, make little games and such.,
    Now when everyone asks me why I never say anything, instead of saying ^^^^^^^^ I just say \I have nothing to say.\

    I have never wrote anything about my self before sorry if its all rambled up and there is so much I skipped / Did not want to share. I just wanted to participate in this post and say something. ONE MORE THING, English isn't my first language, C# is D: sorry for spelling mistakes

    Oh another one more thing, my real name is @lex, off to play video games now

    - - -> MeaningOfLife();

    My life is opensource released under [http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0](http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) xD
  4. "Redistributions of the supplied source code must not be sold or traded without the sole consent of "Touch Of Death Productions". No hardware per se is licensed hereunder."

    You can not sell the engine if its has EO code in it, Unless you ask of course. (sole consent of "Touch Of Death Productions".)
  5. > I won't even comment on your "exact same syntax" comment… but I want you to know how derp the above is. You do realize that the placement of curly brackets is ENTIRELY up to personal preference, right? -- rendering your example useless. Not really sure why you thought that was a good representation of the two languages.

    O.o? Yea I know that wasn't the point of my post they look very similar any way you put it. More examples:

    for(int i=1; i<10; i++){
    // Java

    for(int i=1; i<10; i++) {
    // C#

    if (condition) {
    // c#

    if (condition){
    // Java

    package com.package;

    public class Main {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
    // Java
    using System;

    namespace Name.Space
    public class Main
    static void Main() {
    // C#

    Do you need more examples?
  6. ```
    void doSomething() {
    // Java

    void doSomething()
    // C#

    Java would be more easier to [multiplatform](https://www.java.com/en/about/) since it runs on almost every platform, even your TV (if its a newer TV) runs java O.o

    Once you learn one the other one is extremely easy to learn since the syntax is almost exactly the same.


    @Chief microsoft was 'Influenced' by java. The syntax of java was created in 95 while c# appeared in 2000 with the same exact syntax.
  7. > Ok bugs: when u go to edit it in item editor after build, as soon as u change exp multiplier from 0 to 1 label changes to multiplier time and when u set it to 1 min and consume it, it lasts like 5 secs

    1m = 60000ms so it ticks every one minute it should not last 5 seconds

    If Tick > LastUpdateExpMod Then
    LastUpdateExpMod = GetTickCount + 60000
    End If

    Only ticks every 60000ms

    Did you change this number?


    Once you create the item and consume it, it gives you an exp buff for a set amount of time and a set amount of multiplier.
  8. **Server & Client**

    in **Private Type PlayerRec** add

    ExpMultiplier as Long
    ExpMultiplierTime as Long


    in **Private Type ItemRec** add

    addExpMultiplier As Long
    addExpMultiplierTime As Long



    in **Sub ServerLoop** dim

    Dim LastUpdateExpMod As Long

    in **Sub ServerLoop** after the if statement **If Tick > LastUpdateSavePlayers Then**

    If Tick > LastUpdateExpMod Then
    LastUpdateExpMod = GetTickCount + 60000
    End If

    in **modServerLoop** add

    Private Sub UpdateExpMod()
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex
    If IsPlaying(i) Then
    If Player(i).ExpMultiplierTime > 0 Then
    Player(i).ExpMultiplierTime = Player(i).ExpMultiplierTime - 1
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    in **sub GivePlayerEXP** add after **' give the exp**

    If Player(index).ExpMultiplierTime > 0 Then
    exp = exp * Player(index).ExpMultiplier
    End If

    in **sub UseItem** add after the if statement **If Item(itemnum).AddEXP > 0 Then**

    If Item(itemnum).addExpMultiplierTime > 0 Then
    Player(index).ExpMultiplierTime = Item(itemnum).addExpMultiplierTime
    Player(index).ExpMultiplier = Item(itemnum).addExpMultiplier
    SendActionMsg GetPlayerMap(index), "x" & Item(itemnum).addExpMultiplier & " EXP", White, ACTIONMSG_SCROLL, GetPlayerX(index) * 32, GetPlayerY(index) * 32
    End If


    in **frmEditor_Item** in frame **fraVitals **create two labels (lblExpTime "Multiplier Time: 0", lblExpMultiplier "Exp Multiplier: 0") and two scrlbars (scrlMultiplierTime,scrlMultiplier)


    x2 click **scrlMultiplierTime** input

    ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
    If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
    lblExpTime.Caption = "Multiplier Time: " & scrlMultiplierTime.Value
    Item(EditorIndex).addExpMultiplierTime = scrlMultiplierTime.Value

    ' Error handler
    Exit Sub
    HandleError "scrlMultiplierTime_Change", "frmEditor_Item", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
    Exit Sub

    x2 click **scrlMultiplier** input

    ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
    If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
    lblExpMultiplier.Caption = "Exp Multiplier: " & scrlMultiplier.Value
    Item(EditorIndex).addExpMultiplier = scrlMultiplier.Value

    ' Error handler
    Exit Sub
    HandleError "scrlMultiplier_Change", "frmEditor_Item", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
    Exit Sub

    In **sub ItemEditorInit** in the if statement **If frmEditor_Item.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_CONSUME Then** under **frmEditor_Item.chkInstant.Value = .instaCast** add

    frmEditor_Item.scrlMultiplier.Value = .addExpMultiplier
    frmEditor_Item.scrlMultiplierTime.Value = .addExpMultiplierTime

    **I may have forgot something, I coded the additions then did the tutorial if something is missing and it's not working please post something!**
  9. **Minecraft Factions**



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