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Posts posted by Elihu

  1. > This thread is dumb and you two need to grow up

    That exactly is my point. Who the hell does this? " Okay, lets pretend this imaginary thing is my God but if it doesn't exist, how does your god exist?" Easy answer, HISTORY TO PROVE IT. If someone can give me a book about the history of how the flying spaghetti monster was raised from the dead and went up to heaven then I'll view things differently and probably commit suicide cause the world I live in was made by a flying Italian food Incarnate -.-.
  2. > As you wish. ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)

    off topic: I'm really hungry right now and Spaghetti sounds great ^ ^

    On topic: How I do hate how people make posts like this that have nothing to do with eclipse and it just seems to want to stir people up for some kind of big angry religious debate which will make people walk away hating each other. I don't care for it, I just came here cause the words flying spaghetti monster interest me in some strange way I cannot explain… o3o
  3. > A tactical one will be just harder to make, I think…

    Hard but good time spent.

    > .
    > Why that Turn Based system is horrid ?

    Look at it. Join someone's battle and it's like that, wouldn't it be awkward a bit. I can't put my finger on it but I know there is something bewilderingly strange about having that type of system. But I guess I recommend you to try making it, people won't know what they hate about it unless they try it.
  4. > like the picture above

    I know, that type of turn based system in an mmorpg, orpg, etc is HORRID. I rather have a tactical turn based squad battle system like the one from FFTactics or Dofus and Wakfu. Example:
    >! ![](http://screenshots.en.sftcdn.net/en/scrn/58000/58295/dofus-arena-15.jpg)

    >! ![](http://staticns.ankama.com/wakfu/portal/img/discover/landing/screen/004.jpg)

    >! ![](http://www.jeuxvideo24.com/screens/ds/1023/large/screenshots/68560_final-fantasy-tactics-a2--grimoire-of-the-rift.jpg)
  5. > This might sound stupid, but… Can you give an example of a practical application of this spell type?
    > Because it's looking good and all, but I can't think what it would be useful for.

    Um…...Making a class that can conjure things out of mana, thin air or resources? The resource part would come from adding the "Spell Require Item" Source Tutorial. It would be like.....Hm...An alchemist or support class or something? If it weren't one of those, the idea of making spells where a character can pull crap out of their butt isn't really needed in my opinion. But still, most interesting source tutorial i'v seen so far.
  6. > Now that is a surprise. I used this about 5 years ago and even then I thought it was going down the tube.
    > It must be a breeding ground for old men saying they're 12\. Just a creepy part of the Internet.

  7. > We must seal away the evil for future generations to deal with! - JRPG Plots.

    Yesh! I'll start with sealing you! -Gets a tag with a ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) drawn on it and aims at mrsean's butt- This may hurt a little.
  8. > People still use that?

    YES they do…........I didn't start this topic to get the same question, why can't people just reply only if they play this. -facepalm-
  9. > I came here to express my surprise that IMVU still exists and make a comment about the ads I say years ago having mild sexual content.

    I first joined IMVU at age 9 and played up until my current age, 13\. The mild sexual content didn't bother me then and doesn't bother me now.
  10. > IMVU? That's still a thing?
    > Isn't that basically pre-teen pictures of chilidog?

    So you just came here to question what I like and say my character looks like chilidog? Thanks for wasting my time >_>.
  11. > I don't know how many you have, but if you have as many as you make it seem, do you really need so many?
    > I'd organize my tilesets instead of making seprate folders for them.

    1: Tried that and failed.

    2: I seem to have a lot of things, I use to always get an error cause I had too many folders of stuff.

    I'll try to organize them again if you guys think I don't need something like this. Thanks.
  12. > ,,,,1 sekaru ur wrong many will help with out effort , there good % that dont code.
    > >.> really? why would you need that?? you got a slider for the tile sets.

    Got a shitload of tilesets and it takes a long time to go through them so I wanted to find a way to make the process of mapping not complicated with all that.
  13. > Well we need to see some code to help you.

    I'll have to remake it cause I closed vb6 cause my head started to hurt. But I remember that the code I edited looks something like this now.


    Public Sub CheckTilesets()

    Dim I As Long

    ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

    If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler I = 1

    NumTileSets = 1

    If frmEditor_Map.optTileset(1).value = True Then

    ReDim Tex_Tileset(1)

    While FileExist(GFX_PATH & "tilesets\A\" & I & GFX_EXT)

    ReDim Preserve Tex_Tileset(NumTileSets)

    NumTextures = NumTextures + 1

    ReDim Preserve gTexture(NumTextures)

    Tex_Tileset(NumTileSets).filepath = App.Path & GFX_PATH & "tilesets\A\" & I & GFX_EXT

    Tex_Tileset(NumTileSets).Texture = NumTextures

    NumTileSets = NumTileSets + 1

    I = I + 1


    end if

    If frmEditor_Map.optTileset(2).value = True Then

    ReDim Tex_Tileset(1)

    While FileExist(GFX_PATH & "tilesets\B\" & I & GFX_EXT)

    ReDim Preserve Tex_Tileset(NumTileSets)

    NumTextures = NumTextures + 1

    ReDim Preserve gTexture(NumTextures)

    Tex_Tileset(NumTileSets).filepath = App.Path & GFX_PATH & "tilesets\B\" & I & GFX_EXT

    Tex_Tileset(NumTileSets).Texture = NumTextures

    NumTileSets = NumTileSets + 1

    I = I + 1


    end if

    NumTileSets = NumTileSets - 1

    ' Error handler

    Exit Sub


    HandleError "CheckTilesets", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


    Exit Sub

    End Sub


    Maybe it looked like that after I edited it.
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