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Posts posted by top10awesome

  1. So I wanted to publish my game. I read the tutorial and did as they did.

    1.) went to config.ini and put my Ip address from IpChicken
    2.) Zipped up My game and Data Files
    3.) Got Simple Port Forwarding and set up a Port to TCP 7001-7001 Ip: (Current Router Ip)
    4.) I tested it out and it works for me, but when My friends from away try to play, it doesn't work!

    The server was running and everything, but for them it says server is down..

  2. I wrote this tutorial because lots of people want to know how to port foward without doing all these steps and Chrap, so here it goes.

    1.) Download Simple Portfowarding from: http://www.simpleportforwarding.com/download
    2.) Set up an Port for your game
    3.) Make sure it is 7001 to 7001
    4.) Your done!

    Simple, Quick, EASY!

    -ScoPro Games/ Chrome
  3. Chromoloton: www.scoprochromoloton.webs.com
    ScoPro Games


    In the vast lands of Era, down past the forest through western town lays western farm. Western farm is home to many brave and noble teenagers and adults who have been living life normally for thousands of years until one day an great source of evil came crashing in a Dark place and has corrupted the vast lands of Era. This evil thing sent mighty army's of different creatures out to roam the lands and destroy what ever it encounters…One day a brave and noble scout came roaming into Western farm and saw that the place was in trouble, not just the place but the whole world of Era! They gave a vowel to protect the lands of Era and to defeat the great Evil creatures and beings that stands in their path's. On this epic adventure to Victory!


    :-Fighter; Fighters are great with melee attacks and the sword. They protect and fight up close to enemies that stand in there ways!

    -Mage; Mage's are amazing in damage and cast powerful spells from great distance. You won't see a mage in ten minutes after you find one.

    -Ranger; Rangers are skilled fighters that can attack from long distances and are very sneaky!


    -Free Roaming over ten's of hundred's of intresting and unique maps.

    -Fight evil creatures to gain items and experience to level up.

    -Various armours and weapons to show off your own style and defence.

    -Full on Pet system and Mounts.

    -PvP when level 10.


    -Bank to store items.

    -Trade system.

    -Party System; have up to 4 players in a group.

    -Inventory; Move what ever, where ever.

    -AUTO UPDATER; Get the latest Updates with this.

    And much more!

    -Mappers (Details and Layouts)
    -Workers (Assigning certain duties) BY E-MAIL.
    -Scripters (For Pet system, Quest system, and Friend system.)

    If you want to help, contact Us at: [email protected]

  4. Ok Robin, here are my concerns;
    1.) Maps: They look good, but aren't a lot of area's
    2.) Some area's force you to go a direction, some people like to explore past the crowded roads.
    3.) Gear: They don't show do they…big bummer...
    -Otherwise the game is great to play, but every time i'm on, nobody else is on. Makes me wonder if it is even MMO?
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