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Posts posted by darkserver

  1. yeah im working on a little pokemon project and i need someone to make this from discription please?

    Type of Pokemon: Dark / Psychic
    Base: Anything in the mammal family (that would include rodents, horses, etc. If it's a warm-blooded
    *Description: Anything goes and whatever seems right to you.
    Color: Use any of these colors - black, purple, dark blue

  2. ok heres a sprite I made please give credit if used.
    if you got any suggestions please share :cheesy:
  3. @darkserver:

    > thanks took a while to make. :cheesy:

    think your mistaken i found that ok i was in paint doing some practice pixleing and my litlle bro asked me how long it takes to pixle…
    i found this roaming google ok...
  4. here are my items i pixled my self
    please tell me how to improve my work

  5. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/280a5a3121090d87c24e26154ff584a9.png)
    **Warriors of Everlife:**
    **story****:** Leone's borders stretched further than was thought possible. The uncharted lands were discovered and
    established as flourishing trade areas, strong military bases and homes for the expanding, happy population.
    Emperor Leon was at the fore of the endeavour, at the bow of his flagship and first over the walls of undiscovered

    Leone was set for a bright future. The fearless warriors and skilled alchemists worked for the betterment of everyone.
    When the beloved Emperor eventually died, the empire would pass to his son, Finn. Finn was a Warrior Prince and
    fought bravely. He was brought up to ascend to his Father's position - ruler of the known world and Emperor of
    Leone - the ultimate authority.

    Leon's brother Leo was an Archduke and Captain of the Leone army. The power and wealth his brother's endeavours
    brought twisted his mind. He became evermore greedy and foul, obtaining and hoarding sapphires, gold and diamonds,
    drinking the finest wine and eating rich food. His assets were second only to Leon's.

    In a flight of jealousy, Leo hatched a plan to murder his brother and take the throne of Leone. He met with Leon two
    days later and slit his throat whilst he was helpless. The body was found in Finn's suite at the Palace of Leone, and Finn
    was trialled for murder.

    Leo used his power to make sure Finn was convicted. His punishment was ritual sacrifice, to appease the vengeful
    spirit of Leon and to ensure the spirit of Finn could never enter the afterlife.

    The sacrifice of an innocent man arose a storm of chaos from the Underworld. The dark forces that guarded the gates of
    hell took to the skies in search for Leo and swarmed over cities. They devoured crops and killed livestock, burned
    houses and smashed city walls.

    Leo was found hiding in the Palace. His throat was slit in vengeance of Leon and his body was dismembered and
    scattered throughout the land. His heart was taken by the dark and entombed in the underworld. The Dark King
    rose to power in Leone, projecting his hate onto the citizens. People were eaten alive and tortured for entertainment.

    This is where you come in. You can fight for freedom or join the oppressors. You must decide.

    Description: This fighter has sworn to protect leone
    Description: This great spellcaster has helped warriors in battles
    Description: This class is great to assassinate enimeie lines
    Description: This great class has aided a fellow warrior, mage, or rouge in battle for ages
    might add more latter

    website: none atm
    Warriors of Everlife is recruiting!
    If you're interested, you can pm me,
    please send examples

    Mapper- maps in game
    Programmer- programs for game
    Pixel artist-makes items,tiles,and GUI
    Tester- will test when beta relese
    makers of eclipse engine
    Juvanio- logo
    Rainbow Dash
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