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Posts posted by lexkymbeth

  1. > I've doodled with it a bit the other night, but the forums went down shortly after..
    > It looks good, seems to work pretty well for what it is. But why is it struggling to hold its 30fps?

    To be honest I don't know. I think it is how I render or its becuse of the server is lagging… Gota tweek a few things
  2. > I'm curious if you have a running demo going on somewhere, but it seems like a pretty cool idea. :) What does it use for a server? Or are you just writing and reading to a database every split second?

    Uhhhh, good idea I could setup up a demo sometime today, creating this in school I have to go to my next class soon :S

    It's using Node.JS, the database is sqlite (a .db file)

    Database is only used when saving or loading (Loging in or loging out) Should add an autosave every so often… I'll add a demo later today!
  3. Update [3a61d30](https://github.com/LexTheGreat/JSMMO/commit/3a61d30f3097f2e9ae547039ea2c8f713b2062df) Screen Shots: [http://imgur.com/a/7n9xt](http://imgur.com/a/7n9xt)

    > - Removed old files
    > + Added in-game gui such as chat/chatbox
    > + Type then press enter to send
    > + Some server sided checks done
  4. [https://github.com/LexTheGreat/JSMMO](https://github.com/LexTheGreat/JSMMO)






    * Database
    * Saving And Loading Players (Name, Sprite, HP/MP,
    , Position)
    * Login/Register
    * Movement
    * Chat
    * Fighting
    * Maps
    * Editors
    * And more

    JSMMO is an Open source 2dMMO engine that used Node.JS, Socket.io, SQLite Databases and more. At the moment there is not much. There is the basics of multiplayer (moving around, login/register * While login' in if the player does not exist then it creates one, players only show up and/or sent, on the same map), player saving is done in SQLite.

    I've been working on this for a while plan to finish this one out. Just got done with all the IOS Apps I had planned and have some free time :S

    > _JSMMO_
    > _Open source 2dMMO engine made with node/canvas with SQLite Database_ _You need node.js![http://nodejs.org/](http://nodejs.org/)_
    > Project Setup
    > _How do I, as a developer, start working on the project?_
    > 1. _Check out the git git clone [https://github.com/LexTheGreat/JSMMO](https://github.com/LexTheGreat/JSMMO)_
    > 2. _Enter the directory cd JSMMO_
    > 3. _Run npm install_
    > Settings
    > 1. _Database name: In server.js replace server.db Database.open("server.db"); with anything you want._
    > 2. _Port: In app.js change 3232 Global.setupServer("public", 3232); with the port you want to use_
    > Testing
    > 1. _Enter the working directory and run node app_
    > 2. _Connect to yourip:yourport (localhost:3232)_
    > _How to setup the deployment environment_
    > * _Requires Node and webrowser_
    > Contributing changes
    > * _"Please open a github issues/pull request"_
  5. I play magic, I'm no expert but it is a very fun game. I have one deck, with a few extra cards I switch. I have a friend that has like 10 decks with binders of extra cards. He has a infect deck that I just can't beat aha

    PS: Looks alright, I would sugest not putting two borders togeather, just makes a wide dark line. White spaces and such in between tables.


  6. Not sure if I post this here? Saw this on the change log, 

    **Send vitals are now sent on JoinMap rather than JoinGame.**

    After you join the game your Health, MP, And EXP are all 100/100 until an action is done for it to be sent to the client. Just a heads up :S

  7. The packet ID is not the same as what you think, the packet sends the number in data to the client for what information it has, such as sending a message to the server (Lets say in the server the handler for messages is 1) the socket would be with data (1, "Message here") the server would then handle it as a message because of the first number. I think eclipse rejects wrong packet numbers (Not 100% right on this one?) so that it can not be manipulated unless stopped and edited before sending (Can't create/resend packets, they time out)

    When the server sends to the client its not the same, you can send the same packet to the client, don't think its protected from there…?

    If you change the numbers on the server of each handler someone could just figure out with the data that is sent to the server (The first long in the data)/

    This is how I interpreted the networking from the code I could be wrong!
  8. I thought this was secure with packets, the id's always change, checks are done server side…

    Trade hack, what is that? Do more checks in the code would be my way of securing, like make sure everything is right before doing something...

    If by trade hack you mean open up trade with another player this is not a hack its just replicating clicking the trade button O.o
  9. I'm part of the 10% that get BSOD when ever I play it ;/ Sadly looked like a good game

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