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Posts posted by KaosKaizer

  1. @Axis:

    > are you like saying a costume to look like something but not have stats so you can wear the costume and the armor?

    Yep :)


    > Perhaps you are trying to say you want to change the sprite?
    > Try [this!](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68828.0.html)
    > It will not save your current sprite and it is not an item but it might suit your needs.
    > :cheesy:

    Well, I didn't really want those either. Although, I guess they could be a better choice than paperdolling the costumes. If I don't get anything, I'll check that out and see if I can't get anything.

    PS, Sorry everyone for being so picky. I honestly did search and couldn't find anything like what I'm wanting. If nothing comes up, then I will take a look at some of the suggestions for doing this instead.
  2. @RyokuHasu:

    > Then how would they take it off?

    Well, maybe it should take the armor slot, so they can take it off. I wasn't thinking about that.


    > Isn't that just a description of the paperdoll feature..?
    > Just use paperdolls. They work exactly the same.

    I thought about that, but here's why I decided against it(don't get me wrong, if I can't get them added in, I'll use it…): if I want them to change sprites, why should I clutter up my paperdoll folder with images that I have exact copies in my characters folder? I would have 2 copies of each sprite, one in each folder. Another reason is, what if I have a very large sprite and that is the players actual sprite. Then, they put on a costume of a smaller sprite, well, you see the smaller sprite in front of the bigger sprite.

    The way I described above isn't describing the paperdoll feature. I want to add an item to actually change the sprite, not put something over it.
  3. @RyokuHasu:

    > O.o … are you using EO 2.0? other that that I have NO idea what you might have done wrong. Sorry.

    Yeah, I'm using EO 2.0.
    I think I might have borked it somehow, but I'm not sure where I could have. It's not a stock EO 2.0, if that makes a difference. I'm using Captain Wabbit's Ranged/projectiles script as well, so I overlayed the edits in this tutorial on that, if that might be the problem. Other than the ranged script, it's all stock.

    I tried reinstallation, and I received the same problem. If it's not a compatibility issue with the projectiles script(which, I don't think that's the problem), then I'm thinking I replaced something I shouldn't have. I'm not sure. I'll restore it to a vanilla EO and see if that fixes the problem, and if not, then it's definitely a UCE on my end.
  4. Hello, again :)
    I'm sorry if I'm annoying anyone, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to add costumes to the game. By this I mean that I want a new item type in the editor. When editing it, you can name the item and give it a description and set what sprite you want it to change the user to, and of course have the item image. When the player has the item, they can equip it and it's like armor, only it doesn't take the armor slot. On equip it goes in, saves the players original look somewhere, and then changes their current sprite to the one defined in the costume item.

    Please, even a general basic nudge would help me, but I can't really figure this out on my own. Also, I do not want the Transformation Spell as I am going to get rid of spells for my game eventually.

    Costumes are not a necessity for my game, but would be an amazing addition. Please and thank you to anyone who may decide to help me :)
  5. I installed this and I just noticed one thing after I compiled it… All the warps I had no longer work? I had three warps, 1 on map 1(leads to map 15... it's a lift type warp) and 2 on map 15(lift to 1 and path to 14...) and none of the three work. On the attributes, they are all still there in the proper places, they just don't warp. I'm wondering if this is a bug in your code or if it was a bug created by me during installation?
  6. ::EDIT:: Oh, and I did search here and on Google but I didn't find any I liked.

    Hi. I'm using EO v2.0 and I'm not very good at spriting (to be honest, I suck) and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make me some tile sets to match the style in this tile set:

    Here's what I would like to have in the tileset:
    1\. Graveyard pieces(grave stones from front and side(s), statues, gate/fence, dug up graves, et cetera)
    2\. Destroyed city(burning trash cans/barrels, buildings(falling apart and/or not), roads, et cetera)
    3\. Abandoned cars
    4\. Docks (with water)

    All of this will be set in modern day of course.

    Now, I won't be (too) picky because I'm not the one making them and I don't want to cause anyone to much stress. I will be grateful for even one little tile if someone makes it :)
  7. I know that there has already been a tutorial to add a Run/Walk option to the game, but that's not what I'm doing here. I'm adding a tutorial to add an option to make the character either run when shift is held down or walk when shift is held down. It's a very simple tutorial, I know, but I was just testing my skills. I have thoroughly tested this and it does work.

    Also, I know that I'm new to the forums and to VB6, but I'm a quick learner, and this is what I've learned in just an hour of work. Maybe some of you would know a better way to do this, and if so, please tell me so. I don't mind criticism, as long as it is constructive. :cheesy:

    This code is all client side.
    In **frmMain**,
    1\. Add a label with a caption of "Speed" in the options menue.
    2\. Add an option named optRun, captioned "Run"
    3\. Add an option named optWalk, captioned "Walk"

    In **frmMain**(code), insert:
    Private Sub optRun_Click()
        ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
        If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

        Options.Speed = 1
        ' save to cofig.ini

        ' Error Handler
        Exit Sub
        HandleError "optRun_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
        Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Private Sub optWalk_Click()
        ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
        If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

        Options.Speed = 0
        ' save to cofig.ini

        ' Error Handler
        Exit Sub
        HandleError "optWalk_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    In **modDatabase**, find
    Public Sub SaveOptions()
    ```After _Call PutVar(fileName, "Options", "Speed", Str(Options.Speed))_, add
    Call PutVar(fileName, "Options", "Speed", Str(Options.Speed))
    Next, find _Public Sub LoadOptions()_
    After _Options.Debug = 0_, add
    Options.Speed = 1
    In the Else statement, after _Options.Debug = GetVar(fileName, "Options", "Debug")_, add
    Options.Speed = GetVar(fileName, "Options", "Speed")
    Then, right before the error handler, add
    If Options.Speed = 0 Then
            frmMain.optWalk.Value = True
            frmMain.optRun.Value = True
        End If
    In **modTypes**, fine _Private Type OptionsRec_ and after _Debug as Byte_, add
    Speed as Byte
    In **modGameLogic**, replace
    If ShiftDown Then
                        Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING
                        Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING
                    End If
    If Options.Speed = 1 Then
                    If ShiftDown Then
                        Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING
                        Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING
                    End If
                    If ShiftDown Then
                        Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING
                        Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING
                    End If
                End If

    > If you want to make running faster, you can open up **modConstants** and find
    > ```
    > Public Const RUN_SPEED As Byte = 6
    > ```
    > I replaced 6 with 10, but you can change it to whatever number you want.

    After you have made all these edits, save all the files and compile. Open up your client and test it out :)
    Please leave your feedback and/or constructive criticism so I know if I did anything a really idiotic way :)
  8. I was wondering how do I make a shadow tile? And I don't mean just add grey or black around the object I want the shadow… I mean a true shadow that blends into the ground. For example, if my background transparency is pink, and I have a ground of grass, what do I have to edit in order to make it where I can make a 32x32 tile for a shadow where I just overlay a transparent grey on the pink background(effectively making a darker pink) that when put on the map will make it overlay a transparent shade of grey on top of the grass(or stone, or metal, or whatever it is that I'm trying to shadow).

    I apologize if I'm rambling or anything.
    Is this even possible to do? Would I be better off using a dot matrix shadow effect?
  9. Hi, I'm new to EO and the Eclipse community, and even to VB6\. I'm not new to code(I have learned PHP, HTML, and SQL), but I am new to VB6 type codes.

    Anyways, I have a question about running in EO 2.0\. After reading around on some of the topics, I was under the assumption that in order to run, one must hold down shift. However, in my client, holding down shift made me walk instead, so I decided to look at the source code and I found this:
    If ShiftDown Then
                    Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING
                    Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING
                End If
    ```By the look of the code, the player should be walking UNTIL they hold the SHIFT key down. However, even with it like this, I still slowed down when I hit shift.

    I was wondering if EO was set up to make the characters run by default or walk by default? I just swapped these and when I hit SHIFT, my player got faster, so it worked how I wanted it to. I was just wondering.
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