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Posts posted by Elihu

  1. > We don't do code requests. We'll help you if you've made a start though.

    I did make a start, I created the buttons and seemed to have edited the code in the write way but when I changed the buttons the folder would change. The tileset from A would still be there.
  2. Can someone message me on how to put something like this in my project? In frmEditor_Map I would like to set up opt buttons that will switch the tileset folder. Like A B C D E like in RPG VX. It'll make me be able to arrange my tilesets easier.
  3. > Perhaps we should reward members like Jaxx, the ones whom take the time to gently answer newbies' questions, and on top of that welcome them to the community.
    > Regards,
    > GA

    When I First joined this forums I thought everyone hated me and I don't remember anyone welcoming me as well as, I felt ignored. Surprised that people are talking to me now, took me a long time of posts and topics and helping people to finally get some friends. If I think back to my Eclipse Newbie mind and use that as a medium for rating this forums it wouldn't be a kind rating. But I guess it's different for everyone and I know i'm naturally unlucky and naturally hated.
  4. > Its possible i got it already as buff ;-)
    > Cast spell -> Invisible for 10 Seconds (10 seconds because the buffs are stackable)
    > Everything is possible if you know how ;-)

    Off topic: Then I'll eat an ice cream that is as tall as myself!

    On topic: Is there a tutorial?
  5. > It is possible. Make a new variable in PlayerRec, isInvisible as boolean. Then if the player casts the spell, change the var to true. And then send the update to the clients. The client then, when rendering the player checks if the player is actually not invisible if the player isn't then continue normally otherwise just exit the sub. Same goes for name.

    That sounds great like it would work but can you please put that into code XD.
  6. I wanted to know if its possible to make a spell type that will make a player's sprite not render for a certain period of time, or maybe fade as well as make the name vanish. The process called stealth or invisibility in other words.
  7. **Guy1: I'ma be a Nether Priest even though a satanic priest is also known AS A MAGE. ,-,"

    Guy2:" I'ma be a Mosquito Knight even though I AIN'T A BUG."

    Guy3:"I'ma be a tentacle catcher even though I have no ducking idea what that really it…..ALL HAIL THE PENETRATING TENTACLES!!"


    Guy5:"Mysterious Hermit..........*Closes RPG Character Class Generator's tab*"**

    Omg XD. I never expected to lol like this in the morning…....Fungal Sorceress…...
  8. **Hey everyone, this is my first tutorial and I'll be teaching you how to turn Akash47's Tutorial about how to turn warp skills into jumping skills into a brand new spell type called Dashing for Eclipse Advanced.**

    **Original Topic here: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/132021-short-range-warpjump/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/132021-short-range-warpjump/)**

    **All credits go to Akash47.**



    In modCombat, under this:

    Public Sub CastSpell(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal spellslot As Long, ByVal target As Long, ByVal targetType As Byte)

    Dim spellnum As Long

    Dim MPCost As Long

    Dim LevelReq As Long

    Dim mapnum As Long

    Dim Vital As Long

    Dim DidCast As Boolean

    Dim ClassReq As Long

    Dim AccessReq As Long

    Dim i As Long

    Dim AoE As Long

    Dim Range As Long

    Dim VitalType As Byte

    Dim increment As Boolean

    Dim x As Long, y As Long




    Dim xt As Long

    Dim yt As Long


    **Then in the same Module, find this.**



    SendAnimation mapNum, Spell(spellnum).SpellAnim, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index), TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER, index

    SendEffect mapNum, Spell(spellnum).Effect, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)

    PlayerWarp index, Spell(spellnum).Map, Spell(spellnum).x, Spell(spellnum).y

    SendAnimation GetPlayerMap(index), Spell(spellnum).SpellAnim, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index), TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER, index

    SendEffect GetPlayerMap(index), Spell(spellnum).Effect, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)

    DidCast = True


    **Paste This Under It**



    SendAnimation mapNum, Spell(spellnum).SpellAnim, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index), TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER, index

    SendEffect mapNum, Spell(spellnum).Effect, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)

    PlayerWarp index, Spell(spellnum).Map, Spell(spellnum).x, Spell(spellnum).y

    SendAnimation GetPlayerMap(index), Spell(spellnum).SpellAnim, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index), TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER, index

    SendEffect GetPlayerMap(index), Spell(spellnum).Effect, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)

    DidCast = True

    **Now Under Spell_Type_ Dash's line of code called "PlayerWarp Index, Spell(spellNum).Map, Spell(spellNum).x, Spell(spellNum).y" Place this.**


    'Code to warp short distances, using x as forward and y as backwards, while map is set to 0 (in warp spells).

    If Spell(spellNum).Map = 0 Then

    If Player(Index).Dir = 0 Then

    xt = Player(Index).x

    yt = Player(Index).y - (Spell(spellNum).x) + (Spell(spellNum).y)

    If xt > Map(mapnum).MaxX Then xt = Map(mapnum).MaxX

    If yt > Map(mapnum).MaxY Then yt = Map(mapnum).MaxY

    If xt < 1 Then xt = 1

    If yt < 1 Then yt = 1

    If Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index


    If yt < Player(Index).y Then

    Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE

    yt = yt + 1


    If yt < Player(Index).y Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index

    End If


    If yt > Player(Index).y Then

    Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE

    yt = yt - 1


    If yt > Player(Index).y Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    If Player(Index).Dir = 1 Then

    xt = Player(Index).x

    yt = Player(Index).y + (Spell(spellNum).x) - (Spell(spellNum).y)

    If xt > Map(mapnum).MaxX Then xt = Map(mapnum).MaxX

    If yt > Map(mapnum).MaxY Then yt = Map(mapnum).MaxY

    If xt < 1 Then xt = 1

    If yt < 1 Then yt = 1

    If Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index


    If yt < Player(Index).y Then

    Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE

    yt = yt + 1


    If yt < Player(Index).y Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index

    End If


    If yt > Player(Index).y Then

    Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE

    yt = yt - 1


    If yt > Player(Index).y Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    If Player(Index).Dir = 2 Then

    xt = Player(Index).x - (Spell(spellNum).x) + (Spell(spellNum).y)

    yt = Player(Index).y

    If xt > Map(mapnum).MaxX Then xt = Map(mapnum).MaxX

    If yt > Map(mapnum).MaxY Then yt = Map(mapnum).MaxY

    If xt < 1 Then xt = 1

    If yt < 1 Then yt = 1

    If Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index


    If xt < Player(Index).x Then

    Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE

    xt = xt + 1


    If xt < Player(Index).x Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index

    End If


    If xt > Player(Index).x Then

    Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE

    xt = xt - 1


    If xt > Player(Index).x Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    If Player(Index).Dir = 3 Then

    xt = Player(Index).x + (Spell(spellNum).x) - (Spell(spellNum).y)

    yt = Player(Index).y

    If xt > Map(mapnum).MaxX Then xt = Map(mapnum).MaxX

    If yt > Map(mapnum).MaxY Then yt = Map(mapnum).MaxY

    If xt < 1 Then xt = 1

    If yt < 1 Then yt = 1

    If Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index


    If xt < Player(Index).x Then

    Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE

    xt = xt + 1


    If xt < Player(Index).x Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index

    End If


    If xt > Player(Index).x Then

    Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE

    xt = xt - 1


    If xt > Player(Index).x Then

    SetPlayerX Index, xt

    SetPlayerY Index, yt

    SendPlayerXYToMap Index

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    **In Mod Enumerations, Find Public Enum SpellType and under SPELL_TYPE_WARP add**


    **DEV SUITE**

    **In Mod Constants find**

    Public Const SPELL_TYPE_WARP As Byte = 4

    **And add under it**


    Public Const SPELL_TYPE_DASH As Byte = 5


    **In Public Sub DrawSpellDesc under Case SPELL_TYPE_WARP**

    **sInfo(I) = "Warp", Add.**



    sInfo(I) = "Dash"

    **In frmEditor_Spell find the cmbType![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/09430ccb5afbf7c93fe647a9f69eece3.jpg)**

    **and look for List, click it then add Dash right under the word Warp.**



    **In Mod Constants find**

    Public Const SPELL_TYPE_WARP As Byte = 4

    **And add under it**

    Public Const SPELL_TYPE_DASH As Byte = 5

    **In Public Sub DrawSpellDesc under Case SPELL_TYPE_WARP**

    **sInfo(I) = "Warp", Add**



    sInfo(I) = "Dash"


    **And Finished! It should work 100% Perfectly now. When you make a Dash spell, The X value will make you go forwards and the Y will make you go backwards. Enjoy dashing around your maps XD. If any problems you can ask me, I tested this and it 100% Works so I doubt you'll find errors but if you do, don't be afraid to ask me and i'll edit it.**
  9. **- Name, Sex: Tundras Coldaplaya Blanc (Male)**

    **- physical Description** Tan skin, glasses, straight hair parted on the right, swimmer's body. (Seriously I have a swimmer's body and I can even look like a girl if I want too XD.)

    **- Age** Teenager

    **- Dress type** Jeans, Black T-shirt, Black Jacket, Black sneakers.

    **- Sexuality: Straight**





    Computer Whiz



    Sometimes a workaholic (I don't mind work)
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