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Posts posted by Annahstas

  1. 1\. Dash don't be jealous, not a good color on you.
    2\. Spork works.. A LOT at a company that he codes for. Do you?
    3\. I see sprites and paper-doll item's being done and presented for us.
    4\. Game development isn't completed over night. It takes months to years to complete this. I mean look at Robins Crystalshire? Think he completed over night? No? He had a life to.

    The point is this not being updated for 2 months is normal. I don't see many people posting games then finishing updates and what not on them. Were not all nerds locked behind a computer screen in our mothers basement eating Cheetos and masturbating to anime. Some of us are actually normal excluding Spork, Crzy, and Mr.Sean….
  2. Hey guy's while I search on the internet for some tutorial's I want to post some that I have found over time and go back to when needed. They have been very helpful to me and proven useful more than a couple of times when I am looking for guidance. I hope that they help you out to:

    **Written Tutorials:**

    * **Mark's Pixel Art Tutorial-** http://www.natomic.com/hosted/marks/mpat/
    * **Isometric Circle Tutorial-** http://www.pixeljoint.com/files/iso_circle_tut.gif
    * **Derek Yu's Pixel Art Tutorial-** http://www.derekyu.com/?page_id=219
    * **Drububu's Pixel Art Tutorial-** http://wwww.drububu.com/tutorial/


    * **Relaxed Guy In A Chair's Shading and Color Tutorial-** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2aFqgr4rGo
    * **Inspector Geek's Tree Tutorial-** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9gPQfp_Znc
    * **The Vanilla Patch's Grass Tutorial-** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1llf4lU7Zs&feature=related
    * **Nascimpact's Building A House Tutorial-** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia3exD3JRx8&feature=fvwrel
    * **Sprite Lander's Castle Tutorial-** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooEtzfVfcGw&feature=related

    ***I will add more when I find more or just to update the list. I have a bunch more saved through out my computer. I will get them together ASAP!
  3. I would have to agree with Agoraphobic on the grammatical point of view but, I must admit he did try and where as other people here expect you to automatically help them and do it without fuss or some sort of equal partnership where as you scratch my back I'll scratch your's perspective.
  4. Doing my research on your game and wondering if in fact  you know what  you are doing? It doesn't seem like you know much about your decisions. When I made my add for people who have a Team and are serious about their game for my to join and pixel art for them, it doesn't seem like you are there yet my dear. Maybe one day when you have our game more compiled I might join in and help you a bit. Because reading the first page of posts really turns me away from your game.
  5. Sorry it is taking so long to put up more examples. I just now got my desktop back and I now have to wait to buy a usb networking adapter and when I do that by next week I will be able to post all of the thing's I have on my desktop instead of doing so on my laptop, which aren't the best sine I don't have Photoshop and what not on this computer.
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